口译教程 - 参考答案 - 上海外语教育出版社 - 雷天放


JL: I think the most important thing is that when I was young, I learnt martial arts, that is my special key. I can use my unique martial arts skills in the film. But after a few years, I really want to do something different… like using martial arts to talk about peace and achieve peace. CNN 记者:这听起来似乎是矛盾的,对吗?您是一个打斗专家,但您却要谈和平?

JL: That’s right, because Chinese culture is not just martial arts. That’s only the physical part. It’s not true that the Chinese people are all Kongfu masters and can just beat up people; and that they have no brains, no thoughts. As a matter of fact, we have a deep, strong and sophisticated philosophy. I feel I have the responsibility to share this information with the worldwide audience. Lesson3

3.3 史蒂夫 福布斯谈《福布斯》





3.4 Introduction to an arts and crafts company

Distinguished guests, dear friends,

I feel honored to have this opportunity to introduce our company to you through the platform provided by this conference.

Founded 15 years ago, we are a company specializing in the design, manufacture and sales of handicrafts. Fifteen years ago our staff numbered 50; now the figure is 1,700. Fifteen years ago we rented a facility covering a floor space of 4,500 square meters; now our own facility covers a floor space of 24,000 square meters. These figures speak loudly and clearly of our success.

Our leading products are various architectural exotic European cathedrals, the Empire State Building, the White House, and the

Pentagon in the U.S., along with cartoon animal toys and Christmas gifts with a variety of designs. Our designs have become trend setters in the industry.

Nowadays, our products are sold worldwide in more than twenty countries including Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, America, the UK, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Germany. They are well received by both local importers and customers. For fifteen years our output value has manifested an annual growth rate of 30%. Lesson 4

4.3 西敏斯特大学介绍


西敏斯特大学成立于1838年,是英国第一所工科大学,所以我们学校有着悠久的历史。我们的主校区位于英国首都伦敦的中心地带。目前我们的学生来自132个不同国家,人数超过22,700. 所以西敏斯特大学是全英最受国际学生欢迎的15所大学之一。



面占据领先地位,我们的主要学科均获得高度认可。 我们真诚希望与贵校建立交流合作项目。

4.4 Preserve core values of the Lunar New Year

To people of Chinese descent around the world, the Lunar New Year (also called Spring Festival) is undoubtedly the most important festival of the year. Dating back 3,000 years, it celebrates the passing of a peaceful year and welcomes a new year.

The reunion dinner, eaten on New Year’s Eve, is the most special, with members of the extended family gathering for the most significant meal of the year. Even the absent members will endeavor to return home in time for it. It underscores the supreme importance of the family in Chinese culture, and aims at strengthening the sense of togetherness and cohesion.

The way people celebrate the New Year embodies two important core values. The first value is the sense of family togetherness; members of multi-generation families are all there to have a big reunion dinner. Everyone will follow this custom. The female members are always held responsible for preparing the dinner, and some rich families may take on extra hands. The second value lies in the happy visits mutually made between friends and relatives, a good way to strengthen kinship and friendship.
