

Time capsules(胶囊)are small collections of things or information that are stored(存储)somewhere safe. They can 1 by people in many years and give future people a view of life in the past.

They may have newspaper articles, popular music recordings and photos.

Historians can use time capsules to 2 more about people that lived in the past. One of 3 time capsules was the Detroit Century Box. On December 31, 1900, the city put several photos and letters in a box. The box wasn't opened 4 people took it out on December 31, 2000.

The things inside the capable 5 us a look at Detroit in the past.

There 6 photos of people and places, as well as letters written by local people. Some of them even made 7 for the future. For example, one person predicted that Detroit would have a population of 4 million by 2000.But 8 , the population of the city was 951,000 that year, according to history Detroit.com.

Humans have 9 sent time capsules into space! The US sent two capsules into space on the Voyager spacecraft (航天器)in 1977. They're called the Voyager Golden Records. They contain (包含)sounds and pictures that show human life and culture. For example, they have 10 by classical musician

Beethoven and pictures of plants, insects and landscapes (风景). The Voyager spacecraft has traveled far away from our solar system (太阳系). It is hoped that aliens might find the time capsules some day and learn about humans. 1. A. open

B. opened

C. be opened D. be open C. take C. after C. caught C. were C. in total C. hardly

D. worry D. the earlier D. since D. gave D. will be D. at last D. seldom D. music

2. A. change B. learn 4. A. until 6. A. was 8. A. in fact 9. A. never

B. when B. are B. at first B. even

3. A. earliest B. the earliest C. the early 5. A. thought B. made

7. A. questions B. inventions C. predictions D. suggestions

10. A. sports B. paintings C. rock B;(10)D;

【答案】 (1)C;(2)B;(3)B;(4)A;(5)D;(6)C;(7)C;(8)A;(9)【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文谈论“时间胶囊”的相关情况。

(1)句意:它们能在许多年后被人们打开,让未来的人得以一窥过去的人的生活。此处应该用被动语态,根据“Time capsules(胶囊) are small collections of things or information that are stored(存储) somewhere safe. ”可知,时间胶囊是信息或其他东西的小的集合,因此可推知它可以被人们打开,要用被动语态,故选C。

(2)句意:历史学家能够使用时间胶囊来更多地了解生活在过去的人们的相关情况。A 改

变;B 学习;C 拿走;D 担心。根据“more about people that lived in the past.”可知此句考查固定短语learn about.…了解关于…的情况,故选B。

(3)句意:最早的时间胶囊中的其中之一是底特律世纪盒子。在one of+形容词最高级+名词的复数形式,最……其中之一;此处需要形容词最高级,故选B。

(4)句意:直到2000年12月31日人们把这个盒子拿出,它才被打开。A 直到……;B 何时;C 在……之后;D 自……以来。根据句意及用法,排除B、C、D,固定短语,not…until…,直到……才,故选A。

(5)句意:时间胶囊里的那些东西让我们得以看到底特律在过去的情况。A 认为;B 制造;C 抓住;D 给。根据“The things inside the capable _____ us a look at Detroit in the past. ”可知,时间胶囊给我们展示了过去的底特律的情况。故选D。

(6)句意:那儿有一些人和地方的照片,也有一些当地人写的信件。这是There be句型,因说的是过去的事,且be动词后面的名词是复数的,故前面的be动词用were。故选C。

(7)句意:他们中的一些甚至对未来作了一些预测。A 问题;B 发明;C 预测;D 建议。根据“for future”可知,此处指的是其中一些信件对未来做了预测。故选C。

(8)句意:但是,事实上,根据底特律历史网,那年该市的人口是九十五万一千人。A 实际上;B 首先;C 总共;D最后。据“ 4 million by 2000.”及“the population of the city was 951,000 that year”可知,此句意为“但事实上,那一年这座城市的人口为951000。故选A。 (9)句意:人类甚至向太空发射了时间胶囊(时间舱)。A 从不;B 甚至;C 几乎不;D 很少。根据下文中的“sent time capsules into space”可知,此处应用 even,强调出乎意料的情况。故选B。

(10)句意:例如,它们有经典音乐家贝多芬的音乐和一些植物、昆虫和风景的图片。A 运动;B 绘画;C 岩石;D 音乐。根据下文的“classical musician Beethoven”古典音乐家贝多芬可知,故选D。



Nowadays, many people drive their cars to work. There are a lot of cars in the street and the 1 is very busy. So sometimes 2 is not easy for people to get to work on time. When you are going to be late, you only dream of taking a plane there. Can your dream 3 ? Yes! You can take a plane only in months!

Four engineers in Germany are 4 in making planes. They are making a newplane—Lilium jet. It doesn't look like a plane 5 an egg. Many people think it looks funny and interesting. The great \can take two people to the sky and 6 three hundred kilometres in one hour. That's really great.

