
Introduction to the complaint.

a complaint




ice cream



Understanding the Text 2

4. He is in making the complaint and eager to find out why his car has such a problem. Part III (Paras. 6-12) Main idea: into the complaint Major points: 1. The Pontiac engineer visits the man who has made the complaint. 2. The car really doesn’t start when vanilla ice cream is bought. 3. The engineer pays attention to details so as to find out why. 4. The engineer gets the clue to the problem: the of the store makes vanilla ice cream easily available before the engine of the car cools down sufficiently to restart.










Understanding the Text 2

Part III (Paras. 13-15) Main idea: drawn from the event. Major points: 1. Even crazy-looking problems are sometimes real and all problems seem simple when we fnd the solution with . 2. Don’t just say something is “IMPOSSIBLE” without first putting in sincere effort. 3. Observe the word “IMPOSSIBLE” carefully. Inside it you can see the words “I’M POSSIBLE.”



cool thinking



Understanding the Text 1


Understanding the Text Understanding the Details 3

Read the text again and answer the following multiple-choice questions.

1) How did the Pontiac Division respond to the customer’s first complaint

A) It considered it crazy. B) It took it very seriously.

D) It blamed the man for the problem.

C) It made no response.


Understanding the Text 1


Understanding the Text

2) When does the family in the story get ice cream for dessert

A) Before dinner. B) In the middle of dinner. C) In the morning.

D) After dinner.


Understanding the Text 1


Understanding the Text

3) What problem is there during the customer’s trips to the ice cream store

A) Vanilla ice cream is hard to get if he drives his Pontiac to the store.

C) All ice cream flavors besides vanilla are expensive.
