
3. How does cultural diversity in language usage complicate the multicultural health care setting?

4. What policies should be in effect at a health care facility to determine when interpreters should be employed?

5. Why might it be important to incorporate more than one medical belief system into the treatment of patients in a multicultural health care setting?

6. What are some cultural differences in beliefs about death and dying? How do these different belief systems affect the manner in which caregivers relate to their patients?

Chapter 11 Activities

1. Locate someone from a culture different from your own, and interview him or her regarding the characteristics of a successful communicator in that culture. Include some of the following questions in your interview: a. What are the elements of credibility within your culture?

b. What communicative behaviors are least desirable in your culture? c. What communication skills are most valued in your culture?

2. Define your communication style to the best of your ability by answering these questions:

a. Do I give my full attention to people? b. Do I seem at ease or tense?

c. Do I often change the subject without taking the other person into consideration?

d. Do I deprecate the statements of others? e. Do I interrupt repeatedly?

f. Do I show sympathy when someone has a problem?

g. Do my actions tend to lower the other person’s self-esteem?

3. Think about planning a trip to another country. What preparations would you make to minimize the effects of culture shock?

4. As a member of a host culture, what responsibilities do you believe you have to make immigrants feel comfortable in their new cultural environment? 5. In a group, discuss the components of an intercultural ethic. How would you recommend that such an ethic be internalized so that it is always present during intercultural communication?


1. In a small group, discuss the following topic: Why is it difficult to know your own culture?

2. In a small group, discuss the following topic: Given that individual and cultural differences exist, can we ever truly empathize with another person? 3. With other class members, decide how you could best prepare to enter a new culture and deal with culture shock.

4. In a small group, discuss how might you help an immigrant who has been hired by your company adapt to living in the United States.

5. In a small group, discuss the relative merits of a fundamentalist and a relativist approach to devel-oping an intercultural ethic.
