
C. had studied D. is studying 33. The car, __________ driver is a young man, is black. A. who B. which C. whom D. whose 34. This bridge __________ 1000 years ago. A. build B. is built C. was built D. building

35. __________ after a big meal. It?s not good for your health. A. Swim B. Don?t swim C. Do swim D. Don?t to swim 36. --- Tom likes English very much, __________? --- Yes, he does.

A. doesn?t Tom B. doesn?t he C. does he D. is he 37. The__________ from the top of the mountain is beautiful. A. view B. sight C. look D. see 38. I dislike apples and __________ eat them.

A. always B. often C. seldom D. usually

39. I prefer to stay at home rather than __________ out in the heavy rain. A. going B. to go C. go D. went 40. --- I __________ to the party last night. --- Why? Did something bad happen to you?

A. should have gone B. went C. have been D. shouldn?t have gone 41. --- How about going shopping with me this weekend? --- __________.

A. I?m busy. B. Good idea. C. Why? D. Right.

42. Sam suggested __________ for a walk after supper because it?s good for health. A. to go out B. that going out C. go out D. going out 43. --- May I take this book out of the library? --- No, you __________.

A. can?t B. may not C. needn?t D. aren?t

44. Have you been to Suzhou? A lot of small towns are worth __________ there. A. to visit B. visiting C. being visited D. visit

45. People __________ in the city do not know the pleasure of country life. A. live B. to live C. lived D. living

第二部分: 语言综合运用(共3小节,满分55分) V. 完形填空:(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

In China, safety education is very important now. 46 should students do to keep themselves safe? What are the 47 at school? Take a look.

Stampedes(踩踏, earthquakes and fires are the main accidents at school.

A stampede always happens in 48 places. If you 49 in the crowd, move to one side and protect your head with your hands around.

When earthquakes happen, you can get 50 a desk quickly and hold on. If you are 51 , find a place away from buildings etc. When there?s a 52 , leave the classroom quickly. Smoke makes them 53 and they can?t breathe. It?s better to put 54 over your mouth and nose. 55 when you want to get out, you should make yourself close to the floor to breathe some fresh air. 46. A. How B. Why C. What 47. A. accidents B. stories C. problems 48. A. busy B. crowded C. dirty 49. A. get lost B. fall behind C. fall down 50. A. on B. behind C. under 51. A. outdoors B. indoors C. somewhere 52. A. smoke B. fire C. flood 53. A. cry B. cough C. shout

54. A. anything wet B. something dry C. something wet 55. A. And B. But C. So


(A) 阅读材料,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。

Job Advertisement A Are you looking for a part time job? We 3 part time shop assistants to require work during the evening. No experience required, applicants should be between 18 and 26. Call 366-76564 for more information. B Part Time work available: We are looking for retired adults who would like to work part time at the weekend. Responsibilities include answering the telephone and giving customers information. For more information contact us by 576-86534.

C Computer trained secretaries: Do you have experience working with computers? Would you like a full time position working in an exciting new company? If your answer is YES, give us a call at 876-34221

( ) 56. What is the required position in Job A?

A. secretary B. shop assistant C. customer service

( ) 57. Which number would you call if you would like a full time job?

A. 366-76564 B. 576-86534 C. 876-34221

( ) 58. Which of the following is not TRUE about Job B?

A. It is a full time job.

B. The work time is on Saturdays and Sundays. C. It requires communication skills.

( ) 59. Which job requires experience with computer?

A. Job A B. Job B C. Job C

( ) 60. Jane Page, recently retired, is looking for a part time position. She would like to work with people and enjoys public relation work. The best job for Jane is ______.

A. Job A B. Job B C. Job C

(B) 阅读材料,判断正误,正确的选A,错误的选B。

50 candidates for “best job in the world”

The world will soon know who will get the “best job in the world”. The position is for a caretaker to live on and look after a tropical island off the coast of Queensland, Australia. Duties include relaxing on the island and writing a blog to promote the area. Other responsibilities are to feed the fish, clean the pool and collect the mail. The job website: islandreefjob.com. The successful applicant (申请人)will get a salary of nearly 100,000 dollars for the six months. They are looking for 50 candidates. Over 35,000 people applied for the job.

Finally the list of candidate will be down to 11. The eleven lucky people will fly to Hamilton Island for a formal interview. The winner will be announced on May, 6, and the job starts on July 1.

50 people now are from 22 countries. They include dancers, chefs, scientists and students.

Queensland Tourism Minister(部长) Desley Boyle said “ We are discussing about their motivation and professionalism of the applicants and their ?fit? with the job.” ( ) 61. The “best job in the world” is to look after a lake. A. True B. False

( ) 62. One of the duties of this job is to catch and cook fish. A. True B. False

( ) 63. More than 35,000 people applied for this wonderful job. A. True B. False

( ) 64. All of the applicants for this job are Australian. A. True B. False

( ) 65. They want someone who is motivated and professional. A. True B. False

(C) 信息匹配。阅读5段描述和5条相关的信息,将这些描述和相应的信息匹配起来,并把与信息对应的字母填写在括号内。

The following is a list of workers in a hotel. Decide what he/ she does according to the job description. (下面是某酒店的工作岗位列表, 请各岗位的工作描述与对应的岗位名称相匹配。 岗位名称用字母A---E表示。) A. cashier B. receptionist C. waiter D. cook E. trainer ( ) 66. Alice is in charge of training the new employees.

( ) 67. Henry prepares food, using various cooking methods, i.e., boiling, roasting and baking. ( ) 68. Wendy receives cash from customers. ( ) 69. Tom serves food and drinks to customers.

( ) 70. Mark greets visitors and directs them to appropriate persons. (D)阅读下面的对话,然后按要求完成电话留言。

It was 10 a.m., on the morning of Apr. 25. The phone in Mr. Wood?s office rang. A: Hello, Finance Department.

B: Hello, can I speak to Adam Wood, please? A: I?m afraid he?s in a meeting now. B: What time will he be out of the meeting?
