

带密封环的喷油头(Y62) 与燃油压力缓冲阀(40)和油压测试接口(51)集成在一起。 M271DE型的燃油系统:

18 油轨 19 汇合点 20 高压泵

20/1 高压泵驱动

55/1 带压力控制器的汽油滤芯 75 油箱

a 汽油滤芯(内部) b 汽油滤芯(外部)

c 回到 suction jet pump d 进入frame base之前 e 进入高压泵之前 f 到油轨的高压管 g 高压泵回油管

B4/6 油轨压力传感器 M3 低压油泵

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Y74 压力调节阀 Y76 喷油头


M271发动机燃油通过两级式的汽油泵(M3)通过油管(a, b)流入带有膜片式压力调节器的汽油滤芯(55/1)产生3-5巴的压力并将多余的燃油从压力控制器直接流入回油管(c) 流回油箱Fuel is delivered as in the M271 with port injection from the 2-stage fuel pump over a pipe system

to the fuel filter The diaphragm pressure regulator integrated into the fuel filter serves to

regulate the fuel pressure (predelivery pressure) to approx. 3 – 5 bar.

Excess delivered fuel flows from the pressure governor straight to the return line back into the fuel

tank. The return quantity is required so that the suction jet pump can transport the fuel from the left into

the right chamber in the fuel tank.

The fuel is routed over an advance line (d) under predelivery pressure over the reunion (19) and a lowpressure

line (e) to the high-pressure pump (20).

This means that the fuel system all the way into the engine compartment is identical with vehicles fitted with an M271 KE and DE engine.

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