Unit 5 Lets celebrate!教案

Write a short passage about Halloween.

Grammar-Asking ‘wh–’questions

Teaching Aims:

1 learn how to use ?wh–?questions to talk about the information 2 3

use what we have learned to talk with others learn how to use English to ask questions more often

Teaching importance:

1 Learn the meaning of what, which, who, whose, when, where, why, how and so on,

and learn how to use them.

2 Learn how to use the grammar to talk about the festivals。 Teaching preparation: 1 2

multi-media stationery

Teaching contents:

Basic contents:

words:when why pencil case by fish train kitchen must money phrases:model train Other contents:

words: red packet

phrases:go on holiday

sentences:Mid-Autumn is coming.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Free talk (teacher asks these questions) What is your name? How old are you? When is your birthday?


Where do you live?

Which sport do you like best? Who is your favourite star? How do you go to Beijing?

Whose pencil case is this?(pencil case is a new phrase,take the pencil case in

the hand and ask this question)

Why are you so happy today?

Show the summary of the usage about What, How ,When, Where, Which, Who, Why,whose, and learn them. Step 2.work in pairs

Ask and answer. Make short dialogues to talk about the objects , or the information of the deskmate.

what----Activity or thing (对行为和事物提问) A: What do you do on weekends? B:… A: What do you like doing best? B:… which----Thing or person (对特定的人或事物提问) A: Which pop song do you like best? B:… A: Which pop singer do you like best? B:… who----Person (对人提问)

A: Who will take part in the Olympic ping pong match? B:… A: Who do you think will be the winner of this game? B:… whose----Possession (对人的所有关系提问)

A: Whose favourite player is Yaoming? B:… A: Whose favourite book is “Harry Potter”? B:… when----Time (对时间提问)

A: When will the next Olympic Games begin? B:…

A: When did you watch the opening ceremony(开幕式)of Beijing Olympic Games?


At the same time, teach students how to use “how”, learn how, how old, how tall, how


often, how many, how soon and so on by learning Millie?s life. Step 3. Exercises

1. Complete the exercise on page 61A

2. Complete the exercises on the book: page 62, and check the answer. 3. Choose the topic, make the dialogue in pairs. (1)festivals

What festivals do you know?/ Which one do you like best?/Why?/What do you

do on that day?... (2) School life

1. When does it begin?

2. How many lessons do you have a day?

3. Which is your favorite lesson/teacher/What do you do after School?/… (3) Birthday

1.How old are you? 2.When is your birthday? 3.How do you celebrate It? 4.Who will you invite ? 5.What do you do on your party? Step 4 Homework

(1)Complete Period 3 in learning with English (2)Review the important phrases in Period 3

Integrated skills

Teaching aims:

1. Understand the paragraph about festivals, catch the simple information from the listening.

2. Find the points from the poster and the picture.

3. Get some knowledge about how to celebrate Chinese traditional festivals overseas by reading the short passage and the poster.


4. Improve the students? ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Teaching important:

1 New words, especially the pronunciation.

2 Practice listening, speaking, reading and writing according to the topic “ How to celebrate Chinese New Year”. Teaching preparation: Tape, radio, multi-media Teaching contents: Basic contents

words: lion date place time excited traditional phrases:lion dance from …to… at night sentences:Which is your favorite day in the year? When is your birthday? Who gives you the present? Other contents:

words:midnight firework phrases:so much

sentences:It is my first time to see it.

Why do you like your birthday so much? Teaching procedures: Step 1 Game

Teacher says:Now let?s play a guessing game .We have known a lot of festivals. I will tell you something about one festival. Then you should tell me what the festival it is.Mid-autumn: On that day , we often eat moon cakes and watch the moon…. Teachers? Day: We often give flowers and cards to our teachers on that day…. Halloween: We often play a game called “trick or treat”…

Chinese New Year: Children can get red packets and families can get together…. Step 2 Presentation

1. Now let?s learn more about Chinese New Year(通过介绍新年来导入本课生词---粗体划线)

