

27. I hope you must not take ______ at my frankness. A. annoyance B. offence C. resentment D. irritation

参考答案: B

TIP:take offence为一固定词组,意思是“生气”,其他三个名词不可与take搭配使用。

28. With his lack of experience and smaller physique, we don't think he ______ a chance of winning the fight. A. stood B. gained C. possessed D. took

参考答案: A

TIP:stand a chance 为一固定词组,意为“很有希望,很有可能”。

29. You are getting too old for football, Mr. Black. Youd better take ______ golf instead. A. on B. in C. over D. up

参考答案: D

TIP:take up“开始从事”;take on“采纳;承担”;take in“接纳;领会”;take over“接管”。

30. I try to put ______ a little money each week towards my summer holidays. A. back B. by C. off D. down

参考答案: B

TIP:put by“存储”;put back“把??放回原处”;put off“推迟”;put down“记录,登记”。


1. ______ the heavy rain, quite a large crowd of people were waiting at the station to see the president arrive. A. Although B. Even though C. Nevertheless D. Despite

参考答案: D

TIP:although,even though和nevertheless都是连词,引导状语从句。只有despite是介词,后接名词词组。

2. I'd prefer to postpone that decision ______ I hear from my uncle. A. before B. except C. in case D. in spite

参考答案: A

TIP:before“直到??才”,in case“如果,万一”,except和despite 为介词,不可直接引导从句。

3. I wrote to my bank manager ______ to getting a loan. A. in the hope B. on the question C. with the aim D. with a view

参考答案: D

TIP:with a view to something / doing something“为了”,in the hope 和with the aim后需跟介词of。

4. He looked like an Englishman, but his foreign accent gave him ______. A. in B. away C. up D. over

参考答案: B

TIP:give away“泄露”,give somebody in“把某人交给警察”,give up“放弃”,give over“移交”。

5. Charging prices like that is nothing ______ of robbery. A. less B. more C. short D. far

参考答案: C

TIP:nothing short of 为一固定词组,意为“简直是”。

6. I'd rather you ______ anything about the garden until the weather improves. A. don't make B. didn't do C. don't do D. didn't make

参考答案: B

TIP:would rather 后跟从句时,从句中的谓语动词需用过去时。make things“制造物品”,根据题义选择 do things“做事情”。

7. Under the circumstances it ______ be best to wait for a few weeks. A. seemed B. ought C. might D. should

参考答案: C

TIP:might be best / better为固定搭配,表示“如此做最好/较好”。

8. The doctor insisted his patient ______. A. not work too hard for three months B. relaxing for three months C. takes it easy for three months

D. to take some vacations for three months

参考答案: A


9. The man who ______ my daughter ______ to be quick-thinking.

A. marries ... needs B. marries ... will need C. will marry ... will need D. will marry ... needs

参考答案: B


10. ______ income tax and the cost of repairs to the house, Mr. Corder has saved quite a lot of money this year. A. In contrast to B. In excess of C. In spite of D. What with

参考答案: C

TIP:what with是表示原因的多词介词,常与导致恶果的几个表原因的名词词组连用。

11. Which of the following is CORRECT? A. Do you mind if I opened the window? B. Would you mind if I opened the window? C. Do you mind me to open the window? D. Would you mind me to open the window?

参考答案: B

TIP:表示客气的请求可以使用would或do引导的疑问句,但是would you mind后的if从句中要用虚拟式,而 do you mind后的if从句中则使用直陈式,如 Do you mind if I open the window?另外,mind后可跟-ing,而不可跟不定式。

12. ______, the chairman closed the meeting. A. There to be no more business B. There being no more business C. There be no more business D. There is no more business

参考答案: B

TIP:这是there be的-ing分词形式,在句中作独立主格结构。

13. ______ arrived undamaged. A. The merchandise has
