
A diary B letter?

C autobiography D reminiscences

__3__The adventure of Roderick random is written by___. A Samuel Richardson B Tobias smolett C Lawrence sterne D henry fielding

__4__The life and opinions of Tristan shandy is written by___. A Samuel Richardson B Tobias smolett C Lawrence sterne D henry fielding

__5______ named his own realistic novels as “comic epic in prose”. A Henry fielding? B Charles dickens C jack London D Tobias smolett

__6__ “Lyrical ballads” were written by___ and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. A Robert burns? B Robert southey C William wordsworth D percy bysshe shelley

__7__George Gordon byron was most famous for_____. A don juan

B ode to the west wind C kubla khan

D ode to a nightingale

__8__George Gordon byron created a “Byronic hero” firstly in his____. A Prometheus unbound B childe herald’s pilgrimage C kubla khan

D ode on a Grecian urn

__9__Prometheus unbound was written by___ who also wrote____. A George Gordon byron …childe herald’s pilgrimage B percy bysshe shelley..ode to a nightingale C George Gordon byron …ode to west wind D percy bysshe shelley…ode to west wind __10__John keats is the author of____. A ode to a skylark and ode to a nightingale B ode on a Grecian urn and ode to west wind C ode on a Grecian urn and ode to a nightingale D ode to west wind and ode to a nightingale

解答 B Samuel Richardson用书信体创作了Pamela 和Clarisse harlowe。 解答 B Samuel Richardson用书信体创作了Pamela 和Clarisse harlowe。

解答 B Tobias smolett 是十八世纪中叶颇具特色的小说家,他写的蓝登传继承了欧洲流浪汉小说的传统。

解答 C Lawrence sterne打破传统小说的叙事模式,被称为世界文学中最典型的小说。 解答 A Henry fielding将自己作品命为“喜剧性的散文体史诗”。

解答 C William wordsworth同Samuel Taylor Coleridge合作出版了著名的《抒情歌谣集》。 解答A 唐璜是拜伦的代表作。

解答 B 拜伦的长诗中有许多拜伦式英雄。childe herald’s pilgrimage中也有。 解答 D 雪莱的代表作有西风颂,云雀颂,云彩和解放了的普罗米修斯。 解答 C 济慈代表作有夜莺颂和希腊古瓮颂

__1__ “The Graveyard Poets” got the name because ___. A they chose to live near graveyards?

B they often wrote about death and melancholy C they always wrote about dead people? D they often use “graveyard” as the title

__2__ It is generally understood that the recurrent theme in many of Thomas Hardy’s novel is ___.

A man against nature B love and marriage C social criticism D fate and destiny __3__ The Romantic Period in English literature began with the publication of ___. A William Blake’s Songs of Innocence B Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice C Wordsworth’s and Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads D a piece of land

__4__ It is generally regarded that Keats’ most important and mature poems are in the form of ___.

A ode B elegy C epic D sonnet

__5__ G.B. Shaw’s play Mrs. Warren’s Profession is a realistic exposure of the ___ in the English society.

A slum landlordism B inequality between men and women? C political corruption D economic exploitation of women

__6__ The Preface to Shakespeare and Lives of the Poets are the works of critic ___. A G.B. Shaw B Samuel Johnson C Ben Johnson D E.M. Foster __7__ The Ring and the Book is a masterpiece of ___.

A Alfred Tennyson B Robert Browning C Thomas Hardy D Ralph Waldo Emerson __8__ Matthew Arnold is the writer of ___.

A Dover Beach B My last Duchess C Break, Break, Break D The Eagle __9__ The writer of Heart of Darkness is also the one of ___. A Time of Machine B Jim C Lord Jim D A Passage to India __10__ Of Human Bondage is a novel by ___.

A Herbert George Wells B Arnold Bennett C William Somerset Maugham D John Galsworthy 选B。“墓畔派”是指18世纪那些描写死亡的哀挽的诗人。代表作有托马斯.格雷《墓园挽歌》(Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard),托马斯.巴奈尔的《死亡之夜》(Night Piece on Death),爱德华. 扬《夜思》(Night Thoughts)和罗伯特.布莱尔的《坟墓》(The Grave)。 2. 选D。在哈代(Thomas Hardy)的作品中,他那悲剧色彩的哲学观告诉我们,人生的一切

都是命运安排,是不可抗拒的。人在命运的面前束手无策,无论人们怎样努力,都很难逃脱命运的折磨和戏弄。 3. 选C。威廉.华兹华斯(William Wordsworth),于1798同柯勒律治(Samuel Tayor Coleridge)合作出版了著名的《抒情歌谣集》(Lyrical Ballads),该诗第二版的“序”被认为是英国浪漫主义的宣言。 4. 选A。济慈的代表作品有《夜莺颂》(Ode to a Nightingale),《希腊古瓮颂》(Ode on a Grecian Urn),《忧郁颂》(Ode on Melancholy),《秋颂》(To Autumn)等。“颂”被认为是济慈最具有代表性和最为成功的诗歌形式。

