

第一章 涉外民事关系与国际私法








“富山海轮”船员离船前,封闭了船舶上所有的油路,避免了原油外溢造成严重的海域污染。“富山海轮”载有6.6万吨化肥,货主是中国农业生产资料集团公司,货物保险金额为870万美元。“富山海轮”船体保险金额为2050万美元。中国人民保险公司是“富山海轮”船体、货物的独家保险人。中国人民保险公司承保后,进行了再保险。“富山海轮”运载的货物出险后,中国人民保险公司迅速与国际再保险经纪人和再保险人取得联系,启动应急理赔程序,聘请律师等有关中介机构进行前期调查取证工作,分析事故原因,勘验定损,协助船东开展救助。 “富山海轮”出险后,中国人民保险公司于2003年6月6日决定预付赔款7000万人民币。“富山海轮”船体与货物保险金额为2920万美元,中国人民保险公司预计赔付金额在2亿元人民币左右,创我国国内海损赔付之最。

2.谈谈你对国际私法调整对象的理解。 3.如何正确理解国际私法的范围? 4.试述国际私法的基本原则。 5.试述国际私法的性质。

6.你认为我国《民法通则》第142条中“国际惯例”所指为何? 7.通过本章学习,你认为国际私法与国际经济法最大的区别在哪里?

【扩展性阅读材料】 1.韩德培、李双元:《应当重视对冲突法的研究》,《武汉大学学报(社会科学版)》1993年第6期。 2.李双元等:《关于国际私法的几个理论问题》,《中国国际私法与比较法年刊》(2001年卷),法律出版社2001年版。 3.李双元、欧福永:《国际私法研究方法之我见》,《法学论坛》2003年第3期。 4.李健男:《论国际私法的国际法因素》,《暨南学报》2005年第3期。 5.李健男:《论国际私法的社会基础》,《法学评论》2006年第5期。 6.林燕平:《对我国国际私法司法解释现象的法理分析》,《法学》2000年第5期。 7. Substantivism versus Selectivism2 1



(1)The Original Substantivist Method

The very name of our subject “conflict of laws”, and in particular “choice of law”, presupposes that in all cases that have contacts with more than one state: (a) each involved state has an active or passive desire or claim to have its law applied; (b) that these claims “conflict” in the sense of being of roughly equal intensity and validity; and (c) that the only way to resolve the conflict is to choose the law of one of the involved states.

Each of these premises has been seriously disputed in different periods in history. For example, the last of the above premises has been rejected by what is generally regarded as one of the first recorded methods of resolving multistate problems. That method, which was employed by the Roman praetor peregrinus in adjudicating disputes between Roman and non-Roman subjects, was based on the notion of a constructive blending of the involved laws rather than on a choice from among them. The praetor resolved these disputes by constructing and applying to the case at hand a new substantive rule of decision derived from the laws of both or all involved countries. Thus, the first instinct of the legal mind when confronted with a multistate private-law dispute was one of compromise rather than of choice, eclecticism rather than all or nothing. Instead of choosing the law of one of the involved states regardless of the outcome such a choice might produce for the particular case, the praetor would focus on the needs of that case and devise for it the most appropriate substantive solution, drawn from the laws of all involved states.

This substantivist method died out before the fall of the Roman empire and, by the time Roman law was “rediscovered” in Western Europe, the idea of choosing one of the involved laws rather than blending them had set in. The modern selectivist method was thus born and soon began to dominate the international scene.

(2)Contemporary Scholastic Substantivism

During the twentieth century, the substantivist method made a fairly momentous reappearance in international and interstate commercial arbitration, where it has become the preferred method among arbitrators. The result is the production of a voluminous, if not widely publicized, body of transnational, and at the same time a national, substantive law.

In the United States, the substantivist method has also acquired new and eloquent supporters in the writings of established academic commentators, including two participants in this Symposium, Professors von Mehren and Juenger.

Professor Arthur T. von Mehren has suggested that many true conflicts can be resolved expediently by a compromise of the conflicting policies of the involved states, rather than by a full vindication of the policies of the one state and a complete subordination of those of the other state. This compromise would take the form of a special substantive rule that would be constructed ad hoc for the case at hand and would be derived from the laws of both or all involved states. For example, a true conflict between the strict liability law of one state and the law of another state that does not impose liability could be resolved by a special substantive rule that would allow the recovery of only half of plaintiff’s actual damages, or of certain items only, such as medical expenses and loss of earnings.


Symeon C. Symeonides, American Choice of Law at the Dawn of the 21st Century, Willamette Law Review, Vol. 37, 2001.

Professor Friedrich K. Juenger advocated a wider use of the substantivist approach. He proposed that conflicts of laws be resolved by constructing from among the involved states a rule of law that best accords with modern substantive-law trends and standards. For example, for products liability conflicts, Juenger proposed that, from among the laws of the places of conduct, injury, acquisition of the product, and domicile of the parties, the court should choose “[a]s to each issue . . . that rule of decision which most closely accords with modern standards of products liability.”

Finally, Professor Luther L. McDougal argued that, in constructing the ad hoc substantive rule of decision, courts should not confine themselves to the laws of the states involved in the conflict but should instead look beyond those laws and try to construct “the best” rule of law.

(3)Contemporary Judicial Substantivism

The above scholarly suggestions have not yet had any appreciable conscious following from the bench. However, Judge Jack B. Weinstein, another participant to this Symposium, came close to using the substantive-law solution when he proposed the development of a “national consensus law” for handling a complex product-liability class action brought by the victims of Agent Orange. In his contribution to this Symposium, Judge Weinstein seems to move in a different direction when he proposes the application of the law of the forum qua forum in a similar hypothetical case. Both of Weinstein’s proposals seem to be motivated by his profound disillusionment with the selectivist method as practiced in the United States. Such disillusionment on the part of a judge with this breadth and depth of conflicts experience should give all of us a reason for pause. This disillusionment is quite common among judges called upon to decide the complex “mega torts” discussed by Weinstein. Indeed, the selectivist method comes very close to the crashing point in coping with these cases and thus the thought of abandoning the method is entirely understandable. In ordinary single tort cases, however, the selectivist method remains dominant and its use is rarely questioned.

