
SMD Summary smdsum.erf Orbotech AOI Checks cdr.erf

CDR NFP Spacing cdr_nfp_spacing.erf CDR Clearances Detection cdr_pos_clr.erf

Microvia Checks microvia.erf Pads for Drills pd.erf Power Ground (GLT) pg_lt.erf

Legend Detection nomenclr.erf Construct Pads [Auto.] auto_subst.erf Construct Pads [Auto.,All Angles] autono90_subst.erf

Construct Pads [Ref.] Set SMD Attribute Line Unification Cross-Hatch Detection Redundant Line Removal Legend Detection Construct Pads [Auto.] Construct Pads [Auto.,All Angles] Construct Pads [Ref.] Set SMD Attribute Line Unification Cross-Hatch Detection Redundant Line Removal NFP Removal Draw To Outline Pad Snapping Pin Holes Elimination NeckDown Repair Classic Silver Fill Silver & Acute Angles Sliver & Peelable Repair Legend Silver Fill Tangency Elimination Signal Layer Opt Line Width Opt Power / Ground Opt Solder Mask Opt Silk Screen opt Solder Paste Opt Positive Plane Opt Etch Compensation Tear Drop Creation Advanced Teardrop Creation Copper Balancing BGA Tie Line Generation Parallel Spacing Optimization

ref_subst.erf set_smd.erf line_uni.erf cross_hatch.erf nflr.erf

nomenclr.erf auto_subst.erf autono90_subst.erf

ref_subst.erf set_smd.erf line_uni.erf cross_hatch.erf nflr.erf

nfpr.erf f_toutln.erf pad_snap.erf clean_holes.erf neck.erf silver_fill.erf smooth.erf local_min.erf txt_silver.erf tan_elm.erf sigopt.erf

neckdown.erf pgo.erf

smcc.erf tan_elm.erf sop.erf

pco.erf cmpetch.erf td.erf tear_drop.erf

balance.erf bga_tie.erf spacing_opt.erf


Hammer Head Etch Compensation

Dynamic Etch Compensation detch.erf Dynamic Etch Compensation (Simplified) ddetch.erf

Drills Touching Copper Count drill_touch.erf

Punch To Drill punch_to_drill.erf Net Points Generation tp.erf


.name 程序的名称

.uid 内部使用不用修改

.menu 程序菜单的位置 ,也就是你启动这个程序后,画面的位置 .param 画面以及各项参数的值的范围设定 。model 模组的名称,

units 单位 有inch和metric两种 。color 设置及过分类报告的三种颜色 。pdef action画面的各项参数预设定值 。ranges 个分类报告的等级归纳

。vars 变数 (咱们修改的主要就是变数 )它直接影响执行结果的重要变数以及开关 .name NLSE(\对应的程序启动的时候显示的名称 (信号层优化 ) 这个不需要修改

.uid valor_dfm_sigopt 内部使用参数,不需要修改 .modify 内部参数,不要修改

。menu, 软件启动的时候,画面的位置不要修改

。param 画面参数的预设定制这儿也不需要修改,真正要修改面板的参数值,可以到下面修改 上面这些都是共有的

下面讲解一下模组 ,也就是如何设置一个模组 erf里边各项参数繁多

也就是你设置一组参数无法满足需求 ,又不愿意每次都修改 ,所以这些参数,就需要定义成不同的模组 。使用的时候,只需要咱们调用不同模组即可 。每一个模组都可以自己设置自己的默认值 genesis软件默认的模组有2个:一个是给英制的; 一个是给公制的。 咱们先分析一下genesis自己带的模组 然后等一下自己定义修改一个模组


################### Start of model Inner Layers (Mils) ###################################### 一个模组的开头 一个模组的结尾

################### End of model Inner Layers (Mils) ###################################### 开头和结尾中间的部分

就是一个独立的模组 。模组里都有哪些东西 ,也就是咱们定义模组,可以修改哪些内容:

.model Inner Layers (Mils) 模组的名称 ,也就是这个模组是什么名字 ,例如以后咱们需要建立2个模组 :1个是,加大pad的模组 ,一个是削pad的模组

.model Inner Layers (Mils) 这是一个信号层优化的画面



就是单击上边的erf 这儿显示的名子


也就是在这儿显示的名子 这儿显示了2个 说明我建立了2个模组

.units inch 单位,英制

.colors 991010 999910 109010 # Colors set to red yellow green. 设定结果分析显示的颜色 :红,黄,绿


