摘 要 摘 要
关键词:注册会计师 独立性 因素 影响
Independence is the CPA audit cornerstone of the theory and practice of the soul. End of the year 2001, \the \Five\to \four\the CPA's independence has become a focus of global attention. A general review of status of China's CPA industry, its lack of auditor independence issues as worrying.In recent years, cases of audit failures have repeatedly occurred, such as MACAT, Gangxia so to accounting firms, business and society caused huge losses to reflect the CPA's lack of audit independence. However, the independence of certified public accountants are many factors related to ,the scholars have done their study and discussion but did not form a system, the view of this, the CPA's independence to be a re-thinking, detailed analysis the independence of the factors that affect the CPA, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures.
Key words: CPA; Independence; Factors; Influence
目 录 目 录
一、注册会计师审计独立性的内涵与意义 ......................................... 1 (一)注册会计师审计独立性的内涵 ............................................. 1 (二)注册会计师审计独立的意义 ............................................... 2 二、影响注册会计师独立性因素分析 ............................................. 2 (一)职业道德水平对独立性的影响 ............................................. 3 (二)客户压力对独立性的影响 ................................................. 3 (三)非审计业务对独立性的影响 ............................................... 4 (四)事务所规模对独立性的影响 ............................................... 4 (五)审计收费对独立性的影响 ................................................. 5 (六)法律责任对独立性的影响 ................................................. 5 三、治理对策 ................................................................. 6 (一)加强注册会计师职业道德教育 ............................................. 6 (二)限定审计委托主体 ....................................................... 6 (三)规范非审计业务 ......................................................... 7 (四)利用合并来发展其规模 ................................................... 8 (五)确保审计收费的数额 ..................................................... 8 (六)强化民事赔偿制度 ....................................................... 9 主要参考文献 ................................................................ 10 后 记 ...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。