One possible exception to the judicial use of the selectivist method is the increasing use of dépe?age, namely the application of the laws of different states to different issues or aspects of the same cause of action. Dépe?age comes close to the substantivist method in that it leads to the creation of a hybrid substantive rule that does not exist as such in any of the involved states and that springs into existence only for the case at hand. Nevertheless, dépe?age differs from the substantivist method in that it is driven by selectivist rather than substantive considerations. It is not an intended substantive solution, but rather the unintended result of one feature of modern selectivist methods--their insistence in analyzing and resolving each issue separately (called “issue-by-issue analysis”).

On balance, the lack of contemporary judicial following of the substantivist method should not be surprising. One reason is the fact that for so long “[w]e have become so accustomed by tradition and theory to ideas of conflict, choice and selection.” A more serious reason, however, has to do with contemporary understandings about the appropriate role of judges and the hierarchy of sources of law. For, unlike some arbitrators, judges are expected to decide disputes according to law, not ex aequo et bono. The problem with the judicial version of the substantivist method is that it authorizes the retroactive application to unsuspecting litigants of a “law” that does not in fact exist anywhere until the moment the judge invents and utters it. Although it could be argued that this is no different than what judges have been doing in expanding the common law, the better view is that there is, at a minimum, a large difference in degree (the degree of pretension) and, more likely, an important difference in kind.

(4)Legislative Substantivism

In contrast, the substantivist method does not encounter the above difficulties when employed by the legislature, that is, by the body that has the unquestionable authority to promulgate new law that is meant to be applied prospectively only. During the twentieth century the substantivist method has been employed repeatedly in enacting uniform substantive rules intended to resolve multistate problems directly, without the intervention of choice-of-law rules.

At the international level, these rules originate in international conventions such as the 1980 United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods, which is now in force in 56 countries; the 1929 Warsaw Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air; the 1956 Geneva Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road; the 1964 Hague Convention on Uniform Sales Laws; and the 1973 Washington Convention Providing a Uniform Law on the Form of an International Will.

At the interstate level, one very productive source of uniform substantive rules is the National Conference of Commissioners of Uniform State Laws, which has produced approximately 200 uniform laws during the twentieth century. One of these uniform laws is the Uniform Commercial Code, which is now in force in all fifty states of the United States.

Obviously, by eliminating the multiplicity of substantive laws, the enactment of these uniform laws has also eliminated the possibility of conflicts of laws in the areas covered by the uniform laws. To that extent, the substantivist method has commensurably reduced the scope of operation of the selectivist method. This reduction is relatively small and, although it should continue to grow in the future, the growth will be slow. Thus, for the foreseeable future, the selectivist method will continue to dominate all efforts to resolve multistate conflicts of laws.

第二章 国际私法的历史






1.巴托鲁斯何以被称为“国际私法之父”? 2.萨维尼何以被称为“近代国际私法之父”? 3





1.李双元、吕国民:《萨维尼法学实践中一个矛盾现象之透视》,《浙江社会科学》2000年第2期。 2.韩德培、杜涛:《晚近国际私法立法的新发展》,《中国国际私法与比较法年刊》(2000年卷),法律出版社2000年版。


3.Historical Roots: The Legacy of Savigny

These historical roots lie in the ideas of one of the greatest legal scholars of the nineteenth century, Friedrich Carl von Savigny. Savigny is primarily known as the founder of the historical school of jurisprudence and the great opponent of codification. Yet, he is also one of the fathers of modern conflicts law. Exactly 150 years ago, Savigny published volume VIII of his magnum opus, System des heutigen r?mischen Rechts. In this volume, he broke away from the unilateral method of the medieval statutists that had dominated for five hundred years and put private international law on a modern, multilateral foundation.

Conflicts rules, Savigny argued, must be neutral, i.e., they must not prefer particular parties, laws, or jurisdictions as such. To conform with this principle, he suggested that every legal relationship be governed by the law of the state or nation to which “it belongs, or to which it is subjected by virtue of its particular nature”, i.e., in which it has its “seat”. For Savigny, the idea of a such a “seat” of a relationship was only a metaphor for the best connection. He called it “a formal principle”, indicating that it needed to be filled with content under the circumstances of each case. With regard to obligations in particular, Savigny argued that in finding this connection, the primary factor should be the parties’ intentions. In the absence of a clear manifestation, these intentions should be inferred. Even objective choice-of-law criteria should reflect what the parties would have wanted had they thought about the problem. From these general premises, Savigny derived a concrete system of conflicts rules for international contracts.

The basic rule was freedom of choice. Savigny postulated that the parties to a contract should be allowed to select the applicable law. To be sure, this was not his original idea, but he nonetheless made it the centerpiece of his entire approach. He understood that the choice could be explicit or implicit. Of course, Savigny recognized that the parties’ freedom was not unbridled since they could not be allowed to escape certain mandatory norms.

