窦卫霖跨文化商务交际教案讲稿1 - 图文

教 学 程 序 教学的基本内容 (2) 时间安排教学方法 5 mins: Revision 10 mins: Explanation 20 mins: Group study Review the terms in the previous part: Cultural shock Communication medium feedback channal Internal communication External communication III. Intercultural Communication 1. Defining the Terms IC (intercultural communication): ? The term first used by Edward T. Hall in 1959 and is simply defined as interpersonal communication between members of different cultures. ? ICC can include international, interethnic, interracial, and interregional communication. ? International communication: Communication takes place between nations and governments rather than individuals. It is quite formal and ritualized. ? Interethnic communication: Communication between people of the same race but different ethnic backgrounds. ? Interracial communication: It occurs when the source and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races which pertain to physical characteristic. ? Interregional communication: The exchange of messages between members of the dominant culture within a country. They share common messages and experiences over a long period of time, but live in different regions of the same country. 2. Intercultural Communication as a Phenomenon (1) Intercultural communication as a phenomenon has the features of intercultural communication: ? It is a universal phenomenon. It occurs everywhere in the world. ? Communications between cultures has been going on for thousands of years. ? Intercultural communication is a common daily occurrence. (2) From an intercultural perspective, there are four crucial developments for the rapid increase of intercultural communication: ? Improvements in transportation technology ? Developments in communication technology ? Changes in mass migration patterns ? Globalization of the world economy Ⅳ. Learning Intercultural Business Communication 1. IBC in US ? This new field of study originated in the U.S. in the late 1950s. ? It gained acceptance through training and testing practice in the 1960s and 1970s. ? It formed its basis framework in the late 1970s. ? It has made great achievements in theory and practice ever since the 1980s both inside and outside of the U.S. ? Today, ICC is widely acknowledged and extensively researched in all parts of the world. 2. IBC in China ? ICC was firstly introduced into China during the early 1980s by some English teachers. ? Hu Wenzhong, a leading scholar of ICC in China ? The 5th International Conference on Cross-cultural Communication was held in Harbin, China ? China Association for Intercultural Communication was established in 1995. 3. The multidisciplinary nature of ICC ? L-linguistics and language ? Anthropology ? P-Psycholinguistics and Psychology ? S-Sociolinguistics and Sociology ? E-Education and English ? Communication studies ? Cultural Studies Ⅴ. Case Analysis Wayne Calder, a recent Harvard MBA graduate and one of his organization’s most innovative planners, was assigned to the Paris office for a two-year period. Wayne was particularly excited about the transfer because he could now draw on the French he has taken while in school. Knowing that his proficiency in the French language would be an excellent entrée into French society, Wayne was looking forward to getting to know his French colleagues on a personal level. During the first week in Paris an opportunity to socialize presented itself. While waiting for a planning meeting with top executives to begin, Wayne introduced himself to Monsieur LeBec. They shook hands and exchanged some pleasantries, and then Wayne told LeBec how excited his family was to be in France. Wayne then asked LeBec if he had any children. LeBec replied that he had two daughters and a son. But when Wayne asked other questions about LeBec family, his French colleague became quite distant and uncommunicative. Wayne wondered what he had done wrong. Ⅵ. Business Communication Conversation M: Can you have the briefs from the Anderson firm’s lawyer on my desk by tomorrow morning. There are quite a few very time sensitive matters with this case. I’m afraid I can’t wait any longer. 15 mins: Explanation 20 mins: Group discussion 15 mins: Role play F: Getting those Anderson briefs has been harder than you can imagine. I have tried to contact their lawyer many times. But every time I call, his secretary says he’s in a meeting or out of the office or away on business. I am beginning to think he is trying to avoid me. M: That’s highly possible. He knows if we miss our filing deadline, we don’t stand a chance to compete against them for the bid. Try to get a hold of him again. Give him a call and see if he can fax them first thing. F: What if I can’t speak to him directly? M: Ask his secretary to fax them. It’s the same thing. Have them faxed over with a copy also faxed to Martin’s office. F: How do I find Martin’s fax number? Is he in your roller desk? M: No, but you can also call their office and ask the secretary to give you their fax number. I’ll email you their office number later today. F: Ok, I’ll get on it first thing. M: Be sure you do, I need those briefs ASAP Dialogue two M: Did you put this morning’s faxes on my desk? I’m waiting for some urgent faxes from headquarters, I’m pretty sure they came in last night. F: Everything that came in the office fax machine last night is all on your desk, but I noticed that some of faxes came through pretty blurred, maybe you take a look at them, if the copy is unreadable, I’ll call then and ask them to refax. M: Yeah, you’re going to have to call them and get them to be refax. These copies are so dark. I can’t make out any of the words. F: What about that one? M: This one? This one is so light and I can barely read it. How can that be? F: You know, I think the fax machine is out of toner. I can change the toner cartridge. That should solve the problem. M: Yes, but this one will have to be refaxed as well. And look, there’s about 3 pages missing. It looks like the fax machine ate half of my important faxes, and ones that made it through are so blurred or too light. They are unreadable. F: I guess the fax machine is out of paper too. Don’t worry, I’ll have someone look at it this afternoon, and in the meantime, I’ll have your documents refaxed to our other fax machine. Assignment: 1. Preview the next chapter. 2. Practice the business English conversation. 5 minus


授课内容 所需课时 主要教材或 参考资料 Chapter 2 Understanding Cultures and Their Values 4 学时 《跨文化商务交际 第二版》 高等教育出版社 2011 年出版 知识目标:1. 理解并掌握文化的基本原理、要素和特点; 2. 通过案例欣赏理解跨文化沟通的特点; 3. 理解不同文化对行为的影响; 4. 学习跨文化商务沟通相关词汇。 能力目标:使学生在理解沟通和商务沟通的基本理论的基础上,培养其文化意识与跨文化交际能力。 德育目标:1. 提高学生对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性,培养学生跨文化交际能力; 2. 激发学生对中西方沟通形式差异的思考。 文化的基本理论及特点 不同文化对行为的影响和案例分析 1. 多媒体教学 2. 讨论法 3. 讲授法 4. 视频观看 Part 1 The Nature of Culture 1学时 Part 2 The Basics of Cultural Value 1学时 Part 3 Understanding Cultural Patterns 2学时 1. 预习本章教学内容并完成课前学习任务; 2. 复习并掌握本章相关理论知识; 3. 通过相关练习题巩固知识; 4. 通过商务对话练习和案例分析进一步理解本章理论与知识。 Preview: Previewing the next Part . Oral Practice: Practicing a conversation on intercultural business communication. 同意上述安排。 教研室主任签字: 200 年 月 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 教学内容及 时间安排 学习指导 作业及思考题 教研室审阅意见
