
(五) 征服 (conquest or subjugation) 现代领土变更的新方式 (一) 民族自决 (二) 公民投票 (三) 收复失地 (四) 交换领土

20.边境制度主要内容:Contents a. Maintenance of boundaries

b. Utilizing and protecting the boundary river

c. Utilizing and protecting the natural resources of frontier d. Frontier inspection e. Frontier trade and traffic

Conception: Boundaries are the imaginary lines on the surface of the earth which separate the territory of one state from that of another, or from inappropriate territory, or from the high sea.

Methods for delimiting the boundaries: a. Boundaries by topography b. Boundaries by geography

c. Boundaries by the line of latitude and longitude Two circumstances for delimitation:

a. According to the traditional Customary rules b. According to the bilateral treaties Procedure of delimiting the boundaries: a. Delimitation b. Demarcation

c. Constitute the boundary protocol and boundary map 边界的概念和法律地位:


国家边界是不容侵犯的,侵犯国家边界就是侵犯一个国家的主权和领土完整,是国际法所禁止的国际不法行为。 2. 边界的分类:


边界可分为自然的和人为的两种。自然边界即利用天然地形所形成的分界线,如山脉、河流等,亦称为地形边界。人为边界不问地形,或者以经纬度划分,称为天文学边界;或者以两个固定点之间的直线划分,称为几何学边界。 3. 边界的划定:


(一) 以山脉为界时,边界的划定一般以分水岭为准。

(二) 以河流为界时,通航河流以主航道中心线为界,不通航河流则以中间线为界。 (三) 河流上的桥梁以桥的中间为界。 (四) 湖泊以中间为界。 4. 边界的形成与划分


通过双边条约划定边界通常经过两个阶段,即定界和标界。定界是指有关国家经过边界谈判,将其双方达成一致意见的两国边界的主要位置和基本走向载入两国签订的边界条约。 边界条约签订之后,缔约国双方进入标界阶段,具体实施边界条约条款。标界通常由双方代表组成的边界委员会进行实地勘察,根据边界条约确定的边界的主要位置和基本走向进行实地划界并树立界标,最后制定边界议定书和边界地图。一旦实地标界工作完成,边界委员会的任务即告终止。


(一) 如果界桩位置与地图所标的界线不符,应以地图为准。 (二) 如果地图的画法与议定书所载的界线不符,应以议定书为准。 (三) 如果议定书与条约规定不符,应以条约规定为准。 21.划界冲突问题:

According to the fundamental principles of international law, one of which is that disputes should be settled peacefully, there are two methods to resolve the boundary dispute: a. Negotiate and make treaties

b. Settled by International arbitration or international judicial procedure

c. Uti possidetis (as you (now) possess; a principle in international law that a treaty of peace between belligerents vests in them respectively as absolute property the territory under their actual control, etc )


Antarctica shall be used for peaceful purposes only . 南极专为和平目的所利用 International cooperation in scientific investigation 科研自由和国际合作 No claim to territorial sovereignty in Antarctica by all states 冻结领土主权要求 Supervised by other sates 环境保护和生物资源的保护 Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings (ATCM) 定期举行南极协商会议 23.海洋法公约: Jurisdiction

Article 28 Civil jurisdiction in relation to foreign ships

1. The coastal State should not stop or divert a foreign ship passing through the territorial sea for the purpose of exercising civil jurisdiction in relation to a person on board the ship.

2. The coastal State may not levy execution against or arrest the ship for the purpose of any civil proceedings, save only in respect of obligations or liabilities assumed or incurred by the ship itself in the course or for the purpose of its voyage through the waters of the coastal State.

Article 38 Right of transit passage

1. In straits referred to in article 37, all ships and aircraft enjoy the right of transit passage, which shall not be impeded; except that, if the strait is formed by an island of a State bordering the strait and its mainland, transit passage shall not apply if there exists seaward of the island a route through the high seas or through an exclusive economic zone of similar convenience with respect to navigational and hydrographical characteristics. Rights, jurisdiction and duties of the coastal State in the exclusive economic zone

Article 56 1. In the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State has:

(a) sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources, whether living or non-living, of the waters superjacent to the seabed and of the seabed and its subsoil, and with regard to other activities for the economic exploitation and exploration of the zone, such as the production of energy from the water, currents and winds;

(b) jurisdiction as provided for in the relevant provisions of this Convention with regard to:

(i) the establishment and use of artificial islands, installations and structures; (ii) marine scientific research;

(iii) the protection and preservation of the marine environment; (c) other rights and duties provided for in this Convention.

2. In exercising its rights and performing its duties under this Convention in the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State shall have due regard to the rights and duties of other States and shall act in a manner compatible with the provisions of this Convention. 3. The rights set out in this article with respect to the seabed and subsoil shall be exercised in accordance with Part VI.

Article 83 Delimitation of the continental shelf between States with opposite or adjacent coasts

1. The delimitation of the continental shelf between States with opposite or adjacent coasts shall be effected by agreement on the basis of international law, as referred to in Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, in order to achieve an equitable solution.

Article110 Right of visit

1. Except where acts of interference derive from powers conferred by treaty, a warship which encounters on the high seas a foreign ship, other than a ship entitled to complete immunity in accordance with articles 95 and 96, is not justified in boarding it unless there is reasonable ground for suspecting that: (a) the ship is engaged in piracy; (b) the ship is engaged in the slave trade;

(c) the ship is engaged in unauthorized broadcasting and the flag State of the warship has jurisdiction under article 109; (d) the ship is without nationality; or

(e) though flying a foreign flag or refusing to show its flag, the ship is, in reality, of the same nationality as the warship.
