
2. 朗读下列句子,并翻译成中文。 (1)Thanks for staying in our hotel.

(2)How was your stay?

(3)Our room was big but everything was old.

(4)Our friend Robin cleaned our rooms and fixed a broken chair.

(5)My mother wanted to read a book but the lamp was too small.

(6)My dad got some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen, but they were old and tasted bad. (7)I wanted to watch TV but the TV didn’t work. (8)I’m sorry, but we didn’t enjoy our stay very much.


1. 听Read and write部分的独白,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( ) (1)The weekend in the hotel is really very good. ( ) (3)The lamp is so small that my mother can’t read. ( ) (2) I slept a little at night.

2. 听Read and write部分的独白,选择正确答案。

(1)The hamburger tasted . A. good B. great C. dad (2)What did Robin fix in the hotel?

A. The chair. B. The desk. C. The table. (3)Who listened to the loud music?

A. People in the Room 131. B. People in the Room 301. C. People in the Room 311.


1. 根据中文,写出下列单词。


铺床 做食物 破损的

台灯 修理 清理房间

大声的 享受 逗留

2. 单项选择。

( ) (1)The broken chair need to be . A. cleaned B. stayed C. fixed ( ) (2)I didn’t at night. A. sleep B. slept C. sleeping ( ) (3)I like listening music. A. in B. from C. to 3. 根据中文,完成句子。


My father some hamburgers the hotel kitchen. (2)我的妈妈想要读书。

My mother wanted to .


I want to watch TV but the TV . 教学反思:

课题:Unit 3 Where did you go ? 第(1)课时 主备教师: 复备: 审核人: 学习目标:

1、能够正确听、说、朗读What happened ? Where did you go ? 等询问发生了什么和过去哪里的交际用语。

2、能够正确听、说、认、读表示地点的名词,如:Mt.Taishan , Turpan等以及动词fell,hurt,rode,saw,eat,be,ready.


3、能够听懂、会说、会表演Let’s talk的内容,并在真实场景中运用。 学习重难点:

教学重难点:能够表演Let’s talk的内容,并能够根据实际情况用英语表达去过哪里和作了什么。

教学难点:用英语准确询问并回答去过哪里和作过什么,如:Where did you go ? Mt.Taishan , Turpan.I rode a horse. Did you go to Turpan? Yes, I did .



happened fell hurt all right Labour Day holiday rode saw Mt.Taishan Turpan

2、读一读下列句子,试着将其译为中文。 (1) What happened ?

(2) Where did you go ?

(3)I rode a horse .

(4) Did you go to Turpan .



(1)I feel off my bike last Sunday . ( ) (2)I rode a camel . ( )


(3)We saw and ate lots of grapes . ( ) 2、读课文对话回答问题。

(1)What happened last Sunday ? (2)Where did John go ?

(3)Did he go to Turpan ? (4)Did he eat lots of grapes ?


1、将下列中文句子译成英文。 (1)怎么了?





(1)What happened ? I’m OK now .

(2)Where did you go ? I feel off my bike last Sunday . (3)Are you all right ? Mt.Taishan


