
Midge’s mum wanted some eggs.

Midge went to the egg shop. He put the eggs in a bag. “Come and play,” said his friends. “I can’t,” said Midge. “My Mum wants these eggs.”

Midge saw his friend. The friend had a go-kart. Midge wanted a go. Midge put the bag down. He went on the go-kart. He forgot the eggs. A man put the bag in the cart. “Oh no!” said Midge. “The eggs!” Midge’s mum looked at the bag. “Sorry, Mum,” said Midge. Midge’s mum went to the egg shop. She got some more eggs. She put the eggs in a basket. Oh no!

19. Midge米吉

20. go-kart[英] [?ɡ?u?kɑ:t] n. 游戏用的无车体小型汽车,其商标名

3-9 Midge in Hospital.

Midge fell off his bike.

The ambulance came. The man looked an Midge’s foot. They took Midge to hospital. Midge was frightened. He didn’t want to go to hospital.

A doctor looked at Midge’s foot. A doctor gave Midge a sweet. Midge’s mum came to see him. She gave him a toy. Midge’s nan came to see him. She gave him some fruit.

Midge’s friends came to see him. They gave him some books. “It’s not so bad in hospital,” said Midge. “It’s good to be home.”

21. nan[英] [n?n] n. 奶奶(小孩儿语);圆盘烤饼


3-10 Pip and the Little Monkey.

Pip was at the zoo.

Pip’s dad was a zoo-keeper. Pip helped her dad.

They looked at a little monkey. They monkey was ill. They took the monkey home.

The monkey got better. Pip played with it. They took the monkey to the zoo.

Pip cried and cried. She wanted to keep the monkey.

They went to the monkey house. The little monkey ran to its mum. The little monkey jumped and jumped. It was happy. Pip was happy too.

3-11 Pip at he Zoo.

Pip went to the zoo.

Pip’s dad was a zoo-keeper. Pip helped her dad.

Pip gave the deer some food. The deer pushed Pip over.

Pip gave the monkeys some bananas. A monkey took Pip’s hat. Pip gave the elephants some water. The elephant took Pip’s sweets. Pip gave the parrots some fruit. A parrot pecked her finger. “Do you want to feed the crocodiles?” “No thanks,” said Pip.

22. peck[英] [pek] vt. 啄,啄食;啄出,啄穿;

3-12 Roy and the Budgie.

Roy had a budgie. He called it Joey. Joey flew out side. “Oh no!” said Roy. Roy couldn’t get Joey. Joey flew away. Roy went to the wood. He looked for Joey.

Roy couldn’t see Joey. An ostrich was in the wood. Roy looked at the ostrich. The ostrich looked at Roy. They saw the zoo-keeper. The zoo-keeper had a budgie.

“It’s my ostrich,” said the zoo-keeper. “It’s my budgie,” said Roy. “Thanks,” they said.

23. Roy n. 罗伊(男子名) 24. budgie[英] [?b?d?i] n. 相思鹦鹉 25. Joey [男子名] 乔伊 Joseph的昵称

3-13 At the Seaside.

The family went on holiday. Wilf and Wilma went, too. The hotel had burned down. “Sorry!” said the man.


They looked at a new hotel. “Too expensive,” said Mum. They looked at an old hotel. “No, thank you,” said Dad. Ever hotel was full. “Sorry!” said everyone. They had to go home. But the car broke down.

A farmer stopped his tractor. “Can I help?” he said. The farmer had a bus. “You can stay here,” he said. “What a good holiday!” said Wilf.

3-14 Kipper the Clown.

The children put on a circus.

Kipper was a clown. Floppy pulled his leg.

Chip was a strong-man. He made everyone laugh. Wilma and Biff did gymnastics.

Everyone had a drink. “What a good circus!” said Mum. Wilf was a stuntman. Kipper was fed up .

He wanted to be a stuntman. “Look at me!” he said. Everyone looked at Kipper. Oh no! “I’m a clown, after all,” said Kipper.

26. circus[英] [?s?:k?s] n. 马戏,马戏团;马戏表演(常在大帐篷里进行); 27. gymnastics[英] [d??m?n?st?ks] n. 体操,体育;体操运动 28. stuntman[英] [?st?nt?m?n] n. 特技替身演员

29. feed up[英] [fi:d ?p] 养肥; 养壮;<口>处于情绪低落状态; 对…厌烦

3-15 Kipper's Idea.

Dad took Kipper to school.

They went past the library. A lady was painting the wall. Kipper ran into the playground. He wanted to play.

There was a drawing on the wall. It was a drawing of Kipper. The wall looked a mess. Mrs May was cross. The children were painting. Kipper had an idea.

Miss Green drew circles on the wall. The children painted faces. The wall looked good. Everyone liked it. “Good for Kipper!” everyone said.

3-16 Srawberry Jam.

Dad wanted to make jam.

He picked some strawberries. They were too small.

Mum took everyone to the pick-your-own. “You can all help,” said Dad. They all picked strawberries. Kipper put some in his pocket. Chip took the strawberries to the car. The car was locked. He forgot about the strawberries.


The children had an ice cream. It was time to go home. The car ran over the strawberries. “Oh no!” said everyone. “Traffic jam!” said Dad.

3-17 The Jumble Sale.

Mum and Dad were spring-cleaning.

Mum looked in a drawer. Dad threw things out.

The children looked at the junk. They played with the old toys. Mum put the old toys in the car. The children were sad. They all went to the jumble sale.

The children wanted to buy something. “What a lot of junk!” said Wilf. The children saw their toys. They counted their money. It was time to go home. “What’s in the bags?” said Mum. Oh no!

30. spring-cleaning[英] [?spr???kli:n??] n. 春季大扫除,大扫除 31. drawer[英] [dr?:] n. 抽屉;开票人,出票人;起草者;酒馆侍者 32. junk[英] [d???k] n. 废旧物品,破烂物;中国式平底帆船;便宜货 33. jumble sale[英] [?d??mb?l seil] n. (义卖时的)杂物拍卖

3-18 The Snowman.

It was snowing. “Hooray,” said the children.

They saw wilf and Wilma. Wilf was sweeping the snow. Biff had a good idea. She made a giant snowball.

Everyone pushed the snowball. Floppy barked and barked. Wilf had an idea. He wanted to play a trick. The children made a giant snowman.

Wilf’s dad opened the door. He saw the snowman.

Wilma’s mum took a photograph. The snow fell off the roof. “Six snowmen!” said Wilma’s dad.

34. Hooray [英] [h??re?] 万岁

3-19 At the Pool.

Kipper went to the swimming pool.

Wilma’s mum took him. She took Biff and Chip, too. It was a new pool. Everyone wanted to swim.

Kipper looked for his trunks. He couldn’t find them. Kipper couldn’t go in the pool. “Sorry,” said the man. Wilma’s mum was in the water. “Oh dear,” she said.

Wilma’s mum took Kipper to a shop. She bought him new trunks. They went back to the pool. “Oh no!” said Kipper.

