

technique and monitor to supervise and control a technique;The deep mineral well is high to produce to mine a concerning kit technique efficiently;The deep mineral well mines heat to harm to manage the technique and material. 3 Three times\

The exaltation number imitates the calculation and alike material to imitate etc., the thorough research mines to exercise to sink to sink regulation and earth's surface up the rock strata, studying a full foot earth's surface,building,the groundwater resources protection to need of reasonable of mine system with excellent turn parameter, develop to sink to decline the control theories and the key technique, include to use the earth's surface waste toward to fall the method work noodles to adopt the system that the empty area fill;Research and apply various to fill technique and combination to fill a technique, the village house reinforces the reformation reconstruction technique, being suitable for the village protection to mine a technique;Study the near water body mine of mine a design,the craft parameter is excellent to turn with the material, putting forward coal to mine to unify with the coal mine city diapason of mine to sink to sink a control and mine a village to descend to press coal,land to reply key techniques, such as and the mineral well water recycling...etc..

4 Excellent turn the tunnel decoration, reduce the stone to exhaust of mine a technique Improvement,perfect and existing adopt the coal method and mine a decoration, with the realization mine a performance biggest change into a target, research development the coal mine geology condition mine the tunnel decoration and the craft technique evaluation system expert system, carrying out to mine method,mine to decoration and the coal seam geology condition of superior match.

Summary expansion the absolute being group big LIU3 TA3 GONG3 ,the Anne Tsun mineral practice the whole coal lane to set out single coal seam to mine, the stone basic not deliver a ground of side, produce system consumedly simplify, respectively carry out to have no a track gum round,single track hang an assistance to transport a dragon, from the mouth of a well go directly to the work noodles, in the meantime carry out adopt to dig a synchronous development with , produce an efficiency significantly raise of empirical of in the meantime, point research high produce efficiently the mineral well expand deployment set out system with tunnel of excellent turn, simplification tunnel decoration, excellent turn adopt the area and the work noodles parameter, study single coal seam gather win expand, concentration preparation,concentrate return to the key technique for adopt, significant lower the rock lane



dig into rate, open the coal lane more, reduce a rate;Study the stone a direct processing under the well and Be the technique that the 充 fills material, since is reduce polluting emollient measure, and then simplify production system, be advantageous to high produce to concentrate to turn to mine efficiently, should step up a research. 5 Adopt a field to round a rock control technique

(1)further perfect adopt a field to round rock control theories.With science is reasonable and excellent to turn efficiently of the rock strata control technique to promise a safety of mine the activity,efficiently,low cost is target, thorough summary our country the mineral mountain pressure of several decades research result, with theories analysis(solution the method),modern mathematics mechanics(statistics analysis estimate,the number method) with measure a method to combine together the usage forerunner's calculator technique actually, deep go into study various coal seam geology and mine a condition, such as nasty tilt to one side,adopt greatly high,adopt greatly to adopt a mineral mountain pressure to present regulation and round the rock breakage and equilibrium mechanism deeply, continuously perfect adopt a field to round a rock control technique.

(2)Study a strong and tough crest plank the lath piece to descend the applied high technique low cost rock strata control technique with the broken up crest. Currently, because of applied high press to note a water,deep bore to prepare to blow up to handle a strong and tough crest plank and applied the chemistry reinforce the technique existence craft complications,cost high problem, as a result need the further research development a new technique,new craft,new material to resolve these problems.

(3)Put a coal to mine the rock strata and support-round rock interaction mechanism.Research's putting a coal to mine mechanics model and rounding a rock should the dint,crest mechanism with broken up coal,the support-crest coal-direct crest-basic crest interaction relation;Make use of a long-lost dollar the etc. method research crest coal to put to fall regulation, put forward put coal is excellent to turn standard and exaltation a crest the coal recovery rate of path.

(4)Pay to protect the quality and crest plank dynamic state monitor technique.In the aspects of tally up slowly tilt to one side win thickly grow wall work noodles openning the exhibition to protect the quality and crest plank dynamic state monitor, should further at strong and tough crest the plank,broken up crest plank,nasty tilt to one side and put a coal work noodles to open the exhibition to protect the quality and crest plank dynamic state monitor, in the



meantime should continuously perfect and existing monitor technique, develop intelligence to turn monitor system, improvement monitor appearance, make monitor appearance to keep a view,easy and convenient and small scaled turn a direction development.

(5)Pound at ground the estimate and the prevention and cure for press.Pass the mechanism that the calculator emulation research impact mineral presses to present occurrence;Finish to pound at sex mineral to press to present monitor system well further, develop to control from a distance measure and forecast a technique, the perfect impact mineral press comprehensive prevention and cure measure of excellent turn choice expert system.

(6)The research develop to pay to protect an equipments newly.Study the hard coal seam,hard crest plank puts a coal liquid to press a support, the perfect liquid presses the support function with move a system quickly, develop to bear cannon to collapse,the light type turn single body fluid to press to pay pillar with the thick coal seam tunnel anchor man and the flexible anchor man pole.

6 Small coal mine technique reformation and mechanization mine a technique

Carry out the nation closes small coal mine, eliminating to fall behind the production technique and producing an equipments, raising the technique policy of the single well scale equally, develop small scaled coal mine mechanization,the half mechanization to mine the technique and material, improve small coal mine to adopt the coal method with mine a craft, the list that raises to adopt the coal work noodles produces with the work effect;Raise the crest of the small coal mine scaleboard control technique level, reduce a scaleboard trouble rate with maximum limit.

7 Coal underground gasify a technique

The coal underground's gasifying a technique is the coal that will be placed in an underground to carry on the combustion that has a control, passing to the hot chemical effect of the coal but producing can the process of the air.The coal underground gasification technique belong to a kind of adopt the coal method specially, it belongs to nations to found.The coal underground gasifies a technique to have an investment little,the work expect to be short and take effect quickly and use a person little,the efficiency is high,the cost is low,performance good etc. advantage, particularly in keeping with our country the coal mine geology condition complications,the inferior coal comparison is high,\coal severity to have the body state of the nation, have vast of expansion application



foreground.Should continue to study perfect\kinds of typical model coal undergrounds to gasify a craft with\carry on a more large-scale underground to gasify to experiment a research, grope for the technique path of the realization\controls,3 stabilize\and carry out a consecution and stabilize to produce to investigate applied path.

[1] New mine mining design manual , in November 2006, China university of mining and technology

[2] Sun Guangyi, Guo Zhongping, coal mining, China university of mining and technology