In the absence of such a choice, Savigny called for objective rules that determine by neutral criteria which jurisdiction’s law will govern. In order to be neutral, these criteria had to be jurisdiction-selecting, i.e., independent of the content of the potentially applicable laws; they must also not give any preference to forum law nor to any party on grounds of his or her nationality. His basic principle reflects these aspirations: a contract was


Mathias Reimann, Savigny’s Triumph? Choice of Law in Contracts Cases at the Close of The Twentieth Century, Virginia Journal of International Law Association, Vol. 39, 1999.

governed by the law of the jurisdiction to which the transaction most appropriately belonged. This most appropriate connection should be determined in careful consideration of all relevant circumstances. The answer could vary from case to case, but since Savigny did not wish to leave the result completely indeterminate, he provided a set of particular presumptions. In case of doubt, he thought that courts should resort to the place of performance, i.e., normally to the debtor’s domicile or principal place of business, since this was what the parties probably would have expected. Yet, in order to be more specific and to provide greater predictability, he distinguished between several kinds of contracts and considered different presumptions appropriate for each category. Of course, where necessary, these objective choice-of-law provisions had to yield to mandatory rules and to considerations of public policy.

Methodologically, Savigny attempted to steer a middle course between the Scylla of uncertainty and the Charybdis of inflexibility. This goal is evident in his overall approach where he combined a general principle--the seat of the legal relationship--with a list of factors guiding its application (domicile of the parties, location of property, place of certain acts, location of the forum). The striving for a combination of predictability and flexibility is even more obvious in particular areas of law, such as contracts. On the one hand, Savigny sought to provide guidance for the courts by concretizing his general approach through specific rules for the various types of contracts. On the other hand, he avoided rigidity by conceiving of these rules merely as generalized presumptions that could be overcome if the particular circumstances suggested a different result.

第二编 冲突法的基本制度

第三章 冲 突 规 范




【案例3.2】中国技术进出口总公司诉瑞士工业资源公司侵权损害赔偿纠纷上诉案。被上诉人中国技术进出口总公司受浙江省温州市金属材料公司的委托,于1984年12月28日与美国旭日开发公司签订购买9000吨钢材的合同。之后,旭日开发公司因无力履约,请求中国技术进出口总公司同意将卖方变更为上诉人瑞士工业资源公司。瑞士工业资源公司随即于1985年3月14日向被上诉人发出电传称:“货物已在装船港备妥待运”,“装船日期为1985年3月31日”,要求被上诉人“将信用证开给挪威信贷银行(在卢森堡),以瑞士工业资源公司为受益人”。同年3月26日,上诉人又向被上诉人 5









则可提起刑事诉讼,实际上,瑞士法院已经对瑞士工业资源公司的负责人提起了刑事诉讼,所以被告在上诉中提出了重复诉讼的问题。结果我国法院将 6










2.有些学者认为冲突规范只是一种关于技术上的制度,而不是行为规范。你是否赞成?为什么? 3.试述连接点的软化处理。

4.简述准据法表述公式的基本类型。 7



6.你认为说国际私法的诞生就意味着法院地法的适用应受到合理限制? 7.试论冲突法上的“实体正义”和“冲突正义”问题。 8.你如何理解“识别”在国际私法上的重要意义?

【扩展性阅读材料】 1.李双元:《21世纪国际社会法律发展的基本走势的展望》,《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》1995年第1期。 2.李双元、张明杰:《论冲突规范的软化处理》,《中国法学》1989年第2期。

3.李双元:《论国际私法关系中解决法律选择的方法问题》,《中国法学》1984年第3期。 4.胡永庆:《论法律选择方法的多元化》,《中国国际私法与比较法年刊》(2000年卷)。5.谢石松:《国际私法中识别问题新论》,《中国国际私法与比较法年刊》(1999年卷)。

6.“Conflicts Justice” Versus “Material Justice”8

(1) The fundamental theoretical dichotomy in the purposes of choice of law is between the objective of choosing the “proper” legal system to govern a multi-state dispute or the objective of reaching the fairest possible result in the individual case. It is clear that the traditional theory described in the preceding historical note purports to be jurisdiction-selective, with a leap in the dark to the legal system indicated by the critical connecting factor regardless of its content. It thus subscribes to the objective of “conflicts justice” versus “material justice”, although its critics based much of their attack on demonstrations that the courts were in fact avoiding blind jurisdiction-selection through such evasions as re-characterization of the legal category involved in the controversy, the defense of ordre public, or even use of renvoi. The modern theories, on the other hand, all purport in one way or another to take substantive justice into account. Since less than one fourth of the American states still adhere to the traditional theory, it must therefore be said that some form of pursuit of the objective of substantive justice is the prevailing view.

(2) The matter is greatly complicated, however, by the fact that the modern theories have no unified position on this question, but rather

represent points on a broad continuum. The range of these points is quite remarkable. The position closest to traditional theory is occupied by the jurisdiction-selective presumptions of the Second Restatement, but the opportunity to rebut these presumptions through reference to underlying policies and interests recognized by the General Principles of § 6 opens the door to an even greater variety of escapes than were available under traditional theory. According to the Symeonides survey, 23 states follow this approach or some substantial equivalent in tort cases, 29 in contract


See Courtland H. Peterson, Private International Law at the End of the Twentieth Century: Progress or Regress? 46 Am. J. Comp. L. 197 (1998, Supplement).

cases. Although this group may be said to be approaching a majority position, a significant number of the courts involved proceed to decide cases without a full examination of the factors which may bear on rebuttal of the presumptive rules of the Second Restatement. Five states have explicitly adopted Professor Leflar’s “choice-influencing-considerations” at least for some types of cases, including his proposed reference to “the better law”, but Leflar himself has been a leader in describing the eclecticism of American courts in this area. Only three states appear to be expressly committed to some form of governmental interest analysis. Two states simply presume the applicability of forum law, at least in torts cases. Some courts, notably those in New York, have attempted to distill workable guidelines from earlier precedents, but leave doubt as to the future scope of those concepts. Professor Symeonides includes New York, together with nine other jurisdictions, in a category which he calls “combined modern”. What these systems share, aside from eclecticism, is unclear, and they are perhaps best understood individually in terms of the cases and statutes to be found in each. Of particular interest is the recent comprehensive codification of conflicts rules in Louisiana, derived from both American and European sources.

