
42. Data on Australian house-building approvals released on Tuesday showed housing construction would continue to __________ throughout the next year. A) pull on B) drag on C) push on D) dash on正确答案: B

43. A solar day is the length of time _______ the Earth to revolve once around the Sun. A) takes B) takes it C) it takes D) one takes正确答案: C

44. Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, _______ obtaining water is not the worst.

A) for which B) to which C) of which D) in which 正确答案: C 45. His remarks left me _______ about his real purpose.

A) wondered B) wonder C) to wonder D) wondering 正确答案: D 46. Improved consumer confidence is _____________ to an economic recovery. A) coordinate B) crucial C) collective D) satisfactory正确答案: B 47. An American presidential _______ lasts for eighteen months.

A) activity B) event C) occasion D) campaign正确答案: D

48.My parents, ______ touring in Britain, are looking forward to a traditional English afternoon tea in a beautiful setting.

A) nowadays B) instantly C) presently D) publicly正确答案: C 49. Tom _____ off the field with a foot injury.

A) limped B) limbed C) limned D) lambed正确答案: A 50. He played the guitar so well that everyone was ______.

A) affected B) aroused C) effected D) impressed正确答案: D

51. The crust of the Earth was thin here, and other conditions appeared ______ for drilling. A) favorable B) imaginable C) curable D) durable正确答案: A 52. A good hunting dog is _____ to every sound and movement in the field. A) alert B) sensible C) watchful D) awake正确答案: A 53. Even the smallest baby can _____ its mother by her voice. A) confirm B) know C) claim D) identify正确答案: D

54. The war may _____, but victory is sure to belong to the peace-loving people. A) drag out B) drag on C) drag up D) drag along正确答案: B

55. The gymnast seemed to _____ to give a performance on the balance beam.

A) exercise herself B) signify her readiness C) be poised D) be trained 正确答案: C

56. A tree fallen across the road was a(n) ______ to our car and we had to push it away. A) difficulty B) stop C) help D) obstacle正确答案: D

57. Some areas, _____ their severe weather conditions, are heavily populated. A) due to B) in spite of C) but for D) with regard to正确答案: A 58. Let me know if any difficulties _____.

A) come B) rise C) arise D) happen正确答案: C

59. It is claimed that with this approach the memory can be _____.

A) ten times more efficient B) more than ten times efficient C) more efficient for ten times D) efficient for more than ten times正确答案: A

60. The changes to the national health system will first be _____ in some provinces for a try next year and carried out all over the country based on the experience later.

A) fulfilled B) popularized C) implemented D) drafted正确答案: C

2b 41. My doctor ________ me to dangers of smoking.

A) warned B) alarmed C) alerted D) told 正确答案: C

42. When we are frightened and worried, our bodies produce certain chemicals to help us fight ________ troubling us.

A) how is that B) which is C) what is D) whichever 正确答案: C

43. For many patients, institutional care is the most _______ and beneficial form of care. A) pertinent B) appropriate C) acute D) persistent 正确答案: B

44. Water enters into a great variety of chemical reactions, _______ have been mentioned in previous pages.

A) a few of it B) a few of that C) a few of them D) a few of which 正确答案: D 45. Why didn't you tell me you could lend me the money? I _______ it from the bank.

A) haven't needed to borrow B) will not need to borrow C) needn't have borrowed

D) didn't need to borrow 正确答案: C

46. Sometimes very young children have trouble _______ fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist.

A) for separating B) to separate C) having separated D) separating 正确答案: D 47. In the U.S. one of the most ___________ professions is law, a field in which writing skills are indispensable.

A) introvert B) lucrative C) beneficial D) arbitrary 正确答案: B

48. Before using your new pressure cooker, read the following ______ carefully.

A) notices B) announcement C) instructions D) advertisement 正确答案: C

49. To be idle sometimes is agreeable, but to be idle all the time might become ___________. A) monotonous B) ridiculous C) infectious D) spontaneous 正确答案: A

50. Every four years, ______ from many countries compete in a variety of sports in the Olympic Games.

A) swimmers B) athletes C) reporters D) gymnasts 正确答案: B

51. Petrol has a low boiling point; if a little is poured into the hand it soon changes into ______.

A) veil B) vapour C) vacuum D) velocity 正确答案: B

52. When the fire alarm sounds, leave the building and proceed to your ___________ point. A) assemble B) assembly C) assessment D) assistance 正确答案: B 53. Beware of the men around you who _____ fame and wealth.

A) go after B) follow up C) seek for D) desire of 正确答案: A

54. A notice has been _____ to all employees so that they can get well-prepared in time. A) sent out B) sent off C) set off D) set in 正确答案: A

55. Write down goals for the situations you want to change and an ___________ time frame for reaching each goal.

A) arbitrary B) authentic C) approximate D) artificial 正确答案: C

56. The local authority grants the company an interest-free loan to ___________ the new factory.

A) hang up B) draw up C) start up D) turn up 正确答案: C

57. Agriculture will have to undergo a __________ change to meet the needs of the new situation.

A) drastic B) critic C) plastic D) majestic 正确答案: A

58. The platform bridge over the railroad tracks _____ danger in crossing them. A) prevented B) avoided C) reduced D) eliminated 正确答案: D 59. Don’t undertake a project unless you can ___________ it.

