

1)如何进行主语的推导? 2)汉译英时主语的转移有何限制? 3)汉英话题结构的翻译有何明显趋势?

第四章 汉译英中的主谓定位

(SV Placement)

第一、推导主语; 第二、转移主语; 第三、结构主语


a. 办喜事要选个良辰吉日。

We usually choose an auspicious day for wedding. b. 临别赠言,永志不忘。

I will never forget your parting advice. c. 久仰大名,如雷贯耳。

Your name has long resounded in my ear. d. 三十年寻芳,留下一片相思地。

I roamed over the land for 30 years looking for true love only to leave my heart in love-sickness.


君问归期未有期,巴山夜雨涨秋池。 何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时 《夜雨寄北》

Night rains: to My Wife up North 君问归期未有期,巴山夜雨涨秋池。

You ask how long before I come .Still no date is set. The night rains on Mount Pa swell the autumn pool. 何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时。

When shall we, side by side, trim a candle at the west window, And talk to the time of the night rains on Mount Pa? “莫笑我无双国士,任处处无上欢迎; 实乃是无足轻重,大半世无臭无声; 笑谈处无伤大雅,酒醉后无始无边。 爱只爱无肠公子,笑骂我无赖无聊; 自任我无冬无夏,看世界无颇无偏。” 《济公自嘲诗》(佚名)



诗中出现了十五个“无”字,代表“南无阿弥陀佛”,据说还暗指指学中的十五个“法相”。 这种充满审美修辞立意的诗显然是很难翻译的。原诗十五个“无”字更是无法表达。全诗具有浓郁的民族文化色彩,使济公神情与丰姿跃然纸上。


Please don’t laugh at me –– I’m a man of superior talent, enjoy real popularity. 实乃是无足轻重,大半世无臭无声;

To be perfectly honest I’m nobody, just a small potato. 笑谈处无伤大雅,酒醉后无始无边。

It doesn’t matter if I make ridiculous comments. I become even more crazy after drinking.


I like eating crabs and because of this people take me to be a hopeless monk 自任我无冬无夏,看世界无颇无偏。

But I don’t care what they say just as I don’t care whether it’s summer or winter. But remember, I’m always unbiased toward every one and everything in the world.


①是否与原意、原语意向相吻合; ②是否便于搭配上适合的动词作谓语; ③是否符合目的语文化中的语用传统或倾向。


吃饭吃面 他都无所谓。

a. Noodles or rice shouldn’t make any difference to him. b. He doesn’t mind eating noodles or rice.

c. There’s no difference to him whether to eat noodles or rice.


1. 是成是败可就不敢说了。

Nobody can say for sure that who is going to win. 2. 总得按事件的轻重缓急来处理。

After all priority will be given to urgency of the case.


3. 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。



One ant hole may cause the collapse of a big dike. 4.任何人也不能以不知法为借口,不受法律的制裁。

A. No one can avoid being punished by the law with the excuse of his ignorance of it. B. Ignorance of the law excuses no man from practising it.



①汉语中以话题主语占优势,而汉语话题常常不能做英语的施事; ②汉语句子的主语词性有周遍性,如形容词、动词等均可,英语却不行。 请看例句:

1. 法律条文不应模棱两可。汉谓→英主 Ambiguity should be avoided in law articles. 2. 玩魔术、变戏法不是政治。汉表→英主 Politics is not conjuration.

3. 小蚊子把我烦死了!汉宾→英主 I’m pestered with midges.

4. 最易磨损的是鞋跟的外侧。汉修→英主 The shoe heels are easily worn out on the outer side.

5. 他批起别人来很尖刻,别人也就这样回敬他了。汉动→英主 His poignant criticisms now rebounded upon himself.

6. 老太婆莫名其妙地摇头晃脑,谁也不知道她在想什么。汉宾→英主

The old woman’s head rolled on her shoulders mysteriously, and nobody knows what’s in her mind.

7. 心里怀着这个疑团我才开腔说话。汉谓

My first words were exactly prompted by my troubled incertitude.

8. 天才的百分之一是灵感,百分之九十九是汗水。

Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration. 9. 作者掌握了该学科的基本理论,这一点是没有疑问的。 The author’s grasp of the rudiments of the theory is unquestionable. 10. 生活可不像做菜:一个菜没有烧好,你可以不吃。

Cooking is not like life. If you get a bad meal, you don’t have to eat it. 11. 母亲不愿女儿继承的唯一一件东西就是自己油嘴滑舌。

A fluent tongue is the only thing a mother doesn’t like her daughter to resemble her.



小结: 转移主语是没有什么限制的:哪一个意念、哪一个词语适合作英语的主语并便于



结构主语也可以说是一种完形主语,一般指加上―it ‖。―there be‖句式也是一种结构完形句。 1. 至今还不知道洛克比空难是哪个恐怖组织干的。

It remains unclear which terrorist group was responsible for the Lockerbie disaster. 2. 保险可分多种,主要有水险、火险、人寿保险以及事故保险等四种。 There are four main classes of insurances: marine, fire, life and accident. 3. 为开采木材、石油和矿物资源,人类对遥远地区的步步逼进还在继续。

There is increased intrusion by human beings into remote areas for exploitation of timber, oil and mineral resources.

4. 看起来很刺眼。 It jars with the surroundings. 5. 似乎有点说不过去。 It seems hardly justifiable.

第五章 汉译英中的句子整合问题


了解形合与意合,掌握汉语叠式结构的英译。 2.教学内容

1)形合与意合(0.5学时) 2)分清主次,整合全句(0.5学时) 3)汉语叠式结构的英译

3.教学重点和难点 形合与意合。

4.实践教学环节 (1学时) 1)汉译英练笔50篇之3 5.本章思考题

1)英语词语的形合和句法的形合分别常用哪些手段? 2)为什么说汉译英时句子整合十分重要?

第五章 汉译英中的句子整合问题

㈠形合与意合 (hypotaxis and parataxis)