(3) Although all of the modern theories purport to take underlying policy into account, and in that sense may said to be concerned with the

content of the law chosen rather than simply the system to which the chosen law belongs, there is great divergence in the extent to which the judge is empowered to make decisions based on fairness. The greatest latitude is obviously permitted by the better law theory, especially if “better law” is treated as a co-equal factor with the other “choice-influencing” considerations. At the other end of the spectrum are the states which presume the application of lex fori or use some form of interest analysis. Although the judges in question are directed by such theories to interpret the forum rules in light of the policies which they embody, the assumption is that forum law will be applied if the case falls within the scope of that policy--regardless of the fact that it may produce an unfair outcome in the individual case. Put another way, fairness is assured in such states only to the extent that forum law is fair. The bulk of the states resting in the middle of the spectrum are the states following the Second Restatement or some equivalent theory--these represent a clear majority of the modern-theory states and at least a plurality of all the states. These theories provide no express direction with respect to the discretion of the judge as to fairness, but the large number of factors which a court applying such a theory may consider may be said to expand the judge’s discretion to fashion a flexible response, and that response is therefore more likely to contain subjective assessments of fairness.

第四章 准据法确定中的几个一般性问题





该案是否存在先决问题?对此,我们应按照先决问题的构成要件进行具体分析。本案中,尽管周女士能否继承李伯康在广州的楼房,取决于她与李伯康是否存在合法的婚姻关系,因此符合先决问题三大要件中的一项。但是,根据中国的冲突法,主要问题应适用中国法,即法院地法,不具备三大要件中关于“主要问题依法院国的冲突规则,应适用外国法作准据法”这一要件,故不存在先决问题。如果李伯康在广州某银行有存款,其他情形不变, 9




从上述案例中,我们可以归纳出法律规避行为的四个构成要件:(1) 从主观上讲,当事人是有目的、有故意地规避某种法律;(2) 从规避的对象上讲,当事人规避的法律是本应适用的强行法或禁止性的规定;(3) 从行为方式上讲,当事人规避法律是通过有意改变连结点或制造某种连结点来实现的,如改变国籍、住所或物之所在地等;(4) 从客观结果上讲,当事人已经因该规避行为达到了对自己适用有利的法律的目的。















所谓“欺诈例外”(fraud exception)制度,即在肯定信用证独立抽象原则的前提下,允许银行在存在欺诈的情况下,不予付款或承兑汇票,法院也可颁发禁止支付令。 参见李双元、欧福永主编:《国际私法教学案例》,北京大学出版社2007年版,第112页。




2.你认为国际私法是否需要反致制度的存在? 3.简述先决问题的构成要件。



6.为什么说人际私法和时际私法所要解决的问题与国际私法所要解决的问题不是同一平面的问题? 7.你认为法律规避问题是否是公共秩序问题中的一个部分? 8.你认为中国现行的外国法查明制度应该如何改进? 9.试评价中国的公共秩序保留制度。


1.粟烟涛:《冲突法上的法律规避》,武汉大学2004年博士学位论文。 2.黄进、杜焕芳:《“外国法的查明和解释”的条文设计与论证》,《求是学刊》2005年第2期; 3.李健男、吕国民:《对公共秩序保留制度的反思和展望》,《法学评论》1996年第4期。 4.Return of the Renvoi12


This analysis brings the discussion full circle. We saw in Part I that solving the renvoi problem turns on whether choice-of-law rules define the parties’ substantive rights or merely identify the law that does. Traditional choice-of-law scholars split on this question: some believed that choice-of-law rules define the parties’ substantive rights and therefore favored accepting the renvoi; others saw such rules as a procedural device for selecting a substantive law and thought that the renvoi should therefore be rejected. The problem was that neither group could defend its characterization of choice-of-law rules in a convincing manner.

Careful analysis of the choice-of-law process discloses an answer to this puzzle. Choice-of-law rules serve two purposes; they are both 12

Larry Kramer, Return of The Renvoi, New York University Law Review, October, 1991.

substantive and procedural, and the proper treatment of foreign rules varies accordingly. To the extent that choice-of-law rules define the scope of a state’s law, they are substantive, and the court should accept the renvoi. To the extent that choice-of-law rules choose between otherwise applicable substantive laws, they are procedural, and the court should instead reject the renvoi.

The problem is to determine when a state’s choice-of-law system serves each of these purposes. In the case of two-step approaches that explicitly disaggregate the two functions, this task is easy. The difficult cases arise when the foreign state uses a one-step approach that appears to merge the two steps. Careful analysis of these one-step approaches, however, suggests that they simply presume the substantive component (by presuming that both states’ laws are prima facie applicable), and offer rules to select the more appropriate law from a multilateral perspective. It follows, therefore, that the renvoi may be rejected.

I said at the outset that the renvoi raises a difficult theoretical challenge for choice-of-law scholars by forcing them to explain what it means to say that another state’s law applies. To resolve the renvoi problem, one must explain precisely how choice-of-law rules allocate lawmaking power. This explanation reveals choice-of-law rules not as external limitations on the power to prescribe, but rather as efforts first to define and then to accommodate the legitimate policy objectives of different states. In the final analysis, the only “right” choice-of-law rules are those that states actually accept, and a fully effective choice-of-law regime requires a broad consensus on how best to allocate legislative jurisdiction. It is through confronting the renvoi that courts may develop this consensus--evaluating each others’ approaches in an ongoing effort to find common ground.