A) complement B) compliment C) supplement D) implement 正确答案: D

60. Language is one of the most awesome tasks the human mind performs, and babies are uniquely ___________ master it.

A) appealed to B) kept to C) poised to D) occurred to 正确答案: C 2c 41.He used to be a Christian, but he is now ________ to Buddhism.

A) changed B) transformed C) turned D) converted 正确答案: D

42. The delegation would spend their first day touring around Bangkok, and after that all their plans were ________.

A) on the air B) off the air C) in the air D) by the air 正确答案: C 43. We should always ________ our own rights.

A) stand for B) stand up C) stand up for D) stand by 正确答案: C 44. The doctor told Penny that much ________ to the sun is bad for the skin. A) exposure B) extension C) exhibition D) disclosure 正确答案: A 45. Every government in the world should act ________ to combat terrorism.

A) in reunification B) in unification C) in unison D) in union 正确答案: C 46. La Poste is expecting a _________ business in parcel and express industry in China. A) lubrication B) lucrative C) profit D) shrinking 正确答案: B

47. She once again went through her composition carefully to _______ all the spelling mistakes from it.

A) exclude B) eliminate C) abolish D) diminish 正确答案: B

48. Write down goals for the situations you want to change and an ___________ time frame for reaching each goal.

A) arbitrary B) authentic C) approximate D) artificial 正确答案: C

49. Sometimes very young children have trouble _______ fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist.

A) for separating B) to separate C) having separated D) separating 正确答案: D 50. _______ the claim about German economic might, it is somewhat surprising how relatively small the German economy actually is.

A) To give B) Given C) Giving D) Having given 正确答案: B

51. Before using your new pressure cooker, read the following ______ carefully.

A) notices B) announcement C) instructions D) advertisement 正确答案: C

52.Every four years, ______ from many countries compete in a variety of sports in the Olympic Games.

A) swimmers B) athletes C) reporters D) gymnasts 正确答案: B

53. I can speak English, but simultaneous translation is beyond my _____________. A) proficiencies B) efficiencies C) capabilities D) stabilities 正确答案: C

54. The runway of this airport is undergoing ___________ to accommodate large planes. A) extension B) exposition C) expansion D) expedition 正确答案: C 55. The new car design has ___________ all the latest safety features. A) sucked B) digested C) grasped D) incorporated 正确答案: D 56.The room connects with the dining hall ___________ a hall way.

A) in accordance with B) in case of C) by means of D) by no means

正确答案: C

57. As far as the style is _____, it leaves very little to be desired.

A) involved B) concerned C) related D) connected 正确答案: B

58. Most people closely _____ a pounding heart and sweating palms with the experience of emotion.

A) classify B) identify C) satisfy D) modify 正确答案: B 59. The congress had _____ on the day previous to our visit.

A) gathered B) collected C) assembled D) interviewed 正确答案: C

60. We need to gain a clearer ___________ of how young people feel about the problem. A) foresight B) deception C) perception D) perceive 正确答案: C

2d 41.She once again went through her composition carefully to ________ all spelling mistakes from it.

A) exclude B) eliminate C) abolish D) diminish 正确答案: B 42.He always ________ extra responsibilities without any complaint. A) takes to B) takes in C) takes over D) takes on 正确答案: D

43.In the first several years of our economic reform, many military factories have been _______ into civil ones in order to meet the needs of the country.

A) altered B) converted C) changed D) transformed 正确答案: D 44.The policemen went into action _______ they heard the alarm.

A) promptly B) presently C) quickly D) directly 正确答案: D

45.Despite their good service, most inns are less costly than hotels of _______ standards. A) equivalent B) alike C) uniform D) likely 正确答案: A

46.The second book was _______ by August 1998, but two years later, the end was still nowhere in sight.

A) to have been completed B) completed C) to have completed D) to complete 正确答案: A

47.In the U.S. one of the most ___________ professions is law, a field in which writing skills are indispensable.

A) introvert B) lucrative C) beneficial D) arbitrary 正确答案: B

48.I'd like to take advantage of this opportunity to thank you all for your ______. A) profit B) benefit C) cooperation D) occasion 正确答案: C

49.To be idle sometimes is agreeable, but to be idle all the time might become ___________. A) monotonous B) ridiculous C) infectious D) spontaneous 正确答案: A 50.Tom was late again because the car ______ in the mud and couldn't move for an hour. A) got broken B) got stuck C) was blocked D) was delayed 正确答案: B 51.Fatal accidents have decreased in ___________ over recent years. A) range B) length C) frequency D) layout 正确答案: C

52.Do not place the camera near equipment that has strong ___________ fields such as a television or radio.

A) magnetic B) magic C) magical D) magnificent 正确答案: A 53.We were tired of hearing him ______ about how strong he was. A) exclaim B) remark C) refer D) boast 正确答案: D 54.The room connects with the dining hall ___________ a hall way.
