外研版高二英语必修6module6 导学案 - 图文


初 备:LI HONG 审 核: 授课人: PENG 班 级: 姓 名: 小 组: 课 题: Module 6 Animals in Danger 学习目标 课型: Introduction 学案编号: 课时:Period 1 Language knowledge goals: To learn words about wild animals 教师修正/学preservation 生笔记 Language skill goals: Try to analyze the reasons for animals extinction. Emotional attitude goals: To protect animals and the nature Key words and phrases Topic discussion 学习重点 学习难点 Learning Procedure 一、独学:(学习要求、学法指导) Ⅰ.Refer to your reference books or dictionaries to find the following words and phrases 1. endanger 2. reserve 3. habitat 4. extinct 5. struggle 6.wildlife 7. protect 8. conservation 9. species 10. survival 11. in danger 12. thanks to Ⅱ. Read the passage of activity one, page 51 二、对学、组学(学法指导、学习要求) 1. Work in pairs. Say what you know about this animal. (activity 1 on page 51) 2. Discuss your ideas with other students about which is the most important reason for animals’ extinction. (activity 3 on page 51) Find out the difficult sentences and language points by themselves, then put forward any questions if they have and solve them together. 三、展示:(展示要求)Try to produce a list in order (1-5) and explain why. 四、达标测评:Match the following words with their meanings. (activity 2 on page 51) conservation; endangered; extinct; habitat; reserve; species; struggle; survival; wild; wildlife 1. a type of animal or plant: 2. the place where an animal lives naturally: 3. protection, especially of natural things: 4. in danger: 5. a fight which lasts a long time: 6. an area of land where animals are protected: 7. dead (for a species, not a single animal): 8. continuing to live: 9. living in a natural state, away from people: 10. wild animals: 课堂评价与反思

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初 备:LI HONG 审 核: 授课人: 学案编号: PENG 班 级: 姓 名: 小 组: 课 题: Module 6 Animals in Danger 课型: Reading 课时:Period2 学习目标 Language knowledge goals: To learn some useful words、phrases 教师修正/学and sentence patterns from the text. 生笔记 Language skill goals: To improve the students’ reading ability. Emotional attitude goals: To learn the condition about the Tibet antelopes and the people’s effort on saving the antelopes. 学习重点 a. key sentence patterns: Although surprised(V-ed as adverbial), leaving only the babies(V-ing as adverbial of result) b. key topics: How to protect animals in danger 学习难点 Improve reading ability, and train the students to capture the key sentence and seize the key information. Learning Procedure 一、独学:(学习要求、学法指导) Refer to your reference books or dictionaries to find the following words and phrases 1. poacher 2. antelope 3. battle 4. plateau 5. ideal 6. shawl 7. herd 8. worth 9. skin 10. spot 11. raid 12. confiscate 13. condition 14. meanwhile 15. dealer 16. freezing 17. co-operation 18. profit 19. illegal 20. vehicle 21. put down 22. give one’s life to 23. on the spot 24. a ban on the trade 25. come into fashion 26. take an active part in 27. be ready for 28. get tough with 二、对学、组学(学法指导、学习要求) 1. Read the passage as quickly as possible and match the main idea with each paragraph. Para.1 A. the reason why the number of the antelopes is falling . Para.2 B. the way the poachers deal with the antelopes. Para.3 C. the role the government played in protecting the antelopes. Para.4 D. something about Jiesang Suonandajie. Para.5 E. volunteers and international cooperation 2. Choose the best answers. (activity 2 on page 51) ⑴How did Jiesang Suonandajie die? A. He froze to death. B. He was killed by criminals. C. He had an accident in his jeep. ⑵. Why are Tibetan antelopes in danger? 2 / 18


A. They have lost their natural habitat. B. They are killed for their wool. C. They cannot survive at high altitude. ⑶. What has the Chinese government done to help the antelopes? A. It is protecting the antelope in a nature reserve. B. It has closed the border with India. C. It has sent police to countries where ―shahtoosh‖ is sold. ⑷. What’s happened to the trade in ―shahtoosh‖? A. It has grown quickly. B. It has become legal. C. It has become harder to sell ―shahtoosh‖ 3. Read the passage again. Say what the numbers and dates refer to. 50,000 $5,000 1975 138 2% 3,000 5,000 metres 1997 Requirements: Find out the difficult sentences and language points by themselves, then put forward any questions if they have and solve them together. 三、展示:(展示要求)Every group presents the answer and explain why. 四、达标测评:Read and complete the passage Once there were millions of _________ on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The number had _____ about 50,000 by the 1990s. Research indicates the wool of the Tibetan antelope can be made into shawls, which are _____ with rich people in European countries. Poachers make huge _____ on the deal. The poachers often shoot whole herds of antelope ___________, ________ only the babies. The animals are skinned ____________ and the wool _________ to India, ________ it is made into the shawls. In the 1990s the Chinese government began to take measures to ______ the antelopes. Sometimes there were gunfights. Suonandajie ______________ to saving the Tibetan antelopes. But nowadays, with the help of _________, the government often wins the battle. _________, in those countries where the shawls are sold, police __________________ the dealers. International co-operation also gives a band. Now, the number of poachers has fallen and the antelope population slowly begun to grow again. We hope the Tibetan antelope will______. 课堂评价与反思:

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初 备:LI HONG 审 核: 授课人: PENG 班 级: 姓 名: 小 组: 课 题: Module 6 Animals in Danger 学习目标 学案编号: 课型: Language points 课时:Period 3 教师修正/学生笔记 Language knowledge goals: To learn some useful language points Language skill goals: To master and use the language points Emotional attitude goals: To protect animals and the nature 学习重点 学习难点 Important language points To master the language points Learning Procedure 一、独学:(学习要求、学法指导) Ⅰ. 重点单词 1. endanger endanger是及物动词,意为______________。如: e.g. The big fire endangered the animals living in the forest. endanger = en + danger 前缀en-常常用来构成动词,表示―使……处于某种状态;使……成为‖。如:enrich―使……变得富裕‖;enable―使……能够‖;enlarge―使……变大‖。 2. reserve 以下句中reserve的词性和意义是什么 1)It's a nature reserve._____________ 2)I'd like to reserve a table for two persons. ____________ 3)These seats are reserved for the old, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant people. ___________ 【拓展】in reserve ___________ e.g. The money was being kept in reserve for their retirement. 3. struggle 1) n.________ 2) v.___________ struggle with/against _____________ struggle for____________ e.g. He struggled against/with cancer for two years. a country struggling for independence 4. protect v.________ protect … from/against ________________ They tried to protect the trees from cold. Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack. 注意:对于较大的事情,通常用against,对于较小的事情用from. protection n. 保护;护身符 protective adj. 保护的;防护的 4 / 18