第三编 国际私法的主体与法律行为及代理

第五章 外国人民事法律地位

【案例5.1】荷兰某贸易公司和江苏省某特殊钢绳厂买卖合同案。 1998年6月10日,荷兰某贸易公司(以下简称荷兰公司)向江苏省某特殊钢绳厂(以下简称钢绳厂)发来电传,邀请特殊钢绳厂向其报特殊钢绳的实盘。1998年6月12日,钢绳厂向对方发盘:B型号特殊钢绳1000公吨,每公吨1200美元CIF阿姆斯特丹,即期装运,不可撤销即期信用证。6月15日对方回电,要求将数量增到2000公吨,价格降为每公吨1100美元CIF阿姆斯特丹。6月17日钢绳厂回电,说明亚洲金融危机后,我方出口市场受到很大冲击,我方一直在微利经营,所报价格已经非常低,但考虑到贵方购买数量增加为2000公吨,价格可降为每公吨1150美元CIF阿姆斯特丹。6月20日对方回电,仍然要求降低价格。6月23日钢绳厂回电答复,价格仍为每公吨1150美元CIF阿姆斯特丹,但可以提供普惠制证书。







1.外国人民事法律地位制度在国际私法上的重要意义是什么? 2.什么是普遍优惠待遇?



1.李健男:《论特定国民待遇标准:关于我国近期对外国投资者及其投资待遇模式的思考》,《法律科学》1996年第5期。 2.梁淑英主编:《外国人在华待遇》,中国政法大学出版社1997年版。 3.The MFN Principle14

The unconditional most-favored-naion (MFN) provision is the cornerstone of the interantional trade rules embodies in the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT).

The basic rationale for MFN is that if every country observes the principle, all countries will benefit in the long run through the resulting more efficient use of resource. Furthermore, if the principle is observed, there is less likelihood of trade disputes.

MFN has sometimes been described as the “central” policy of GATT and the post World War II trading system. The fact that it is Article I of General Agreement reinforces that position.

“… any advantage, favor, privilege, or immunity granted by any contracting party to any product originating in or destined for any other country shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally to the like product originating in or destined for any other country shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally to like product originating in or destined for the territories of all other contracting parties.”

The princilple must be applied “uncontionally”. This means, for instance, that a state can invoke most favored treatment without granting in turn some advantage. In other words, the principle is not based on reciprocity. 3.The National Treatment Clause

The National Treatment obligation of the GATT, like the MFN obligation, is a rule nondiscrimination. In the case of MFN, the obligation prohibits discrimination as between the same goods from different exporting countries. The national treatment clause, in contrast, imposes the principle of nondiscrimination as between domestically produced goods and the same imported goods. It is a central feature of international trade rules and policy, and exists within the GATT system 14


to prevent government practices which evade the tariff obligations.

Article III is the central national treatment obligation of General Agreement, which establishes the general principle that internal taxes and regulations “should not be applied… so as to afford protection to domestic production.”

第六章 自然人




1. 中国法院对下列案例是否有管辖权?有管辖权的法院应适用何国法律?





在日打工期间,杨永平先后给国内的王梅汇款800万日元(约合人民币56万元)。2001年起,王梅态度大变,说不认识杨永平,要杨永平不要再骚扰她。2002年,杨永平被日本政府以非法滞留的名义遣返回国。回国后,王梅对杨永平避而不见。2003年年底,在杨永平的要求下,法院判决两人离婚, 1516


参见李双元、欧福永主编:《国际私法教学案例》,北京大学出版社2007年版,第125-126页。 参见李双元、欧福永主编:《国际私法教学案例》,北京大学出版社2007年版,第123—124页。




2004年12月15日,石景山区人民法院因考虑到王梅尚在哺乳期内,故判处王梅拘役6个月,缓刑1年,同时判决王梅与他人的婚姻无效。 2.同样是解决国籍冲突,国际私法与国际公法有何不同? 3.简述住所与国籍、居所和惯常居所在法律上的区别? 4.简述自然人权利能力法律适用的主要做法。

5.为什么在某种情况下需要采用行为地法来判定自然人的行为能力? 6.如何处理连接点改变后的自然人行为能力的问题?


1.刘益灯:《惯常居所:属人法趋同化的必然选择》,《中南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》,2002年第3期。 2.Habitual residence17

This connecting factor has been employed in several statutes, some of which are based upon international conventions which employ the term either in addition to, or in place of, domicile.Thus, it is used as an alternative to domicile in respect of the jurisdiction of the English courts to grant decrees of divorce, judicial separation and nullity of marriage, and in respect of the law governing the formal validity of wills. It is used as an alternative to domicile and nationality as a basis for the jurisdiction of a foreign court when recognition of an overseas divorce is in issue. It has relevance in the choice of law rules for contract and plays a part in the laws of taxation, immigration and social security.

In Cruse v. Chittun, an early case which concerned the recognition of an overseas divorce, habitual residence was said to denote “regular physical presence which must endure for some time”. In several cases, the courts have said that it is a question of fact; this has turned out to be over-optimistic and, unavoidably, perhaps, legal rules have developed.

Some principles were stated by Lord Brandon in the leading case. Habitual residence must be understood in the natural and ordinary meaning of those words and is a question of fact to be decided in the light of the circumstances of the case. Unlike domicile, it cannot be acquired in a single day, since “appreciable period of 17

J. G. Collier, Conflict of Laws, Cambridge University Press, 3rd ed., 2001, pp.55-57.

time and a settled intention to reside on a long-term basis” are necessary. The “settled intention” need not be an intention to stay in the country permanently or indefinitely. Like domicile, it is immediately lost by leaving a country with a settled intention not to return.

Although in several cases, habitual residence has been said to differ not at all from ordinary residence, there are at least two differences between them. A person can have only one habitual residence but may have more than one ordinary residence at any one time. Whereas ordinary residence can be acquired in a single day, habitual residence needs an appreciable period of time.

