
lighter 打火机 21 collect the water from the well 从井中取水

drink from the well 从井中取水喝 22 live/work on the farm 住在农场/在农场工作 23 sail across the ocean 横渡海洋 24 the Pacific ocean 太平洋 25 make a hit CD/movie制作一张非常成功的CD/电影 26 appear on TV 在电视上出现 show up 出现 27 lead singer/actor 主唱/主演 lead sb to do sth 引导某人做某事 28 write a poem 写一首诗 29 It’s one’s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事 do sth in turns 轮流做某事

turn right/left 向右/左转 30 look for one’s families’ roots 寻找某人家族的根源 in search of roots 追述根源 the tall tree of long roots 有很长根的树 31 overseas Chinese 华侨 32 local government 当地政府 33 in southern China=in the south of China 在华南 34 the purpose of sth/doing sth 做某事的目的 35 step by step 一步一步 36 look forwards to doing sth 期待做某事 37 get back to +地点 回到某地 get back to sb =answer the letter

=reply to sb 给某人回信 38 do chores=do the housework 做家务 have many chores to do 有许多家务要做 39 do some cleaning/reading 阅读/清扫 do some shopping =go shopping 购物 40 chat to/with sb 与某人聊天 41 start/begin ding/to do sth 开始做某事 42 tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事 43 feed the animals 喂动物 44 in a minute=immediately=at once 立即/ 马上


=right away/now

in a minute=for/after a white 过一会儿 45 be/get for sth/doing sth 准备好做某事 46 write original songs 写新颖的歌 47 win an award of any kind 获得…的奖项 Unit 15

We’re trying to save the manatees ?

1 present progressive 现在进行时 2 present simple 一般现在时 3 passive voices 被动时态 4 present perfect 现在完成时 5 care for 关怀 6 spotted animals/dog 斑点动物/狗 7 in the mangrove swamp 在红树林沼泽地 8 weigh 100 pounds 称100磅 9 lose one’s weigh 减肥 10 be polluted 被污染 11 polluted water 被污染的水 12 be suitable for sb 对某人适合 13 tiny germs 微小的细菌 14 in the cage 在笼子中 15 take good care of sb 照顾好某人 look after sb well 好好照顾某人 care for sb well

16 urge sb to do sth 强烈要求某人做某事 17 recycle sth/paper 循环使用纸/某物 18 be built out of sth 由…制造 be made of/from 由…制成 19 be glued 被胶合 20 discarded tile/kid 被丢弃的瓦片/孩子 discard sth 丢弃某物 be discarded 被丢弃

give up 放弃 21 cola/soda can 可乐/汽水罐头


a can of beer 一听啤酒 22 the Help Save Our Planet帮助拯救我们星球的社团 23 be an inspiration to sb 对某人是一个灵感 24 in one’s spare/free time 在某人空闲时间 25 model plan/toy 模型玩具/飞机 26 raise money for charity 为慈善机构筹钱 27 on business 经商 28 be proud of=take pride in sth 对…感到自豪 29 aquatic feed 水下生物 30 in the pond 在池塘中 31 There used to be… 过去常常有… 32 be endangered 濒临灭绝 endangered animals 濒临灭绝的动物 33 a number of =a lot of =many/much 许多

the number of …的数目(谓语用单数) 34 pass laws to do 通过法律做某事 35 protect sth 保护某物 36 as you can see 正如你所见 37 ten feet long 十英尺长 eight meters high 八米高 1.75 meters tall 1.75米高 twenty meters wide 20米宽 38 be against doing 反对做某事 be for doing 赞成做某事 Are you for or against? 你赞成还是反对? 39 in one’s life 在某人生命中 40 be surprised to do 惊奇做sth be surprised at 吃惊于… to one’s surprise 使某人吃惊的是… 41 stop doing/riding 停止正在做的事 stop (doing sth) to do sth 停止正在做的事去做另一事 42 wash one’s hair 洗(某人的)头 43 paper towels/napkins 纸巾 beach towels 沙滩毛巾 44 save electricity 省电 save money 省钱


use up all of his savings 用光他的储蓄 45 in a hurry 匆匆忙忙 hurry up=quickly=be quick 快点 46 be interested in=take an interest in 对…感趣 interest sb 引起某人的兴趣/注意力 47 average person 普通人 48 take one’s own bag 带某人自己的包 49 live close to 住得离……很近 close the door 关门 The door is closed. 门是关着的 be closed to sb 与某人亲密 come very close 来得紧迫 50 living textbook 活生生的教材 51 hear of 听说 52He is the most careful student in the class.


She is a most/very unusual woman.


53 glass bottles 玻璃瓶 54 win an award 赢得一个奖项 55 make/build out of trash 用垃圾制造…

