
摘 要

摘 要



关键词:利率, 房价, 商业银行个人住房信贷, 房地产信贷风险






With the development of market economy, the national large-scale promotion of housing system reform since 2000, our country real estate industry and the financial system is more and more closely. At present, our country real estate market overheating, real estate prices remain high and growing fast. Interest rate as an important financial monetary policy tool, can control the growth of the real estate prices in a relatively stable interval, is very important to maintain the stability of the real estate market. At the same time, China's real estate industry vigorous development, real estate loans also increases rapidly, the real estate development funds about 60% - 60% rely on bank loans, this situation led directly to the bank credit assets is more and more subject to the fluctuations of the real estate market, increasing the risk of bank credit, the must has drawn great attention of the financial sector.

In this paper, based on the real estate development credit at the present stage in China, to the commercial bank personal housing credit as the breakthrough point, by focusing on the interest rate changes on prices caused by fluctuations, thus the influence of a series of real estate credit, to reveal the interest rate changes some of the impact on the real estate credit risk. The full text is divided into six parts, the first part mainly discusses the significance and background of topics, research status at home and abroad and the thesis argument method and transmission mechanism; In the second part is the current development of China's commercial Banks personal housing credit situation, reveals the deficiency existing in our country commercial bank individual housing credit development. The third and the fourth part, focusing on the interest rates impact on housing prices around the interest rates affect house prices, housing price fluctuations affect the credit transmission mechanism, reveal the influence of interest rate on the real estate credit risk. The fifth part mainly aiming at the existing problem of interest rate control housing prices and the credit risk of real estate in our country, a series of Suggestions and countermeasures are put forward. The sixth part give a summary to full text.

Key Words:Interest rates, prices, commercial bank individual housing credit, real estate credit risk



