【冀教版】七年级英语下册:Unit 5 I Love Learning English!全教案

苦的工作。hard work艰苦的工作,hard 是形容词“艰难的;困苦的”work是不可数名词,“工作”;work hard意为“努力地工作(学习)”,work是动词“工作”,hard是副词“努力地” eg: The boy works hard. 这个男孩学习很努力。

(6). I can’t wait to see you! 我迫不及待地想见你。 can’t wait to do sth.意为“迫不及待地做某事”,eg:

They can’t wait to open their presents. 他们迫不及待地打开他们的礼物。

eg: I can look after myself. 我能照顾自己。


(1) Thank you for-----( help)me. (2) I’m -----(骄傲的 )of my son

(3) You did all the------ ------ (艰苦的工作)hard work yourself.。 (4) The boy ------ ------. 这个男孩学习很努力。 (5) I can’t------ to see you! 我迫不及待地想见你。。 (二)展示交流: 小组展示:

Make a phone call with your group, then show it separately. (三)拓展提升: 反馈矫正:

(1)He is ------(那么的) a clever girl.

(2)Last year ,he took part in an English ------(竞赛). (3)She is ------(自豪的) of her daughter。 (4) I can ------ ------(照看) myself。

(5) They can’t------ to open their presents. 他们迫不及待地打开

他们的礼物。 (四)课堂作业:

1:作业当堂清:做练习册一二题。 2:挑战自我:

(1) She is ------(来自) Russia. (2) It is all ------ to you.这多亏了你。 (五)板书设计: (六)当堂反思:

Lesson 27:Amazing English

Ⅰ.Learning aims:

1:Grasp main words.

2: Understand important sentences. 3: Can use important grammar. Ⅱ.Learning main points:

1: Grasp words and phrases. 2: Key sentences and structures.

3: Learn about the tips of making phone calls. Ⅲ.Learning difficulties:

1: Grasp words and phrases. 2: Can use important grammar.

3: Learn about the tips of making phone calls. 导学环节: (一)self-learning:


(1) Thank you for-----( help)me. (2) I’m -----(骄傲的 )of my son.

(3) You did all the------ ------ (艰苦的工作)hard work yourself.

(4) I can ------ ------(照看) myself. 2:互助释义:

(1). quick adj. 快的;迅速的,其反义词为:slow缓慢的; 副词为:quickly迅速地;快速地,相当于副词fast,eg: Please walk quickly/fast. 请走快点儿。

(2). even adv. 甚至;还;其实

用在比较级前,加强语气,表示程度。意为“(比……)更,还要” eg:This dictionary is even more useful than that one.这本词典比那本更用。 放在它所强调的词、短语或从句前,用来加强语气,表示“即使,甚至连……都”之意,eg: Even he can draw. 即使他也会画画。

(3). There are only 26 letters in English. 英语中只有26个

字母。there be句型表示“某地有某物”,be动词随主语和时态的变化而变化,eg: There was a meeting yesterday. 昨天有个会议。

(4). You don’t even need to move any letters around.

你甚至不必移动周围的任何一个字母。need to do sth.需要做某事,其中的need是实义动词,意为“需要”,eg: I need to repair my bicycle. 我需要修理我的自 行车。

Important Grammar 反身代词:

I-myself you-yourself he-himself she-herself it-itself you-yourselves they-themselves we-ourselves


(1) Please walk ------ 请走快点。

(2)This dictionary is------(甚至) more useful than that one. (3)There are only 26------(字母) in English. (4) I ------(需要)to repair my bicycle. (5)------(即使)he can draw this picture. (二)展示交流: 小组展示:

Talk about the amazing English, do you know something about amazing English. Discuss with your deskmate. (三)拓展提升: 反馈矫正:

(1)There are only 26------(字母) in English. (2) You don’t ------need to move any letters around. (3)------ ------(事实上),he is good at learning English. (4)She is a ------(懒惰的)girl,so no one like her.

(5)Maybe one word can make up a ------(句子)。 (四)课堂作业:

1:作业当堂清:做练习册一二题。 2:挑战自我:
