
(1)、 A:into B:freely C:before D:himself E:master 答案: B (2)、 A:into B:freely C:before D:himself E:master 答案: A (3)、 A:into B:freely C:before D:himself E:master 答案: D (4)、

A:into B:freely C:before D:himself E:master 答案: C (5)、 A:into B:freely C:before D:himself E:master 答案: E 五、英译汉

(1)、All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的未必都是金子。

(2)、Please call me back when you are free. 你有时间给我回个电话。 (3)、You and your team can discover the answers to problems together. 你和你的团队可一起找到问题的答案。

(4)、We must take some measures to control the pollution. 我们必须采取措施来控制污染。

(5)、We must take some measures to control the pollution. 我们必
