
The toy car . 3. Are these apples for your grandma?(肯定句) apples for my grandma. 4. What are they? They are oranges.(单数句) What it? is an orange. 5. Peter can hear a ship.(划线提问) Peter hear? 6. These are my black shoes.(划线提问) are ?

Unit 3 单元练习

I. Copy the sentences(正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写及标点符号):

may i have a pair of gloves ok here you are

__________________________________________________ _______

II. Translation(中英互译):

1.一副手套 ___________ __ 2.三条围巾_____________ _ 3.棕色的夹克

______ ____ 4.那些斑马 _ _________ 5.暖和的帽子__________ 6.喜欢看书 ____________ __ 7. have a try_____________ __ 8. play together ________ _____

III. Read and choose (读一读,选出划线部分发音不同的单词的编号) :

( ) 1. A. ride B. bicycle C. bitter ( ) 2. A. glove B .monkey C. coffee ( ) 3. A. cake B. apple C. name ( ) 4. A .duck B. cut C. juice ( ) 5. A .me B. these C. smell

IV. Answer the questions (根据提示回答问题):

1. What animals do you like? (猴子)______________ _ ___ . 2. Do you like this jacket? ( 不) _________ _____ ____ . 3. What’s this? (一副手套)________________ ___ _____ . 4. How does the cake taste? (很好吃)____________ _ ______ . 5. What can you hear? (一架飞机)_____________ ______ _ __.

V. Read and complete (阅读短文,完成下列句子,每格一词):

Today is Sunday. Mike is going to the zoo with his classmates. He puts on his new white T-shirt and yellow cap. He says goodbye to his parents and goes to the bus stop(公交车站). The bus stop is near his home. The zoo is very far(远) but a No. 1 bus will take them there. The children are going to see a lot of animals at the zoo and they are going to have a good time. 1. It is _________ today.

2. Mike and his _____________ are going to the zoo. 3. The zoo is _________ from Mike’s home. 4. The children go to the zoo by _________ .

VI. Write down the correct contents(按要求写出恰当内容):

1. monkey(复数) ____________ 2. don’t (完整形式)________ __ 3. robot(同类词)______ ___ 4.clock( 划线部分发音相同)_____ ___ 5. pair (同音词) _____________ 6. fox (复数) __________ __ 7. scarf (复数) ____________ 8. gloves (单数) ________ __

VII. Translation (中英互译) :

1. 黑白相间__________ _ ___ 2. 两头大象______ ____ ___ 3. 可爱的娃娃__________ __ __ 4. 一副手套__________ ____ 5. 滑滑板_____________ 6. 在钟里面__________ ___ 7. 擦玻璃____________ ___ 8. six o’clock___________ __ 9. stick the buttons________ ____ 10. five red scarves _______ __

VIII. Fill in the blanks (填入所缺内容,使句子完整,每格一词) :

1. What can you see in the zoo? I can see ____________. 2. Sally likes to ride a ______________. 3. Do you like ___________ ? No, I like apples. 4. Are these _________ gloves? No, they are Eddie’s. 5. What __________ do you like? I like __________ .

IX. Read and choose (读一读,选择最恰当的答案) :

1. ( ) What’s that? It’s ________ elephant. It’s ______ big. A. a / B. an / C. an a 2. ( ) Are these your toys? Yes, ________ .

A. they are B. these are C. there are 3. ( ) It is cold outside. I want a _________. A. shirt B. dress C. scarf 4. ( ) Listen _____ the dog and look ______ the elephant. A. to at B. at to C. to to

5. ( ) There_______ a skateboard and ten robots in the toy shop.

A. are B. is C. has 6. ( ) Do you like riding the bicycle? Yes, I _______ . A. don’t B. like C. do

Test of Module 2, Book 3B


Part 1 Listening 听力部分

I. Listen and choose.听录音,选出你听到的句子。8% ( ) 1. A. We can see many bulls in the zoo. B. We can see some bulls in the zoo. C. I can see many bulls in the zoo. ( ) 2. A. Look at the robot. It can walk. B. I have a robot . I t can walk. C. Look at the doll. It can’t walk. ( ) 3. A. Jack is sitting on the rock. B.Jack is standing on the rock. C. Jack is sitting under the clock. ( ) 4. A. Alice has a pair of gloves.

B. Alice has a pair of socks. C. Alice has a pair of shoes.

( ) 5. A. What are those? They’re dolls. B. What are those? They’re balls. C. What are these? They’re dolls.

( ) 6. A. Sam doesn’t like the robot but the skateboard.

B. Sam likes the robot but doesn’t like the skateboard. C. Sam likes the robot and the skateboard. ( ) 7. A. I like those bicycles. B. I like this bicycle.

C. I like these bicycles.

( ) 8. A. Look at the monkeys. They’re clever. B. Look at the rabbits. They’re lovely. C. Look at the elephants. They’re strong.

II. Listen and circle.听录音,选出你听到的单词的编号10%

( ) 1. A. pair B. pear C. bear ( ) 2. A. this B.these C. those ( ) 3. A.scarves B. skirts C. shirts ( ) 4. A. rabbit B.robot C. rubber ( ) 5. A. thin B. sing C. stick ( ) 6. A. books B.box C. fox ( ) 7. A.glass B. grass C. class ( ) 8. A. blue B. balloon C. glue

( ) 9. A. 59734657 B. 59736457 C. 59736547 ( )10. A. angry B. hungry C. happy

III. Listen and tick.听录音,勾出听到的单词6%

1. zebra panda 2. cake bread ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

3. train ship 4. gloves hats ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

.5. pineapple apple 6. zoo park

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

IV. Listen and choose.听录音选出正确的应答句。6%

( ) 1. A.They’re shirts B. It’s a shirt.. C. These are shirts. ( ) 2. A. Thank you. B. That’s all right. C. OK.

( ) 3. A. I can ride a horse. B. He can ride a horse. C. She can ride a horse. ( ) 4. A. I like dolls. B. I can see a doll. C. It’s a doll. ( ) 5. A. Yes ,I like. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I can. ( )6. A. Monkeys B. Zebras. C. Elephants.

V. Listen and fill in the blanks.听录音,填单词5%

Ben is a boy. He is my ____ __. He likes toys. He has a __ __. It’s brown. It’s ___ __. Kitty is Ben’s pet. Kitty is a cat. Kitty is ____ __ and ___ ___.

VI. Listen and judge.听录音判断,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示。5%

( ) 1. Danny and Kitty are in the park now.

( ) 2. The boy has a blue hat and a pair of blue gloves.