例如红色,说明出现严重错误 ,这上边需要咱们修改的东西 。

就是模组的名称。ranges分类报告的等级归纳,例如那种情况是红色的等级,那种情况是红色等级 。

# Define ranges (how results should be captured / presented). .ranges

arg_repaired = 0,0.1,1000 # Range - reports places where the annular ring has been fixed.

arg_violation_min = 1000,1001,1002 # Range - reports places where the annular ring cannot be increased to the minimum required value.

arg_violation_opt = 0,1000,1001 # Range - reports places where the annular ring is better than the minimum value, but cannot be increased to the optimum value.

enlarge_limit = 0,1000,1001 # Range - reports places where the annular ring could not be fixed as the pad enlargement needed to fix it was larger than the variable max_pad_enlarge (see below).

annular_ring = 10000,10001,10001 # Range - used only as part of flash edit. Do not modify. Used to display annular ring measurements.

spacing = 10000,10001,10002 # Range - used only as part of flash edit. Do not modify. Used to display spacing measurements.

pth2c = 10000,10001,10002 # Range - used only as part of flash edit. Do not modify. Used to display pth to copper spacing measurements.

npth2c = 10000,10001,10002 # Range - used only as part of flash edit. Do not modify. Used to display non-pth to copper spacing measurements.

spacing_repaired = 0,0.1,1000 # Range - reports places where spacing violations have been fixed. h2cu_repaired = 0,0.1,1000 # Range - reports places where hole to copper spacing violations have been fixed.

spacing_violation_min = 1000,1001,1002 # Range - reports places where the spacing cannot be increased to the minimum required value.

spacing_violation_opt = 0,1000,1001 # Range - reports places where the spacing is better than the minimum value, but cannot be increased to the optimum value.

h2cu_violation = 1000,1001,1002 # Range - reports places where hole to copper spacing violations cannot be fixed.

same_space = 0,1000,1001 # Range - if same_net_space variable (see below) is set to yes, this will report places where the pad cannot be increased as it will create a spacing problem with features of the same net. same_spacing = 0,1000,1001 # Range - if v_handle_same_net_spacing (see below) is set to \


or \.

same_net_s_repaired = 0,1000,1001 # Range - if v_handle_same_net_spacing (see below) is set to \same net spacing that were solved will be report in this category.

polygon_shave = 0,0.1,1000 # Range - reports places that have been fixed using a polygon shave. Active only if the variable do_poly_shave is set to yes.

filled_surface = 0,1000,1001 # Range - reports places that were fixed using a filled polygon shave. Active only if the variables do_poly_shave and fill_poly are both set to yes.

un_filled_surface = 0,1000,1001 # Range - reports places that have to be fixed using a filled polygon shave, but where the polygon

这些就是等级归纳 ,这个不要修改 ,按照默认的即可 。

.pdef :面板默认的参数 ,这个一定要修改的 ,每一个模组中面板默认的参数都需要修改,因为目的不同 ,咱们需要的参数就是不同的

pp_layer 默认的层的名称 ,咱们可以直接设置成。affected

pp_min_pth_ar = 6pth对应的最小焊环的默认值 ,这个值就是面板上默认的那些值 pp_opt_pth_ar = 8 pth对应的焊环的优化值 pp_min_via_ar = 5 via对应的焊环的最小值 pp_opt_via_ar = 8via对应的焊环的优化值的默认值 pp_min_spacing = 5最小间距对应的默认值 pp_opt_spacing = 8 优化间距对应的默认值

pad to pad对应的最小间距默认值

pp_opt_p2p_spacing = 0 pad to pad对应的优化间距默认值 pp_min_line = 4 pp_opt_line = 10 pp_nd_percent = 10 pp_abs_min_line = 5

这4个和线条有关系,对于咱们来说已经没有用处了 因为咱们是不能缩小线宽的


pp_min_pth2c = 12 钻孔到其它元素的最小间距

pp_selected = All 把整个程序只在选择的物体中运行还是所有的物体 针对这个参数

pp_work_on = .all


这个参数有个smds 这个参数没有多大用处

无论是否选择都不会优化smd pad 因为下面的变量设置了不允许调整smd 所以这个面板上是否选择都无所谓了 pp_modification = .all 针对版面上的modification 如果仅仅是加大pad


