
discourse predicate 篇章谓词[廖236 237] discourse scope 篇章管界[廖236 237] discourse units 篇章单位[廖236]

discovery procedure 发现过程[廖309] 发现程序[陈11 43] discrete 离散的[廖332] displaced 间隔的[廖399] dissonance 不和谐[廖416] distant 距离,保持距离[陶]

distinctive features 区别成分[廖317]

distinctive feature theory 区别成分理论[廖313] distributionalists 分布学派[陈11]

distribution universals 分布共性[廖338] divergence 分离[陶]

Document Design Project, DDP 文献设计计划[陶] doing 做事[陶]

domain 认知领域[廖438]

domain of predication 表述界域[吕243] domain of transformations 转换界域[吕243] domain theory 语域理论[陶] dominances 处理中心[廖373] dominant 显性[陈115]

double articulation 双重分节[陈113] doublet 词对[廖408]

dummy filler 傀儡成分[吕244] durative 持续[陈152]

dynamic process 动态过程[陈64] E

early modern 现代早期[陶]

ease of processing 循索的便利[吕244] eclectic 折中调和[陈70]

economy principle 简练原则[廖370] effectiveness 有效性[廖374] efficiency 简易性[廖373] efficient 高效性[陈40]

elaborated code 复杂语码[陶] elaboration 标准的扩建[陶]

elementary sentence 初级句[陈45] ellipsis 省略[廖14 236]

ellipsis of arguments and frams 主目和框架的省略[廖237] embed sentence 嵌入句[吕244]

embedded construction 嵌套结构[陶] empirical evidence 立论依据[陈16]

empty category 空语类[陈17] encode 表现[陈22]

end-focus maxim 焦点在尾准则[廖359 370] endocentric 内中心[吕244] endoglossic 本土的[陶] endonym 被包含词[廖408] ends 目标与效果[陶]

end-scope maxim 辖域在尾准则[廖370]

end-weight maxim 重心在尾准则[廖359 370] entail 包含[廖194]

entailment 包含关系[廖404] entity 实体[廖435][陈120]

episodic memory 情节记忆[廖376] epistemic modality 知识情态[廖419] equi-NP-deletion 等名消除[吕244] equipollent antonyms 均等词[廖412]

ergative-absolutive system 施-受格系统[廖333] ergative case 作格[廖204][陈108] ergativity 作格格局[廖196] ethnicity 民族[陶]

ethno- 民族,民俗[陶]

ethnographical 人群学的[廖235]

ethnography of communication 交际民族志学[陶]

ethnography of speaking 言语民族志学;交际人种志学[陶] ethnomethodological 民族学的[廖235] ethnomethodology 民俗方法论[陶] European Community 欧洲共同体[陶] evaluated participation, EP 参与估价[陶] evaluation 评价体[廖124] 评价[陶] evaluatives 评价[廖423] event 事件[廖236] evidence 验证[吕244]

evoked 激发的[廖399 402] exchange 交换[廖236] excluded 排斥的[廖404] exemplar 样本[廖435]

existential sentence 存在句,呈现句[吕244] exocentric 外中心[吕244] exoglossic 外来的[陶] exonym 包含词[廖408]

expansion rule 扩展规则[吕244] expected 预期的[廖404] experiencer 感受者[廖332]

expert category 专业范畴[廖437]

explicit 明确[陈37]

expository 说明,说明体[124 236] exposition 说明体[廖124]

expression form 表达形式[陈9] expression substance 表达实体[陈9] expressive discourse 抒情体[廖124] expressive function 表情功能[廖313] expressity principle 表达力原则[廖370]

extended performative hypothesis 扩展表述句式假说[廖361] extraposition 外位[吕244] F

factive 叙实[吕244] factivity 实事性[吕244] falsification 证伪[陈26]

family resemblance 家庭成员相似性[廖434]

family resemblance category 家庭成员相似范畴[廖439] family tree theory 家族树理论[陈5] feature 特征[廖449]

feature norm 特征规范[陈106] feedback 反馈[陶]

field 场域[陈79] 范围[陶] figure 人物[廖161]

finished product 成品[陈86]

finite-state grammar 有限状态语法[陈49] first pair part 上联[陶]

flagged 插旗式,标记性[陶] flectional 融合性[廖331]

Flemish 荷兰语的佛来米语[陶] focus 焦点[廖332][陈65]

focus of information 信息焦点[陈235] focusing rules 聚焦规则[吕244] folk category 通俗范畴[廖437]

folk taxonomy 民俗分类结构[廖409] force 动力,用意[廖332 357 360] foregrounding 突出[吕244]

Foreign Service Institute美国外交学院[陶] foreigner talk 外国人腔[陶] formalism 形式主义[廖452] formalist 形式主义学派[陈14]

formalist functionalism 形式功能主义[廖357] formal universals 形式共性[廖327] formation rules 成形规则[吕244] formulaic 套语性[陈112]

forms of communication 交际形式[陶] forms of speech 言语形式[陶] fossilize 僵化[陶]

frame 框架[廖400 438 451][陈82] 交际框架[陶] framing 框架[陶]

frequency adverb 频次副词[吕245] fronting 前化[陈6]

fronting rules 移前规则[吕245] full turn 正式的话轮[陶]

function assignment 功能分配[陈96] function of communication 交际功能[陶]

functional coherence 功能连贯[廖236][陈83]

functional communicative activities 功能性交流活动[陶] functionalism 功能主义[廖452] functionalist 功能主义学派[陈14]

functional sentence perspective 功能的句子透视[廖374][陈56] function yield 功能值[廖313]

functor-content hierarchy 虚-实词等级[廖338] future 将来时[陈173] G

gapping 缺略[吕245] gender 性[吕245] general 普遍性[陈40]

general linguistics 普通语言学[廖274 320]

general linguistic theory 普通/遍语言理论[廖275] general pragmatis 普通语用法[廖365]

Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar 普遍短语结构语法[陈14] generate 概括,定义,规范[廖314 322] 生成[吕245] generation difference 代差[陶]

generative grammar 生成语法[廖322] generative phonology 生成音系学[廖318]

generative sementics 生成语义学[廖345][陈19 59] generative syntax 生成句法学[廖318] genres 言语体裁[陶] generic 通指[陈119 167] generic level 属层[廖409]

generosity maxim 宽宏的准则[廖369] genetic 起源性[陈116]

genetic linguistics 谱系语言学[陈109] gerund formation 动名词形成[吕245] gerundivization 动名词化[吕245]

given information 已知信息[陈78 187 234]
