
A: recycle(使再循环, 反复应用)on a large scale(比例,数值范围), B: stop the increase in human population.

C: practice water and energy conservation(守恒). D: all of the above. 正确答案是D

4. Which of the following is NOT a feature(特征,起重要作用)of the scientific method? A: hypothesis(假设)

B: conjecture(推测,猜想) C: controls

D: data collection 正确答案是B

5. The study of plant function is called A: taxonomy.(分类学) B: physiology.(生理学) C: anatomy.(解剖学) D: morphology.(形态学) 正确答案是D

6. Dendrochronology(树木年代学), or the study of tree rings, is an example of which branch of botany?

A: taxonomy.(分类学) B: physiology.(生理学) C: anatomy.(解剖学) D: ecology 正确答案是C

7. Which botanist is credited(信用)with naming and classifying(分类)plants? A: von Helmont B: Carson C: Malpighi D: Linnaeus 正确答案是D

8. What is the name of the book credited with increasing public awareness(知道)of the field of ecology?

A: Silent Spring

B: Species Plantarum C: Origin of Species 正确答案是A

9. Gregor Mendel is considered the founder of A: plant geography. B: plant genetics. C: cytology.

D: plant systematics 正确答案是B

10. Cell biology is also referred to as A: genetic engineering.

B: pteridology.(羊齿植物学) C: cytology(细胞学)

D: systematics (=taxonomy分类学) 正确答案是C

11. Plants will play an important role in space exploration because of their ability to A: generate(产生)oxygen B: produce drugs.

C: generate carbon dioxide(.二氧化物) D: produce fiber. 正确答案是A

12. The study of botany has its origins(起源, 由来)in which time period? A: Bronze(青铜)Age

B: Victorian Period(维多利亚女王时代) C: Stone Age(石器时代) D: Industrial Revolution 正确答案是C

Introduction Cell Structure Part B

1. In contrast(对比, 对照)to eukaryotic cells, prokaryotic cells: A: lack a nuclear envelope.(膜) B: lack genetic material

C: have mitochondria(线粒体) D: have chloroplasts

E: have complex chromosomes(染色体) 正确答案是A

2. When plants moved from the sea to the land, the most critical(危急的)environmental factor became: A: water.

B: carbon dioxide C: minerals D: oxygen. E: light


3. The two major components(组成成分)of the vascular system are the: A: epidermis and cork B: xylem and phloem.

C: apical meristems and lateral meristems D: cuticle(表皮)and stomata. E: embryo(胚芽)and seed 正确答案是B

4. Primary growth refers to growth:

A: originating(起源, 发生)from apical meristems B: originating from the vascular cambium C: originating from the cork cambium

D: that is of primary importance to the plant

E: that results in the thickening of stems and roots 正确答案是A

5. Plant ______ is the study of the form of plants. A: physiology

B: taxonomy(分类学)

C: systematics(=taxonomy分类学) D: morphology(形态学) E: anatomy(解剖学) 正确答案是D

6. If each gamete(接合体, 配偶子)of a plant has 12 chromosomes, what is the haploid(单倍体,单一的)chromosome number of that plant? A: 3 B: 4 C: 6 D: 12 E: 24


7. ______ are plastids(质体)that lack chlorophyll but contain carotenoid(类胡罗卜素)pigments.

A: Etioplasts [白色(质)体]

B: Chromoplasts(色素母细胞, 成色素细胞) C: Leucoplasts(白色体) D: Amyloplasts [造粉(质)体] E: Chloroplasts 正确答案是B

8. Most likely, mitochondria(线粒体)and chloroplasts evolved[由…发展(进化)]from: A: portions of the endoplasmic reticulum. (内质网) B: pieces of nuclei

C: fragments(碎片)of the plasma(血浆) membrane. D: oil bodies E: bacteria 正确答案是E

9. The ______ is the liquid material contained within the tonoplast.(液泡膜) A: matrix(基质) B: stroma(基质) C: cell sap(细胞液)

D: nucleoplasm (核原形质, 核浆) E: cytosol(细胞溶质,胞液) 正确答案是C

10. A principal(主要的)function of the Golgi bodies is the:

A: synthesis(合成) and secretion of cell wall polysaccharides(多醣,聚糖,多聚糖)other than cellulose(纤维素)

B: formation(形成)of ATP by oxidation(氧化)of organic(有机的)fuels (能源物质) C: conversion(转化)of radiant energy (光能)to chemical energy.

D: storage of lipids(脂质)as oil bodies

E: storage of water, ions(离子), and secondary metabolites(代谢物) 正确答案是A

11. In the cell wall, ______ molecules(分子)are united to form microfibrils (微纤维) A: xylan(木聚糖) B: pectin(胶质)

C: xyloglucan (glucan葡聚糖) D: cellulose

E: glycoprotein(糖蛋白类, 醣蛋白) 正确答案是D

12. Which of the following statements about the secondary wall is false? A: It usually is deposited(存放, 堆积)after the cell has stopped growing.

B: Glycoproteins(糖蛋白类, 醣蛋白) and enzymes(酶)are usually abundant constituents.(要素)

C: The protoplast(原生质体)may die after the secondary wall is laid down. D: It frequently has three distinct(清楚的)layers E: Pectins(胶质) are usually lacking. 正确答案是B

Plant Cells and Tissues Part A 1. Apical meristems consist of: A: initials(最初的)only B: primary meristems only.

C: immediate derivatives(派生物)only D: initials and primary meristems

E: initials and their immediate derivatives 正确答案是E

2. What three overlapping(重叠, 搭接) processes are involved(有关的)in development? A: cell division, cell enlargement, and cell differentiation

B: mitosis(有丝分裂), meiosis(.减数分裂) and fertilization(授精) C: mitosis, meiosis, and differentiation

D: growth, morphogenesis, and differentiation

E: primary growth, secondary growth, and morphogenesis(形态发生, 形态形成) 正确答案是D

3. The tissue that makes up the pith(木髓)and cortex(皮层)is: A: collenchyma B: xylem

C: parenchyma D: phloem

E: sclerenchyma. 正确答案是C

4. ______ is a type of ground tissue composed of cells having thick, often lignified secondary cell walls.

A: Collenchyma B: Xylem
