3. methods of describing an object
the senses(感官)
spatial order(空间顺序)
chronological order(事情发展顺序)listing functionstips
state how you got
provide some basic factual informationput out uses
focus on particular partstate the importanceexpress your feelings
4. methods of describing a person
1)aspects--Physical features, personality, speech,
2)How--ⅰadopt the dominant impression (only one)
ⅱselect details (concrete & vivid &precise) ⅲshow in action [use showing (telling–
ⅳuse anecdotes (典型例子)
3) Tips
focus on onequality/features and depict it by anecdotesdescribe the person from appearance to personality
list a few characteristic featuresbrieflythe person you know or have met
the person influences onyou, or you have benefited fromthe friendship, insights, attitude, etc.