船长 - 大副英文面试问题及参考答案

I shall nominate the standby personnel and prepare the ventilation, breathing tool, connecting signals, oxygen, air and poisonous gases testing equipment, and other necessary equipment according to the checklist. I shall then get the Master’s signature on the checklist.

21. What checks do you have make before any hot work is permitted? I must make sure of the following:

There is no gas leakage on cargo deck or pump room area

The nearby places shall be free of inflammable materials or gases and portable extinguishers are available

The area where the hot work is done is not piled with solvents of any kind, including diesel oil, kerosene, paint, cleaners and thinners

Gas testing is also important to make sure no flammable or toxic gas in present at the work site and that the oxygen content is 21% by volume Ventilation condition should also be checked before any hot work is done The Master’s approval must be obtained under all circumstances. While in port, you must also get the port authority approval.

22. On board your previous vessels, how often did you conduct a fire-fighting drill?

I carried out a fire fighting drill at least once every month.

23. What are the Chief Officer’s responsibilities with regards to cargo operation?

The Chief Officer is in charge of safe handling of all cargo operation. He must submit all cargo plans to the master for approval and discuss ay critical stage of cargo operation with the Master. He is responsible for making cargo records, time sheets, port logs and other paperwork related to

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cargo operation. He must also prepare cargo operation order and get all duty officers to read and understand it.

24. What are the Chief Officer’s responsibilities with regards to maintenance?

The Chief Officer should prepare the deck maintenance schedule-both the long-term and short-term ones-and discuss the schedule with the Master. He is in charge of the deck department personnel and should oversee their maintenance work. He should also write the monthly maintenance report. 25. When the charted depth of anchorage is 40 meters, usually how do you drop the anchor?

Before dropping the anchor, I should make sure that be windlass and the brakes are in good condition and there is good holding ground. I should also study the water depth, weather and sea conditions and take into account the duration of the anchorage action.

During the anchoring, I should lower the anchor until it touches ground, then disengage and slag the chain cable until the length is paid out. Main engine should be used to stretch the cable. I should not use excessive weight for the cable.

The length of the cable must be decided by the master in advance. No matter how deep the water is, at least two shackles should remain on board.

26. If water depth is more than 80 meters, is it possible for you to drop the anchor?

Except in an extreme emergency situation, dropping anchor in this depth of water is very dangerous. So, if the anchor has to be dropped, the

geographical condition (sea bed and adjacent area), weather condition must be carefully studied beforehand. If possible, you should have a discussion or meeting with relevant crew before the work is done.

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27. How do you keep proper ventilation during the voyage? Your ship is loaded with steel coil at Constanta in December and the cargo is to be discharged in Singapore.

In order to prevent rust formation on the surface of the cargo, I must make sure the temperature in holds is higher than the dew point at any times. Ventilation is to be made on the condition of dew point and try to lower the dew point.

Under the above situation, no ventilation is needed because the ship sails from a cold place (Constanta) to a hot place (Singapore).

28. How do you maintain the minimum Under Keel Clearance (UKC) when the vessel during passage/in fairways/inside ports?

In different places, the UKC may vary a little bit. Normally, the UKC should be 20% of the load draft during passage, 10% of the load draft in fairways, and 10% of the load draft inside the port. The reference data are subject to the regulations of the port authority.

29. In case of cargo damage (for example, before the vessel arrives at the discharging port, when opening the hatch, you find the quality of the surface cargo has changed, how would you handle it?

Well, I have to know the quantity of the cargo whose quality has changed. If the cargo is a small quantity, I shall dispose it myself. If it is a large quantity, I shall ask for decision from the Master.

30. What are sensitive cargoes as defined by the P & I Club?

The cargoes that are particularly susceptible to moisture and damage are called sensitive cargoes. For the sensitive cargoes, special attention shall be required. The P&I Club defines the following cargoes as sensitive cargoes: cement, grain, and sugar.

31. How do you judge whether the cargo holds are fitted for loading?

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According to the requirements of the voyage instructions or the charter party, I shall first see if meets the charterer’s demands. Then I will make my own judgment. If the holds are not suitable for loading any type of cargo, I shall report this to the master and ask him to decide on this.

32. Can you please briefly explain the general requirements for grain cargo carriage?

First fill out a standard form of stability calculation. (1) Hold Preparation

The hold should be very clean and free scale and odor. All bilges should be clean and dry. The tank top should be clean, stainless and dry. The front and rear sides of the brackets and beams, piping etc. Should be completely washed and clear of all residues and dust from the previous cargo. And if the ship carried grain in the previous voyage and insects are found in the hold, the holds should be fumigated with insecticide. (2) Ventilation

Grain can self heat, condense and absorb moisture. Without good ventilation, the cargo can easily deteriorate. In case of bulk grain, air is to be blown to the surface of the grain continuously on a daily basis in order to remove the air from the cargo. The temperature of the cargo shall be tested by thermometer on a daily basis and be recorded in the logbook. (3) For detailed answer, please refer to the IMO Grain Rule. (IMO Resolution A. 714 CODE OF SAFE PRACTIVE FOR CARGO STOWAGE AND SECUREING.) 33. How to conduct ventilation for hygroscopic [?haiɡr??sk?pik]cargo from warm to cold area voyage, and from cold to warm voyage? How about the non-hygroscopic cargo?

In case of carrying hygroscopic cargoes from a warm place to a cold place, ventilation is very critical. It should be as strong as possible in the beginning so that eventually the outside dew point will be too low. This is

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