Some people call Lilium jet \drive it. People can drive it just like driving a car. But it can go 7 and farther than a car. Secondly, Lilium jet is not very big, only a quarter of a plane. So it doesn't need an airport. Only a small place is OK. It can stop 8 . In the future, the \and 9 our ways of trip.

Lilium jet will come on the market soon. 10 you want to make your trip easy and funny, why not buy one? I'm sure you will have a good time on it. 1. A. traffic 2. A. this 4. A. bored 5. A. but 6. A. walk

B. sky B. that

C. train C. it

3. A. come on B. come back C. come true

B. interested C. disappointed B. and B. swim

C. so C. fly C. earlier C. lose C. Whether

7. A. slower B. faster 9. A. change B. find 10. A. Unless B. If A;(10)B;

8. A. where B. nowhere C. everywhere

【答案】 (1)A;(2)C;(3)C;(4)B;(5)A;(6)C;(7)B;(8)C;(9)【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要介绍目前大街上交通繁忙有时上班是很困难现状,四位德国工程师设计的一种新型的飞机——百合喷气式飞机即将上市。

(1)句意:大街上有许多车,因此交通繁忙。A:traffic交通; B:sky天空; C:train火车。根据上文There are a lot of cars in the stre街上有许多车,可知交通繁忙,故选A。 (2)句意:因此,有时候按时上班是很难的。A:this这个; B:that那个; C:it它。根据 ...is not easy for people to get to work on time.可知不定式作真正的主语,放在句末,用it作形式主语的句型,It is+形容词+to do sth.故选C。

(3)句意:你的梦想能实现吗?A:come on加油; B:come back回来; C:come true实现。根据your dream,可知梦想实现,故选C。

(4)句意:四位德国工程师对制造飞机感兴趣。A:bored厌倦的; B:interested感兴趣的; C:disappointed失望的。根据are...in making plane,可知要用be interested in doing sth. 对做某事感兴趣。故选B。

(5)句意:它看起来不像飞机而像一个鸡蛋。A:but但是; B:and和,又; C:so因此。根据根据 It doesn't look like a plane... an egg. 它看起来不像飞机,可知要用not...but...,不是……而是……,固定用法,故选A。

(6)句意:这个巨大的“鸡蛋”可以带两个人在天上,每小时可以飞300公里。A:walk步行; B:swim游泳; C:fly飞行,放飞。根据...to the sky到天上可知只能是飞行,故选C。

(7)句意:但是它比汽车运行的快,运行的远。A:slower更慢的; B:faster更快的; C:earlier更容易的。根据根据...three hundred kilometres in one hour.每小时可以飞300公里,可知性能比汽车好,因此也应该比汽车快,故选B。

(8)句意:它可以停在任何地方。A:where 在哪里;B:nowhere哪里都不; C:everywhere到处。根据 Only a small place is OK只要一块小地方就可以,可知它到处都可以停。故选C。

(9)句意:在将来,这种飞行汽车将进入人们的生活,改变人们的旅行方式。A:change改变; B:find找到; C:lose丢失。根据上文 In the future, the \people's life,可知这种飞行汽车速度快,飞行远,停放方便。因此可以改变人们的生活方式 。故选A。

(10)句意:如果你想让你的旅行变得极容易又有趣,为什么不买一台呢?A:Unless除非; B:If如果,是否; C:Whether是否。根据you want to make your trip easy and funny,你想让你的旅行变得极容易又有趣,是买一台飞行车的条件,故选B。

【点评】考查完形填空。做题时,应先通读全文,了解大意,理清文章的内容和逻辑关系。然后逐 一做题,注意上下文的提示和空前后的搭配;最后再读短文,印证答案。


We sometimes call the lion \than other animals. It can 1 faster than many animals and hunt the best. It is the highest animal in the 2 food chain.

In the sea, the shark is one of the animals at the top of the food chain. It can swim faster than 3 other sea animals, and it can use its big teeth to eat them.

What is at the top of the world's food chain? People are! We are not the biggest or fastest, but we are the 4 . We could not run faster than cheetahs(猎豹), so we 5 cars and now we can move the fastest. We could not fight better than lions, so we invented guns. Now we can hunt the best.

People's inventions are clever, but they can be 6 , too. For example, people built 7 , and now they make the air and rivers dirty. This can make terrible changes. Dirty rivers kill fish. 8 bears cannot eat the fish. If we kill one part of the food chain, other parts also will die. Remember that we are a part of the food chain, 9 we are in danger, too! If we protect animals, we are protecting 10 ! We could and we should do something for the world! 1. A. walk 2. A. sea 3. A. most 5. A. used

B. swim B. land

C. run

D. jump D. more D. made D. helpful D. hospitals D. Then

C. mountain D. desert

B. another C. any B. had

C. invented C. schools C. While

4. A. strongest B. cleverest C. most special D. most important 6. A. interesting B. dangerous C. careful 7. A. factories B. hotels 8. A. If

B. When
