【顶尖学案】2020届高考英语 BookⅠ Unit 5 The silver screen大纲人教版

③The teacher’s encouraging words determined him to study harder.老师令人鼓舞的话使他决心更加努力学习。

④We determined on an early start/(that) we’d make an early start.我们决定早些出发。

(1)determined adj.坚定的,坚决的,决意的 be determined to do sth.决心做某事(状态) (2)determination n.决心,决定,确定 思维拓展

⑤She gave me a determined look—the kind that said she wouldn’t change her mind.


⑥We were determined that we should never allow such things to happen again. 我们决定绝不允许再发生这种事情。 即境活用

6.________to give up smoking,he threw away his________cigarettes. A.Determined;remained B.Determined;remaining C.Determining;remained D.Determining;remaining

解析:选B。考查非谓语动词。determined to give up smoking是过去分词短语作状语;remaining是形容词,表示“剩余的”。需要注意的是,remain是不及物动词,没有被动形式,因此不能使用remained。 7.—What about the person?

—Seldom in all my life________such a________person. A.I met;determining B.I have met;determining C.did I meet;determined

D.have I met;determined

解析:选D。表示“坚决的,果断的”要用过去分词determined,seldom常与现在完成时连用,且此处seldom提前,句子应部分倒装,故选D。答句句意为:我一生中很少见过这么坚决的人。 6live adv. 现场地;直播地

adj. 实况转播的;活的;生动的;精力充沛的

【教材原句】(P34)She wants them to let her appear live on the air,hoping that Huike will see her.

她想直播出现在电视上,希望慧科能看到。 (1)adv.现场地;直播地

①The opening ceremony of 2020 Shanghai World Expo was televised live all over the world.

2020上海世博会开幕式对全世界现场直播。 (2)adj.实况转播的;活的;生动的;精力充沛的

②Surprisingly enough,the boat boss gave up rescuing the live lives. 奇怪的很,那位船老板竟然放弃拯救活生生的生命。

③There will be a live broadcast of the concert tonight. 今晚将现场直播这场音乐会。 比较网站




(3)lively活泼的,活跃的,充满生气的,用作定语或表语,既修饰人,又修饰物。 即境活用


(1)—What a pity!I’ve not got a ticket for the football match.

—Don’t worry,It’ll be broadcast________. 答案:live

(2)Let’s keep the fish________. 答案:alive

(3)He is regarded as one of the best ________writers at present. 答案:living

(4)He had a strange way of making his classes ________and interesting. 答案:lively

7take off 成功,成名;脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起飞;减价

【教材原句】(P31)This was the moment when Spielberg’s career really took off.

这是斯皮尔伯格事业真正起飞的时刻。 (1)脱掉;除去;拿去

①(牛津P2059)He took off my wet boots and made me sit by the fire. 他脱掉我湿漉漉的靴子,让我在火炉旁边坐下。 (2)起飞;跃起;飞起

②The flight to Seattle is taking off in twenty minutes. 飞往西雅图的航班20分钟后起飞。 (3)在(某期间)休息

③(牛津P2059)I’ve decided to take a few days off next week. 我已决定下星期休息几天。 (4)从(价格)减去……;减价

④During Christmas holidays,People’s Market announced they would take half off all their goods.

圣诞期间,人民商场宣布他们将对他们所有的商品降半价。 (5)开始成名

⑤Bill Gates is really a great man,whose career took off in his early thirties.

比尔·盖茨真是个伟人,他的事业在他刚过30岁就大获成功。 思维拓展

take in吸收,收留,收容(某人);了解;领悟;欺骗 take on雇佣;聘用;呈现;承担 take over接收;接管;接任

take up拿起;开始从事,继续;占有时间/空间

⑥After he retired from office,Rogers took up painting for a while,but soon lost interest.


⑦Don’t be taken in by products promising to make you lose weight quickly. 不要被允诺使你迅速减肥的广告所欺骗。 【高效记忆】 即境活用

9.It was at this point that her acting career really ________. A.took up B.took off C.took in D.took down

解析:选B。这是个强调句,意思是:就是在此时她的演艺事业开始腾飞。 8think highly of 对……高度评价;看重

【教材原句】(P35)If you think highly of the film,you may encourage other people to go and see it.

如果你对这部电影评价很高的话,你可以鼓励其他人去看。 ①I don’t think highly of him because he is dishonest. 我对他评价不高,因为他不诚实。

(1)think well/much of对……有好感,高度评价

think little/poorly/nothing of对……没有好感,认为……不好

(2)sing high praise for高度赞扬,高度评价speak highly/well of称赞;高度评价
