
Unit 1 Never Give In, Never, Never, Never 绝不屈服,绝不,绝不,绝不

Winston Churchill 温斯顿·丘吉尔

Almost a year has passed since I came down here at your Head Master's kind invitation in order to cheer myself and cheer the hearts of a few of my friends by singing some of our own songs. The ten months that have passed have seen very terrible catastrophic events in the world—ups and downs, misfortunes—but can anyone sitting here this afternoon, this October afternoon, not feel deeply thankful for what has happened in the time that has passed and for the very great improvement in the position of our country and of our home? Why, when I was here last time we were quite alone, desperately alone, and we had been so for five or six months. We were poorly armed. We are not so poorly armed today; but then we were very poorly armed. We had the unmeasured menace of the enemy and their air attack still beating upon us, and you yourselves had had experience of this attack; and I expect you are beginning to feel impatient that there has been this long lull with nothing particular turning up!

1 将近一年前,应贵校校长盛情邀请,我来到这里唱了几首我们自己的歌曲,既为自己加油,也为一些朋友打气。过去的10个月中全世界发生了可怕的、灾难性的事件——盛衰浮沉、厄运磨难——但是,今天下午,这个10月的下午,在座有哪一位不会因为这段时间所发生的一切,因为我们家国境况的改善,而心存感激呢?是的,上次我来这里时我们还孤立无援,形单影只,这种状况持续了五六个月。当时我们装备简陋,现在有所改善,但那时真是家徒四壁。我们曾面临着敌人的巨大威胁,而他们至今对我们狂轰滥炸,你们自己对于这种袭击都有亲身感受;我料想你们已经开始按捺不住了,因为这么长的一段时间里,我们碌碌无为,按兵不动。

But we must learn to be equally good at what is short and sharp and what is long and tough. It is generally said that the British are often better at the last. They do not expect to move from crisis to crisis; they do not always expect that each day will bring up some noble chance of war; but when they very slowly make up their minds that the thing has to be done and the job put through and finished, then, even if it takes months—if it takes years—they do it.

2 但我们必须学会同样善于应付短暂而干脆与漫长而艰难的局面。人们普遍认为英国人最终总是会胜出的。他们不指望关键时刻接踵而至;他们不是一直期待每天都有决战的重大机会;不过一旦深思熟虑之后决意出手,即便需要经年累月,他们也矢志不渝。

Another lesson I think we may take, just throwing our minds back to our meeting here ten months ago and now, is that appearances are often very deceptive, and as Kipling well says, we must \


3 回首10个月前我们在此地的相聚,对比现在,我觉得我们可以汲取的另一个教训就是,事物的表象常常是很有欺骗性的。吉卜林说得好:我们必须“??面对胜利和灾难,以同样的方式对待这两个骗子。”

You cannot tell from appearances how things will go. Sometimes imagination makes things out far worse than they are; yet without imagination not much can be done. Those people who are imaginative see many more dangers than perhaps exist; certainly many more will happen; but then they must also pray to be given that extra courage to carry this far-reaching imagination. But for everyone, surely, what we have gone through in this period—I am addressing myself to the school—surely from this period of ten months this is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. We stood all alone a year ago, and to many countries it seemed that our account was closed, we were finished. All this tradition of ours, our songs, our school history, this part of the history of this country, were gone and finished and liquidated.

4 光看表象很难判断事物将何去何从。有时想象的情景比事实糟糕很多,但缺乏想象人们会碌碌无为。那些想象力丰富的人们也许预想的危险比现实多很多;当然,还会发生很多危险;然而他们也必须祈祷获得更多勇气来维持这样深远的想象。当然,对每个人而言,我们在这个阶段经历的一切——我正在对学校发表演讲——诚然这是我们从这10个月中得到的教训:绝不屈服,绝不屈服,绝不,绝不,绝不,绝不——无论事务巨细——都绝不屈服,除非你坚信屈服是光荣的明智之举。绝不屈服于强权,绝不屈服于貌似气势排山倒海的强敌。一年前我们孤军作战,许多国家都以为我们被彻底打败了,我们完蛋了。我们所有的传统,我们的歌曲,我们的校史,我们国家的这部分历史,已经消逝、告终与完结。

Very different is the mood today. Britain, other nations thought, had drawn a sponge across her slate. But instead our country stood in the gap. There was no flinching and no thought of giving in; and by what seemed almost a miracle to those outside these islands, though we ourselves never doubted it, we now find ourselves in a position where I say that we can be sure that we have only to persevere to conquer.