Habitual residence differs from domicile in several respects. It is not ascribed to a person at birth; the intention required for its acquisition is different and a previous habitual residence does not revive on the abandonment of one which has been subsequently acquired. It is, however, abandoned in the same way as domicile is abandoned. Therefore, a person can be without a habitual residence.

As regards the habitual residence of children, the fact that a child may be without one may deprive him or her of the protection of the Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985 if he or she is aducted. Most of the reported cases about habitual residence have been decided under this Act. The courts have held that a child’s habitual residence may change with that of parent with whom the child lives and who is exercising rights of custody. If the parents live together and the child lives with then, he or she has their habitual residence. If they have joint responsibility, neither can change the child’s habitual residence by wrongfully removing or retainting the child in breach of the other party’s rights. Both parents must consent. A court order may change the child’s habitual residence. If one parent has lawful custody his or her habitual residence is also that of the child. If the child is made a ward of court, the court’s consent is needed to change the child’s habitual residence. This habitual residence “of dependence”, like that of domicile, probably ceases at the age of sixteen.

第七章 法人





1. 在下列案件中,香港绿谷公司根据股东大会决议提起诉讼的行为是否有效?应根据何地法律作出上述判断?








2.试述法人国籍的确定。 3.如何确定法人的住所?


【扩展性阅读材料】 1.萧凯:《论公司属人法的确定》,《中国国际私法与比较法年刊》(2003年卷); 2.Companies’ Status and domicile

The personal law of a company is that of its domicile, which means the law of the place of its incorporation. To this it owes its existence, and that law governs also its dissolution and its capacity to contract. The law of the place of incorporation dictates who can sue (or cause it to sue) and be sued on its behalf, and governs the extent to which a member can be personally liable for its debts. It also governs its status after an amalgamation.

In National Bank of Greece and Athens SA v. Metliss

Sterling mortgage bonds governed by English law were issued by a Greek bank in 1927 and guaranteed by the National Bank of Greece, a Greek bank. In 1941 payment of interest on the bonds ceased. In 1949 the Greek Government passed a moratorium extinguishing liability on the bonds. In 1953 another Greek decree amalgamated the National Bank with the Bank of Athens into a new bank, the National Bank of Greece and Athens, which the decree declared to be the “universal successor” of the two banks. In 1955 a bondholder claimed arrears of interest from the new bank. 19



The House of Lords held that he could do so, since the status of the new bank and the effects thereof were governed by Greek law. The moratorium law was said not to have affected the old bank’s liability since that was a matter for the proper law of the contract, English law. Subsequently, a decree provided that this status should not carry with it liability under the bonds. But the House of Lords held that this affected the obligations thereunder, and since these were governed by English law the new Greek decree was irrelevant.(It was also said that if it had affected status, it would be disregarded in so far as it was meant to have retrospective effect.)

第九章 法律行为与代理






1. 下列案件应如何确定准据法?




2.你认为为什么法律行为的法律适用要区分实质要件和形式要件两个方面? 3.简述法律行为形式要件准据法的选择方法。 4.论代理的法律适用。



1.郑自文:《国际代理法研究》,法律出版社1998年版。 2.Chioce-of –law by Principal and Agent20

In Article 5 of the Hague Agency Convention the widely accepted principle of party autonomy, allowing the parties to determine the law governing their contractual relationship themselves, has been fully recognized. It reads as follows: “The internal law chosen by the principal and the agent shall govern the agency relationship between them. This choice must be express or must be such that it may be inferred with reasonable certainty from the terms of the agreement between the parties and the circumstances of the case.”

Under Article 5 HAC the parties are free to choose any law whatsoever to govern their relationship. It is not required that the chosen law has any connetion with the agency relationship nor that the law which would otherwise have been applicable (i.e. as a rule the law of the country where the agent has its business establishment) is set aside in its entirely, including its rules which iin domestic cases cannot be derogated from by contract.

There are, however, some restrictions on the parties’ freedom to select the law governing their contract. Firstly, only in situations where one is dealing with relationship of an international character is a choice-of-law pursuant to Article 5 permitted. In the second place, courts may apply the mandatory rules of any country with which the agency agreement has a significant connection to the extent that these mandatory rules claim application in international cases. Finally, the application of the law chosen by the parties may be refused by the courts in situations where such an application would be manifestly incompatible with the forum’s public policy.

Under Article 5 a Chioce-of-law can be either express or implied. The Preliminary Draft Convention provided that the choice-of-law should arise from the terms of the contract and the circumstances of the case “by necessary implication”. This formula was regarded as being too inflexible. After elaborate discussions it was 20


decided that the words “by necessary implication” would be replaced by “with reasonable certainty”. Thus the courts are given a certain degree of freedom to inter a choice-of-law from the terms of the agreements and the circumstances of the case.

第二十二章 国际商事仲裁



















1998年5月,铁行渣华有限公司向华兴海运(中国)托运有限公司托运10个集装箱的货物,装于“Guang Bin Ji 74”轮由香港运到广东云浮六都,华兴海运(中国)托运有限公司于1998年5月16日在香港签发提单,提单号为74/9805LD02。该提单背面条款第2条内容为JURISDICTION:All disputes arising under or in connection with this Bill of Lading shall be determined by Chinese Law in the courts of,or by arbitration in,the People’s Republic of China.中文 指该公约第4条的规定:“为了获得??承认与执行,申请承认与执行裁决的当事人应该在申请的时候提供:??(2)第2条述及的(仲裁)协议的正本或经正式证明的副本。” 23








