2018-2019学年高二英语外研版选修七精练:Module 4 课下能力提升(十四)



1.Mo Yan, a most widely-read writer, takes a complete new_approach (方法) to describing China's rural and folk culture.

2.The air quality in our city, as is shown in the chart, has_declined (下降) over the last three months.

3.Today I sat at my computer, speaking these words through a microphone (麦克风). 4.For some people, a rap (说唱乐) — the music of the hip-hop generation — is just so much noise.

5.I think that the art of a storyteller is to take the story and improvise (即兴表演) on it. 6.In case of emergency (emerge), break the glass and press the button. 7.I wonder when it was that Mr. Black changed his mind to take part in the movement (move).

8.The reasons for its popularity are its fast pace and rhythmic (rhythm) beat. 9.The tongue is one of the vocal (voice) music. 10.Sometimes simple solutions require sophisticated (sophisticate) technologies. Ⅱ.选词填空

side by side, be bored with, rather than, consist of, apart from, dance to, make up, take advantage of

1.The children are_bored_with eating the same kind of food every day. 2.We had better take_advantage_of_the warmer weather by going for a walk this afternoon. 3.Even though they have been living_side_by_side for twenty years, the neighbours are not very friendly.

4.Enter their world and stand beside them, rather_than in opposition. 5.Life consists_of not only sunshine but also hard times. 6.Apart_from good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes. 7.The woman heard familiar music she'd like to dance_to. 8.When she was asked why she was late, she made_up an excuse to the teacher. Ⅲ.完成句子


The student encouraged_by_his_teacher worked harder than ever before. 2.事已清楚,这家公司准备出售。

It_emerged_that the company was going to be sold. 3.我一到北京就感到耳目一新。

I found myself in an entirely new world the_moment_I_arrived in Beijing. 4.煤矿被关闭以后这座城市开始衰落。 The city_fell_into_decline after the mine closed. 5.随着期末考试的临近,所有学生都忙着复习功课。

With the_final-term_exam_approaching,_all the students are busy reviewing their lessons. Ⅳ.阅读理解


The audience start to scream and young people all over Britain turn on their TVs. Yes, it's Top of the Pops!

Top of the Pops is an amazing 34-year-old TV programme. Pop stars from all over the world appear on this successful TV programme. After 1,800 shows, it's still the most popular pop music show in Britain. So what's the secret?

“We get lots of bands to perform live in the studio,” says producer Chris Cowey.“That just doesn't happen on other shows.”

Chris starts planning the programme over a week before it goes out. His first job is to decide which bands to have on the show. When the chart of the top twenty songs is produced on Sunday, Chris can start to book the bands.

Monday starts with Chris meeting his sound, lighting and camera workers. They listen to each song and plan the show. Tuesday is paperwork day. There are booking to make sure of letters to answer and lots of phone calls to make. The show is on Thursday. Bands arrive at the studio from 10 o'clock in the morning and start practicing. Tonight's presenter, Jo Whiley, practices too.

First the bands go to make-up. Judy and Issy are the make-up artists.“We see the stars with no make-up on, looking terrible,” says Issy. Then the bands go to the costume department where Marianne dresses the stars.

Back in the studio things are happening. The audience are practicing their dance moves! It takes over two hours to record the whole programme, then Chris edits it all night long. The final version is exactly 29 minutes long.

语篇解读:本文主要介绍了受英国人欢迎的电视节目Top of the Pops的制作过程。 1.What makes Top of the Pops still the most popular in Britain? A.The live performances in the studio.

B.The jobs carefully done by the workers of the TV station.

C.The great fame of the bands.

D.The large numbers of pop fans in Britain.

解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第三段可知,这个节目成功的关键是“perform live in the studio”,故选A。

2.When the bands receive the invitations to the performance, ________. A.they must decide on the songs

B.they don't have to decide what songs they will perform C.the songs that will be performed haven't been decided on D.they have no idea what songs they will perform

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“When the chart of the top twenty songs is produced on Sunday, Chris can start to book the bands.”可知,歌曲定下后再邀请乐队,故选B。

3.The underlined word “costume” in Paragraph 6 probably means “________”. A.make-up C.studio

B.stage D.clothes

解析:选D 词义猜测题。根据该词后面的定语从句“where Marianne dresses the stars”可知选D。

4.Which is the proper title for the passage? A.More Popular, More Successful B.A Stage for Pop Stars

C.Go Backstage of Top of the Pops D.A Popular Live Band

解析:选C 标题归纳题。本文主要介绍的是受英国人欢迎的电视节目Top of the Pops的制作过程,C项能够概括全文。


Listening to music can help me focus better. Since I discovered it two years ago, I've used music to get through boring work or to focus creatively. I've found that it can make even the dullest jobs enjoyable and help clear mental blocks to creativity.

I first noticed the good effects of music while playing video games. It was a few days before Christmas in 2008 and I was playing online video games. My parents had just given me a new MP3, so I decided to listen to music through the headphones while I played. After a few minutes I noticed a great change in my style of play. I was playing more naturally. The music relaxed me, and, to a certain extent, distracted me from the game, allowing my subconscious (潜意识的) talent to come through. The music also helped me block out the outside world. With those headphones on I was like a machine, moving from one task to the next without unnecessary thoughts or actions.

Music can also have a great effect on mood. If I'm in a bad mood at work, I'll listen to some of Bob Marley's and get down to business. It always takes my mind off what I'm doing and makes me a happier person. The same is true for classic rock. One summer, I did a boring job collecting bottle openers by hand. Without a radio playing classic rock in the background, I would have hated life.

Listening to music with relaxing rhythms and a positive message helps you forget your work and think happy thoughts. But the results you see will depend heavily on your personal tastes. Experiment with the types of music you listen to during certain tasks. By trial and error you'll finally discover your best choice, I'm always looking for new concentration aids, so I'd love to know what type of music works best for me.

语篇解读:本文作者通过自己的亲身经历说明了听音乐的好处。 5.We can infer that the passage was written in ________. A.2005 C.2010

B.2006 D.2008

解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第一段的“Since I discovered it two years ago ...”可知,作者两年前发现了听音乐的好处;根据第二段的“It was a few days before Christmas in 2008 ...”可知,作者指的两年前是2008年,因此写这篇文章的时间是2010年。

6.The author first discovered the effects of music ________. A.from his parents C.at work

B.by chance

D.when he was a child

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段的“...I was playing online video games ...After a few minutes I noticed a great change in my style of play.”可知,作者在玩游戏时偶然发现了听音乐的巨大作用。

7.The author mentions the experience of collecting bottle openers in Paragraph 3 to ________.