5 今天的情绪大不相同。其他国家认为英国输得一无所有了。但恰恰相反,我们的国家挺身而出。没有退缩,也丝毫没有屈服的念头;我们发现以目前的处境来看,我们只要坚持下去就一定能够征服敌人,这一点在英伦三岛以外的人看来是一个奇迹,但我们从不怀疑这一点。 You sang here a verse of a school song: you sang that extra verse written in my honour, which I was very greatly complimented by and which you have repeated today. But there is one word in it I want to alter—I wanted to do so last year, but I did not venture to. It is

the line: \

6 你们当时在此地吟唱了校歌中的一段,这一段是你们为了我而特地写的,我感到不胜荣幸,而今天你们又再次唱起那一段。不过我想改动其中一个词语,我去年就想这么做了,但是没敢这么做。就是这一句歌词:“我们在更黑暗的日子里的赞美依然如故。”

I have obtained the Head Master's permission to alter darker to sterner. \less we praise in sterner days.\蒙校长应允,我现在可以把“更黑暗的”改成“更严峻的”。“我们在更严峻的日子里的赞美依然如故。”

Do not let us speak of darker days: let us speak rather of sterner days. These are not dark days; these are great days—the greatest days our country has ever lived; and we must all thank God that we have been allowed, each of us according to our stations, to play a part in making these days memorable in the history of our race.

8 让我们不用“更黑暗的岁月”这样的字眼:让我们用“更严峻的岁月”来代替。这不是黑暗的岁月;这是伟大的岁月——我们国家历史上最伟大的岁月;我们全都应该感谢上帝,因为上帝允许我们每一个人根据自己不同的地位扮演一个角色,让这些岁月成为我们民族历史上令人难忘的时刻。

Unit 2 Space Invaders 空间入侵者

Richard Stengel 理查德·斯坦格尔

At my bank the other day, I was standing in a line snaking around some tired velvet ropes when a man in a sweat-suit started inching toward me in his eagerness to deposit his Social Security check. As he did so, I minutely advanced toward the woman reading the Wall Street Journal in front of me, who, in mild annoyance, began to sidle up to the man scribbling a check in front of her, who absentmindedly shuffled toward the white-haired lady ahead of him, until we were all hugger-mugger against each other, the original lazy line having collapsed in on itself like a Slinky.

1 几天前,我去银行排队,队伍沿着松松垮垮的天鹅绒围栏蜿蜒前伸,这时一位身穿运动套装的男子急不可耐地从我后头向前挪步,想尽早办理社会保险支票存储业务。当他这么做的时候,我只好谨小慎微地向排在我前面阅读《华尔街日报》的女士挪动步子。她略有不快,于是侧身向她前面那位正在涂写一张支票的男士走去,而这位男士则漫不经心地拖着脚走向他前面的银发老太。这样我们的队伍就变得七歪八扭,原来慵懒的队伍活脱脱变成了个“机灵鬼”

I estimate that my personal space extends eighteen inches in front of my face, one foot to each side, and about ten inches in back — though it is nearly impossible to measure exactly how far behind you someone is standing. The phrase \space\has a

quaint, seventies ring to it (\invading my space, man\but it is one of those gratifying expressions that are intuitively understood by all human beings. Like the twelve-mile limit around our national shores, personal space is our individual border beyond which no stranger can penetrate without making us uneasy. 2.我估计我个人空间的范围身前有18英寸,身后10英寸,两侧各1英尺——尽管要估算某人站在你身后多远几乎是不可能的。“个人空间”这个词组带有一种古雅的、70年代的味道(“老兄,你侵犯了我的空间”),但这是一个能让全人类一下子明白过来的令人满意的词组之一。就像我们国家拥有12海里领海权一样,个人空间就是我们的边界,只要有陌生人穿过这个边界,就会使我们感到不安。

Lately, I've found that my personal space is being invaded more than ever before. In elevators, people are wedging themselves in just before the doors close; on the street, pedestrians are zigzagging through the human traffic, jostling others, refusing to give way; on the subway, riders are no longer taking pains to carve out little zones of space between themselves and fellow-passengers; in lines at airports, people are pressing forward like fidgety taxis at red lights.

3 最近,我发现我的个人空间比以往任何时候所遭受的侵犯都更加厉害。电梯里,人们抢在关门之前拼命挤进来;马路上,行人奋勇向前,在人流中穿梭,推推搡搡,拒不让路;地铁中,乘客不再刻意在自己和别人之间留出狭小空间;在机场队伍中,人们拼命向前压上,就像等待红灯时烦躁不安的出租车一样。

At first, I attributed this tendency to the \explosion\and the relentless Malthusian logic that if twice as many people inhabit the planet now as did twenty years ago, each of us has half as much space. Recently, I've wondered if it's the season: T-shirt weather can make proximity more alluring (or much, much less). Or perhaps the proliferation of coffee bars in Manhattan — the number seems to double every three months — is infusing so much caffeine into the already jangling locals that people can no longer keep to themselves.

4 最开始我把这种趋势归结于“人口爆炸”以及无情的马尔萨斯理论。该理论认为,如果现在居住在地球上的人口比20年前多一倍,每个人得到的空间就缩小一半。近来,我怀疑是不是季节的原因:穿着T恤衫的天气使彼此靠近更具吸引力(抑或使吸引力大大减少)。或许是因为曼哈顿咖啡厅的激增——数量每3个月翻一番——将如此多的咖啡因注入原来就已经烦躁不安的当地人体内,使他们更加难以离群索居。

Personal space is mostly a public matter; we allow all kinds of invasions of personal space in private. (Humanity wouldn't exist without them.) The logistics of it vary according to geography. People who live in Calcutta have less personal space than folks in Colorado. \tread on me\could have been coined only by someone with a spread. I would