3.何谓国际商事仲裁协议?如何确定一项国际商事仲裁协议的有效性? 4.试述国际商事仲裁协议的效力。 5.何谓仲裁条款自治理论。


7.如何确定国际商事仲裁中实体问题和程序问题的法律适用? 8.试述我国的国际商事仲裁裁决异议制度及其完善。


【扩展性阅读材料】 1.郭玉军、肖芳:《网上仲裁的现状与未来》,《法学评论》2003年第2期。 2.宋连斌、黄进:《〈中华人民共和国仲裁法〉(建议修改稿)》,《法学评论》2003年第4期。 3.邓杰:《英国关于仲裁协议书面形式的立法发展及其对海事仲裁的影响》,《法制与社会发展》2001年第5期。 4.邓杰:《论仲裁庭管辖权自决原则》,《中国国际私法与比较法年刊》第5卷,法律出版社2002年版。 5.李双元、谢石松:《国际民事诉讼法概论》,武汉大学出版社2001年第2版,第491-584页。 6. 韩健:《现代国际商事仲裁法的理论与实践》,法律出版社2000年版。

7.宋连斌:《国际商事仲裁管辖权研究》,法律出版社2000年版。 8.刘晓红:《国际商事仲裁协议的法理与实证》,商务印书馆2005年版。 9.赵健:《国际商事仲裁的司法监督》,法律出版社2000年版。 10.邓杰:《商事仲裁法理论与实务》,兰州大学出版社2005年版。 11.高菲:《中国海事仲裁的理论与实践》,中国人民大学出版社1998年版。


12.About International Arbitration A. Description of Arbitration:

With the rapid growth and expansion of the world financial and business communities, it is increasingly important for businesses to have an established method of resolving business disputes quickly, efficiently and constructively.

When disputes arise in the course of business, parties often prefer to settle them privately and informally, in a businesslike fashion that will enable them to maintain their business relationship.

Arbitration is designed for just such occasions, in that it can be designed for quick, practical and efficient resolution.

Arbitration is a voluntary process of dispute resolution where a neutral third party renders a final and binding decision after each side has an opportunity to present its view. This method is especially useful in international business transactions where parties are often unfamiliar with foreign legal systems.

Unlike a judicial process, arbitration is conducted outside the court system by impartial arbitrators who are selected by the parties based on criteria that best fits the nature of the contract. Arbitration is usually conducted by either one arbitrator or a panel of three arbitrators with the structure, format, site and scope of arbitration all decided by the parties and memorialized in the arbitration clause of their contract. The parties usually negotiate the arbitration clause at the same time they develop the initial contract. A properly structured provision will help establish a framework for expeditious resolution of contract disputes.

Arbitration allows the parties greater flexibility than a court proceeding. Parties can decide to have abbreviated time periods in which to respond to claims, where the arbitration will be conducted, how formal the process will be, or whether to involve lawyers in the arbitration.

B. Advantages of Arbitration over Litigation:

1. Impartiality of Decision Maker -- Where a party is concerned that a court in another country may not be neutral, arbitration allows parties chose the arbitrators who will decide the matter;

2. Enforceability of Arbitral Awards -- Arbitration awards are final and can be challenged only under very limited circumstances;

3. Confidentiality -- Where arbitration proceedings and awards are normally private, court proceedings and judgments are frequently public; 4. Expertise -- Parties may choose arbitrators with technical backgrounds who will understand the specific issues in the case;

5. Limited Discovery -- Because the parties may choose to limit discovery in their arbitration, arbitration can be less burdensome; 6. Expense -- Arbitration is usually less expensive than litigation;

7. Brevity -- Arbitration usually produces a resolution more quickly than litigation; and,

8. Relationships -- Arbitration may be viewed as less adversarial, thereby preserving long-term business relationships. C. Kinds of Disputes Subject to Arbitration:

Generally speaking, there is a two-step process to determine if a controversy is arbitrable: 24

http://www.osec.doc.gov/ogc/occic/arb-98.html, visited on March 22.2007.

First, parties should specify in an arbitration agreement or in an arbitration clause of a contract whether disputes will be subject to arbitration; second, the parties should consider that the law of the country in which the arbitration takes place may prohibit arbitration for certain types of disputes. Arbitration for commercial matters, however, is normally encouraged.

The types of disputes that are considered arbitrable varies among countries. In the United States, courts have strongly favored arbitration in the resolution of international business disputes. They have held that almost all civil disputes can be arbitrated and have denied arbitration only where Congress has expressly stated that the provisions of a specific law can be enforced only in the courts.

D. The Agreement to Arbitrate

Arbitration agreements are formed at one of two points in time: during the negotiation of a contract, or after a legal dispute arises. Because the contract negotiation process offers greater opportunity to develop an arbitration format without the acrimony that can develop after a controversy arises, inclusion of an arbitration agreement as a clause in a contract is preferable and can streamline the dispute resolution process. The arbitration agreement is generally incorporated into the contract governing the transaction.

E. Elements of the Arbitration Agreement

The following elements should be considered for inclusion in any arbitration agreement:

1. Scope of Arbitration - The parties should explicitly state the matters that they want the arbitration agreement to cover. However, they should be aware that local law may restrict issues that may be subject to arbitration.

2. Choice of Arbitrator(s)

a. The clause must specify the selection process, otherwise statutes and rules may fill any gaps;

b. If institutional rules are used that provide for selection of arbitrators, no further reference to selection may be necessary;

c. A panel of three arbitrators is standard for international commercial arbitrations, with the parties each appointing one, and the parties or arbitrators selecting a third. In some circumstances an appointing authority will designate any missing members (e.g. where one of the parties refuses to select an arbitrator as a dilatory tactic);

d. A sole arbitrator may be preferable for disputes involving smaller amounts; and,

e. If an arbitrator must have a special skill, it should be specified in the arbitration agreement. 3. Choice of Law

a. The parties should designate the substantive law that will be applied in the arbitration;

b. The parties may select a procedural law. If they do not, the procedural law of the place where the arbitration occurs will apply; and, c. Absent an express choice of applicable law, the law of the place of the arbitration will be applied. 4. Choice of Location

a. A forum country should be selected that is a signatory to an international arbitration convention (i.e., the New York or Panama Conventions);

b. The location determines the extent of potential assistance, or even interference, by national courts during an arbitral proceeding and it may affect enforcement of the award;

c. Practical features such as facilities, communications and transportation systems, freedom of movement of persons, documents and currency, and support services should be considered; and,

d. The choice of location in the arbitration agreement should include the name of both the city and country.