5. 选D。萧伯纳的剧作《华伦夫人的职业》(Mrs. Warren’s Profession)塑造了一个在经济重压下普通妇女的形象,该剧揭露了一个令人愤怒的事实:在资本主义社会,娼妓业也成了一种剥削方式。 6. 选B。塞缪尔.约翰逊18世纪英国人文主义文学批评的巨匠,《莎士比亚戏剧集序言》(The Preface to Shakespeare),和《诗人传》(Lives of the Poets)是他对文学批评做出的饿突出贡献。 7. 选B。《指环与书》(The Ring and the Boo)是罗伯特.勃郎宁(Robert Browning)的诗作。 8. 选A。《多佛海滩》(Dover Beach)是阿诺德(Matthew Arnold)诗歌中的名篇之一,反映了19世纪西方社会中的宗教信仰在新知识的冲击下普遍沦丧的时代风貌。 9. 选C。《黑暗的心》(Heart of Darkness)和《吉姆老爷》(Lord Jim)都是约瑟夫.康德拉的小说,《吉姆》(Jim)是同时期另一位作家迪亚德.吉卜林的作品。

10.选C。威廉.萨默塞特.毛姆(William Somerset Maugham)的创作深受法国自然主义的影响,他的长篇小说《人性的枷锁》(Of Human Bondage)展现了主人公摆脱精神枷锁的过程。

__1__ Percy Bysshe Shelly is famous for ___. A Ode to a Skylark and Ode to a Nightingale

B Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode to the West Wind C Ode to a Nightingale and Ode on a Grecian Urn D Ode to the West Wind and Ode to a Skylark

__2__ “Three of four families in a country village is something to work.” This statement was presented by ___. A Emily Bronte B Jane Austen C Mrs. Gaskell D George Eliot

__3__ George Eliot wrote all the following except ___. A The Mill of Floss B Silas Marner C Middlemarch D Agnes Grey

__4__ The novel Vanity Fair was written by ___. A William Makepeace Thackeray B Charles Dickens C O. Henry D Henry James

__5__ Vanity Fair was a novel written by William Makepeace Thackeray, and the term “vanity fair”

firstly appeared in ___ by ___.

A Canterbury Tales … Geoffrey Chaucer B The Pilgrim’s Progress … John Bunyan C Tome Jones … Henry Fielding D Dubliners … James Joyce

__6__ The novel Vanity Fair was written by William Makepeace Thackeray who also wrote ___. A The Way of all life

B The History of Henry Esmond C Sister Carrie D Howard’s End

__7__Barchester Series is a series of novels written by ___. A Barchester B Thomas Hardy C Anthony Trollope D Mark Twin

__8__ Erehwon is a satiric novel written by ___. A Samuel Butler B Henry Fielding C Thomas More D Mark Twin

__9__ In “the lake Isle of Innisfree” William Butler Yeats Express his ___? A desire to escape from the materialistic society B fear caused by the impending war C interest in the Irish legend

D Love for Maud Gonne, a beautiful Irish actress

__10__ Walter Scott’s historical novels cover a long period of time, from the Middle Ages to 18th century. His work Ivanhoe deals an epoch of ___ history. A English B French C Scotland D Irish 1选D。 题中所有“颂歌”都是浪漫主义诗人的代表作品,《西风颂》(Ode to the West Wind),《云雀颂》(Ode to a Skylark)是雪莱的代表作抒情诗。

2选B。 奥斯丁通过对熟悉的人和事物的描写展示了她所生活的英国乡绅阶层的生活景观,她认为“一个乡村中的三四户人家是合适的写作对象。”

3选D。 乔治.爱略特是玛丽.安.伊万斯(Mary Ann Evans)的笔名,这位才女是19世纪现实主义小说的真正代表,她的《弗罗斯河上的磨坊》(The Mill of Floss)《织工马南》,(Silas Marner),和《米德尔马契》(Middlemarch)等作品以写实手法展现英国的社会人生图,对人物的内心活动和行为机动刻画十分生动细致,爱略特因此被誉为心理小说的先驱。

4 选A。 《名利场》是威廉.麦克皮斯.萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackrary)创作的小说。小说通过女主人公不择手段跻身上流社会的故事,对势力者进行了无情的揭露和嘲讽。 5 选B。 《名利场》是威廉.麦克皮斯.萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackrary)创作的小说。小说通过女主人公不择手段跻身上流社会的故事,对势力者进行了无情的揭露和嘲讽。名利场这一词最初出现在班扬的《天路历程》(The Pilgrim’s Progress)一书中,是一个虚构的
