

It never occurred to us that he was the black sheep of his family.

(二)汉语谓语动词的分析和翻译 第一、汉语谓语动词结构分析 1. 连动式谓语 (Seriate Verbs) 2. 兼语式谓语(Pivotal Verbs)

3. 紧缩式谓语(Contracted verb pattern) 第二、汉语谓语动词形式与翻译 1. “连动式”谓语 (Seriate Verbs) ①并列式 ②从属式 ③链式


V1(O1 or X1)+ V2 (O2 or X2)两个动词表示先后关系或同时关系。


A. 我悄悄地披了大衫,带上门出去了。

Shrugging on an overcoat, I made my way out, closing the door behind me. B. 他的朋友阻止道:―不可性急。‖

His friend checked him and said: “Hold your horse.” C.会客赴宴: V1(O1)+ V2(O2) receive visitors and attend dinner parties D.脱了鞋进屋: V1(O1)+ V2(O2) take off shoes and enter the room E.敲锣打鼓: V1(O1)+ V2(O2) beat drums and strike gongs

注意:看似并列的连动在汉英转换中却不能机械地以and连接。 ①作词类分析: 来龙去脉

(“来、去”在词组中都是修饰语,不是动词) beginning and end ( origin and evolution) 请试译: 披头散发 穿针引线




很多并列式连动只是一种离合式复迭,不能用and去连接前后两个词组。 披头散发

(wear one’s hair loose) 穿针引线

(act as a go-between) (be a match-maker) ②从属式的形式及英译

V1(O1 or X1)→V2 (O2 or X2),几个动词有主次之分,主要动词与次要动词之间有逻辑联接关系。



A. 那晚天黑得伸手不见五指。(条件结果)

The night was so dark that you could hardly see your hand in front of your face. B. 我们必须以高度的历史责任感和时代紧迫感,继续集中力量进行经济建设,进一步发展和壮大自己。(目的)

With a high sense of responsibility for the nation and the people and awareness of urgency, we will concentrate on economic construction in the hope of further strengthening and developing the nation.

C. 她1933年到上海定居,在那里,她的创作进入了一个新的高潮期。(处所) She settled in Shanghai in 1933, where her literary creation entered another period of flourishing.

干完就走 (条件关系)

go as soon as/until the job is done 替谁干活 (对象关系) do the job for whom 屈膝求饶 (方式关系) beg for mercy on one’s knees 立等可取 (时间关系) ready while you wait

烤火取暖 (目的/方式关系) warm oneself by the fire 关门捉贼

keep the door closed to catch the thief




S V1(O1 or X1)V2(O2 or X2)?Vn(On or Xn)





He asked for leave to go home by air to see his family. B.这个犯罪团伙持枪劫车杀人越货,真是罪大莫及。

This band of criminals has hijacked trucks and looted the goods by killing drivers with guns. Even death cannot atone for their sins.

2. 兼语式的结构与英译

兼语式的基本结构是S1V1(O1=S2)V2(O2) ,如:我们派他做代表。


A. 近几年中国政府一直鼓励外商参与重点经济建设项目和现有企业的技术改造 In recent years China has been encouraging foreign businessmen to actively participate in China’s construction projects and the technological transformation of some existing enterprises.

B. 当局要求灾区群众开展生产自救,重建家园。

The authorities urged the people in the flood-stricken areas to overcome the adversity through greater production and to rebuild their own homes. C. 国际社会呼吁交战双方早日达成停火协议。

The international community appealed to the warring sides for an earliest possible cease-fire agreement. ? 利用英语中表示―致使‖、―促成‖意义的动词,翻译汉语兼语式谓语。例如: A. 经济的腾飞使中国在国际事务中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

The booming economy enables China to play a more and more important role in the world affairs.

B. 她优美的歌声令听众如醉如痴。

The singer’s beautiful voice enraptured the audience.

C. 这些项目具有技术起点高、经济效益好、市场潜力大、发展后劲足等特点,能够使投资者获得可观的效益。

With a solid technical basis, sound economic efficiency, great market potential and bright prospective, these projects will secure good economic results for the investors. 19


? 兼语式的第一个动词为―表扬‖、―称赞‖、―埋怨‖、―责怪‖、―批评‖等时,往往可将第二个动词译成英语中表示原因的短语或从句。

A. 那位评论家指责该书作者有剽窃行为。

The critic criticized the author of the book for plagiarism. B. 联合国粮农组织的高级官员在世界粮食大会上盛赞中国致力于解决十二亿人中的温饱问题。

At the World Food Conference, senior officials from the UNFAO highly praised China for its endeavors in solving the problem of feeding and clothing its 1.2 billion population.

? 很多情况下,兼语式的英译需根据上下文和英语习惯灵活处理。 A. 我劝你还是投案自首,以求宽大处理。

You’d better surrender yourself to the police in the hope of being accorded lenient treatment. B. 当局禁止该影片上映。

The film came under the ban of censor.

? 注意辨别兼语式。许多表层结构很像兼语式样的结构,其实不是兼语式。例如: A. 找份报纸看看。 I want to read a newspaper. B. 我记得他来过这里。

I remember that he had come here.

3.紧缩式(contracted verb pattern):这种结构往往可以补入很多被紧缩掉的成分。常根据上下文和英语表达习惯灵活处理。如:


You’ll be all right after taking some medicine to bring down your fever. B.爱去不去。

I don’t mind whether you go or not. C.你许下的诺言非信守不可。(关联词) It’s a promise you made. You ought to keep it. D.对这种人还是以礼相待为好。

To this kind of people, try to be civil and polite. E.一吃药就吐。

spew out whatever medicine on takes 请翻译下列句子

1. 地震使这座城市变成了废墟。 2. 我们将随时让你知道情况。 3. 几乎所有的人都希望他倒霉。 4. 他们谴责他的和平努力是背叛。