5. Choice of Language - Parties may designate one language as the official language of the proceedings and allow simultaneous interpretation into another


6. Choice of Rules - Parties should specify the rules of procedure that will govern the arbitration process.

If selecting institutional rules to govern the arbitration, parties should consider whether those rules provide for: a. The selection of a site where it is not specified in the arbitration clause; b. Assessment of costs, including allocation between parties; c. Selection of arbitrators;

d. Powers given to the arbitrator;

e. The language in which the proceeding will be conducted; f. The substantive law to be applied; g. The use of experts;

h. The time allowed to arbitrators to make awards;

i. The power of any administering authority over the awards; j. The availability of provisional relief; and,

k. Flexibility to allow parties to opt out of certain provisions.

If the parties do not use institutional rules, the following items should be included in their own ad hoc rules: a. Procedure to initiate arbitration proceedings;

b. Means for dealing with the refusal of a party to proceed with arbitration; c. Scope and limitation of discovery;

d. Outline of hearing procedures, including notice and form of the award (whether it must be written out with reasons for the decision); and, e. Procedures for enforcement of the award.

7. Interim Relief -- Some arbitration rules specifically address matters of interim relief, i.e., whether the parties may apply to a court for a preliminary injunction, an order of attachment or other order preserving the status quo until the arbitrator(s) decide the case. The rules of most arbitration institutions provide that resorting to a court in such circumstances is not incompatible with, or a waiver of, the right to arbitrate under their rules. Moreover, most rules allow the arbitrators to order such relief.

8. Costs -- The arbitration agreement should provide for the allocation of costs.

9. Award of Tribunal -- The agreement should specify that a majority of the arbitrators must agree on an award and that it must be based on applicable law. The agreement should also specify the currency for payment of the award. If the award is to be recognized and enforced internationally, it may need to state reasons and legal basis, including reference to the process by which the legal basis was selected. Some awards contain no reasoning or written report.

第二十三章 国际商事和解与调解




【案例23.1】北京保险公司诉埃及“亚历山大”轮案 1992年1月8日,“亚历山大”轮由美国装载纤维棉和地毯编织机械设备30箱,运往上海、天津。2月抵上海卸下部分纤维棉,剩余部分连同地毯编织机械设备于3月15日抵天津新港。根据船方签具的清洁提单,这些货物在美国装船时是完好无损的,但卸货过程中发现地毯编织机械设备有22箱严重残损。3月20日,中国外轮理货公司制作22箱货物残损清单,船方也予以签认。卸货后,收货人北京燕山石油化学总公司请天津进出口商品检验局鉴定。鉴定结果表明,货损原因系由于“亚历山大”轮货舱没有分层隔板,货箱不适当地装载于货垛中层,货箱遭受上层货物的重压所致。初步确定货损约达30万美元。这些地毯编织机械设备的货运保险是由中国人民保险公司北京分公司承保的。北京保险分公司经过调查认为,船方对货损负有不可推卸的责任,应由“亚历山大”轮船东埃及金比轮船公司赔偿货损30万美元。当“亚历山大”轮船8月11日驶抵广州黄埔港时,北京保险分公司便于14日委托广东保险分公司向法院申请扣船,同时也向船东提出索赔和先行提供担保的要求。


2.简述国际商事和解的原则和国际商事和解协议的效力。 3.简述国际商事调解的类型和国际商事调解协议的效力。

4.以《联合国国际贸易法委员会国际商事调解示范法》为例,说明国际商事调解的进行。 【扩展性阅读材料】 1.郭玉军、甘勇:《美国选择性争议解决方式研究(ADR)》,《国际法与比较法论丛》第5辑,中国方正出版社2003年版。 2.范愉:《非诉讼程序(ADR)教程》,中国人民大学出版社2002年版。 3. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): an Overview26 2526


http://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/index.php/ADR#alternative_dispute_resolution_.28adr.29:_an_overview, visited on March 23, 2007.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) refers to any means of settling disputes outside of the courtroom. ADR typically includes arbitration, mediation, early neutral evaluation, and conciliation. As burgeoning court queues, rising costs of litigation, and time delays continue to plague litigants, more states have begun experimenting with ADR programs. Some of these programs are voluntary; others are mandatory.

The two most common forms of ADR are arbitration and mediation. Arbitration is a simplified version of a trial involving no discovery and simplified rules of evidence. Either both sides agree on one arbitrator, or each side selects one arbitrator and the two arbitrators elect the third to comprise a panel. Arbitration hearings usually last only a few hours and the opinions are not public record. Arbitration has long been used in labor, construction, and securities regulation, but is now gaining popularity in other business disputes.

Title 9 of the U.S. Code establishes Federal law supporting arbitration. It is based on Congress’s plenary power over interstate commerce. Where it applies its terms prevail over state law. There are, however, numerous state laws on ADR. Thirty-five states have adopted the Uniform Arbitration Act as state law. Thus, the arbitration agreement and decision of the arbiter may be enforceable under state and federal law.

In 1970, the United States joined the UN Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards.

Mediation is an even less formal alternative to litigation. Mediators are individuals trained in negotiations who bring opposing parties together and attempt to work out a settlement or agreement that both parties accept or reject. Mediation is used for a wide gamut of case-types: ranging from juvenile felonies to Federal government negotiations with Native American Indian tribes. Mediation has also become a significant method for resolving disputes between investors and their stock brokers. See, NASD Arbitration and Mediation.
