
operand 操作数[廖336]

operator 操作符[廖336] 因子[吕249] operation 操作[陈45]

operational definition 操作定义[陶] ordered heterogeneity 有序异质性[陶] orthography 正字法[吕249] overlap 同时发话[陶]

overlapping antonyms 重叠两极词[廖412] R

race 种族[陶]

raising rule 提升规则[吕251]

raising-to-object 提升为宾语[吕252] raising-to-subject 提升为主语[吕252] rank 级别[廖319]

rank-shifting 调级[吕252] rank-terms 等级词[廖411]

reactive expression 起应对作用的惯用表达式[陶] reactive token 反馈形式,反应词语[陶] real 真[廖427] real time 真实时间[陶]

Received Pronunciation (RP) (英语的)标准发音[陶] recessive 隐性[陈115]

reciprocal construction 相互结构[吕252] recover 找回[廖 ] recursive 递归[陈196] recycle 话题重提[陶]

reduced main clauses 弱化了的主句[廖85] reductionist 简化式[陈112] reference 指称[廖395]

reference discourse 事实体[廖124] referent 所指对象[陈22 120 182] referential 有所指[廖40][陈119 168] referential identity 指同[廖451]

referential opacity 所指不明确性[廖359] referential tracking 指示追踪[廖237] referring expression 指示表达法[吕252] reflexive 反身[吕252]

regional official language 区域性官方语言[陶] register 语域,行话[陶]

regulative information 调节信息[陶] regulative principle 管制原则[廖373]

regularity 规律/规律性[廖394][陈64 182] relational grammar 关系语法[廖316 322]

relational hierarchy 关系等级[廖344]

relative clauses 关系子句[廖342] 关系小句[吕252] relativize 关系子句化[廖343] relevant 相关[陶]

repertoire 交际语库[陶] repetition 重复式[陶] report 报导[廖421] reporting 报道框架[陶] representation 表达[廖401]

representation function 表意功能[廖313] resolution 支配[陈42] restricted code 有限语码[陶]

restrictive relative clause 限制性关系小句[吕252] resumptive openner 承上启下式[陶] reversal 倒转[陶]

reversive 反向关系[廖412] reversives 反向词[廖413]

rheme 未知的,陈述[廖357] 述位[陈56 78] rhetoric 修辞[廖357] rhythm 节律[陈78] rituel 礼仪性[陈106] rule 规则[陈64 182]

rule-governed 受规则支配[吕252] rule government 规则支配[吕252] rule of rapport 和睦原则[陶]

rule ordering 规则编次[吕252] ruling language 统治语言[陶] S

saliency 显著度,显著性[廖218 328] sample 样本[陶]

Sapir-Whorf Hypothysis 萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说[陶] satisfactive 满足关系[廖412] scalar 层第现象[陶]

scenario 架构[廖400] 脚本[陈95] scene 情景[陈82]

schema 纲要[廖400 436] 语式[陈84] schematic organization 语式组织[陈74] schematic representation 概括表象[廖435] schools of linguistics 语言学的流派[廖305] scope 管界[廖451]

script 计划蓝本,剧本,情节[廖376 400 438] 脚本[陈82] 知识框架,知识脚本[陶] second pair part 下联[陶]

secondary tense 次级时制[陈173]

selectional restriction 选择性限制[廖408] self-contained 自足[陶]

self-embedding 自身嵌入[吕252] semantic categories 语义类[吕252] semantic coherence 语义连贯[廖236] semantic component 语义成分[廖417] semantic constant 语义常量[吕252] semantic constituent 语义成分[廖404] semantic constraints 语义约束[吕252] semantic evidence 语义验证[吕252] semantic feature 语义要素[廖417] semantic function 语义功能[吕252]

semantic interpretation 语义解释[吕253] semantic memory 语义记忆[廖376]

semantic repressentation 语义表达式[廖365] 语义示意[吕252] semantic roles 语义角色[廖332] semantic structure 语义结构[吕253] semantic trait 语义特征[廖404] semi-linguals 半语讲话人[陶] semi-meronym 半部件词[廖407]

sense 字义,用义,义素[廖47 357 365 376 405] sense-spectrum 义素连续体[廖406]

sentence 句子[廖236 420][陈63][吕253] sentence pattern 句型[吕253] sentence type 句类[吕253]

sentential adverb 全句副词[吕253] sentential code-switching 句间转换[陶] sentential complement 句形补语[吕253] separational function 分离功能[吕253] sequence 话串[廖188 420]

sequence of words 词语序列[吕253] serial order 序列[吕253] serialization 序列化[吕253]

setting and scene 环境和场合[陶] shallow structure 浅层结构[吕253] shift 移位[吕253]

show involvement with others 融洽[陶] signals grammar 信号语法[吕253] silence 冷场[陶]

simple 简单时[陈173]

simple future 简单将来时[陈174] simple past 简单过去时[陈174] simple present 简单现在时[陈174]

simplechange 单变[陈163] simplicity 简明性[廖316] situation 情景[陶]

situation type 情状类型[陈145] situational 具体语境的[廖399]

situational switching 情景性转换[陶] situationality 场合性[廖373] slot-holder 填空成分[吕253] smooth 顺畅[陶]

social fact 社会存在/实体[廖307]

social interactional activities 社会交流性活动[陶] social order 社会秩序[陶] social variable 社会变项[陶]

sociohistorical 社会历史式的[陶]

sociolinguistics 社会语言学的[廖235] socialization 社会化的过程[陶] sociolects 社会方言[陶]

sociolinguistics 社会语言学[陶] sociological 社会学的[廖235]

sociology of language 语言社会学[陶] sociophysical 社会物质[廖423]

socio-pragmatics 社会语用学[廖366] solidarity 共聚量[陶]

spatial reference point 空间参考点[廖451] speaking on a topic 讲话合题[廖396]

specific 特指[廖40] 实指[陈119] 特定性[陈40] speech accomodation theory, SAT言语适应理论[陶] speech activity 言语事件[陶]

speech acts 言语行为,言语活动[陶]

speech community 语言集团,言语共同体,语言社团[陶] speech-act verb 言行动词[廖363] split ergativity 作格二分[廖197] sprachbund 语言联合体[廖349] sprachgefühl 我的语感[陈26] staging 信息编排[廖397] standard 标准话[陶] state 状态[陈147 154] static 静态[陈152]

static product 静态的成品[陈64]

statistical universals 统计共性[廖352] stative 状态[吕253]

status planning 地位规划[陶] stereotype 成见项[陶]

strategies of communication 通讯策略[吕253]
