

非限制性定语从句同其先行项之间的联系是松散的。它不是先行项的必不可少的组成部分,而仅是对先行项作些描写或补充说明。非限制性定语从句前常有逗号将它与主语分开。非限制性定语从句也主要是采用前面已说过的分译法和溶合法来译。它常驻被译为并列分句、独立的和状语从句,偶尔还可译为定语词组等。 1.译成并列分句

1) 译成并列分句,省略先行项

①Wait a minute, said the boss, and he opened the load and took out a ham, which he started to bone and string up.―等一会儿!‖老板说道,说罢便打开火腿包,拿出一只,开始剔骨头,并用绳子缚起来。(省主语)

②Carrie reached home in high good spirits,which she could scarcely conceal.嘉莉兴高采烈地回到家,想掩饰也掩饰不住。(省主语) 2) 译成并列分句,重复英语的先行项

②He came within the meaning of a still newer term ,which had sprung into general use among Americans in 1880…他其实适合于一个更新的名词,那个名词1880年在美国人中突然流行起来…… 2. 译成独立句

①It has long been my wish to encounter one of the oldest civilizations in earth .I have come amidst you from Egypt ,On the banks of the Nile ,which also has a most ancient civilization .我一直向往着要同世界最古老的文明会晤。尼罗河畔的埃及也有着最古老的文明,我正是从那里来到你们中间。

②You've given Feldstyn, who dislikes me any how ,the chance he was waiting for .费尔德丁反正讨厌我,你给他的机会正是他求之不得的。 3. 译成状语从句

①These actions, which have aroused universal and unreserved disapproval, must nevertheless give us a pause.这些行动,虽已激起普遍而毫不掩饰的反对,却也使我们举棋不定。(表让步)

②In a dispute between two states with which one is friendly, try not to get involved.在两国发生争端时,如与该两国皆友好,则应避免卷入。(表条件)。

③Copper, which is used so widely for carrying electricity , offers very little resistance.铜的电阻很小,因此被广泛用于输电。(表结果) 4. 译成定语词组

As I came in, Mike, who owned the taxi that used to stand at the corner of our street ,waved to me from a table.我进去时,那个开出租汽车的麦克坐在一张桌子那里向我招手,他的车子经常就停在我们街角上。



第十三讲 习语的翻译

一、教学目的:了解和掌握习语在翻译中的处理方法。 二、教学过程: 英汉习语对比 1.形义完全相同

barking dogs do not bite 吠犬不咬人

life in short and time is swift 人生苦短, 岁月易逝 as cold as ice 冷若寒冰

like father, like son有其父必有其子. Heart to heart 心心相印


spend money like water 挥金如土 as strong as horse 力大如牛

teach a pig to play on a flute 赶鸭子上架 talk horse 吹牛

kill the goose to get the eggs 杀鸡取卵 laugh off one's head笑掉牙 as strong as horse 力大如牛 a lion in the way 拦路虎

3.看似相同 其实不同/

pull one's leg 欺骗或者戏弄某人(不是拖某人的后腿) a walking skeleton 骨瘦如柴的人 (不是行尸走肉)

a big fish in a small pond 显赫人物(小池容不下大鱼)eat one's words 收回前言(不是食言) 4.没有对应

child's play 非常容易做的事 oil and vinegar 截然不同的东西 as fit as fiddle 非常健康 英汉习语的翻译方法: 1.直译

the government's policy has given a green light to the development of our economy 政府的政策为经济发展开了绿灯.

he said so to save his face他那样说是为了保全面子.

My uncle gives me money? Pigs can fly if they had wings.我叔叔给我钱, 要是那样猪也长翅膀飞上天了.

living in an ivory tower, sally had no understanding of politics.萨莉身处象牙塔内, 对政治一点也不了解. 2.直译加注

advice and correction roll off him like water off a duck's back.劝导和惩罚对他好像水过鸭被似的根本不起作用.

Emerging from the ―pastry-cooks‖, Soams‘ first impulse was to vent his nerves by saying to his daughter: ―Dropping your handkerchief!‖ to which her reply might well be: ―I picked that up from you.‖ 从糖果点心店里出来,索姆斯本想对女儿发作一下,“故意把手帕掉在地上,就是为



save your breath; the boss will never give you the day off. 说也无益, 老板不会准你假的 she found herself to be a fifth wheel in the family. 她感到她成了这个家庭多余的人.

\好吧, 他说, 突然含含糊糊地笑了. \干杯\这里解释一下bottom up) 4.归化

A:Iam sorry now that we bought this house; it is much too far from the bus-stop. B: well, what‘s done is done.

A: And cannot be undone---unless we can sell it without losing too much money. A: 我们把这所房子买了,真遗憾,它离公共汽车站实在太远。 B: 唉,木已成舟了。/买了就买了吧

A: 也只好这样了-除非我们能在损失不太大的情况下再卖出去。 5.注意不要望文生义和滥用归化法

She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.(她生于富贵之家)

He knows how to solve the problem. He was not born yesterday.(他可不是乳臭未干的小孩) The boss gave her the sack.老板给了他一个麻袋. (老板解雇了他) I have seen him through. 我看透了他. (我帮他度过了难关) Blow hot and cold 朝三暮四,不要译成 朝秦暮楚

A fair weather friend 不能共患难的朋友 不要译成 酒肉朋友

Give one an inch and he will take an ell 得寸进尺 不要译成 得陇望蜀 6.有些没有固定的译法, 要灵活处理.

Jack owed David a dollar, so he borrowed another from Joe to pay David back. He robbed Peter to pay Paul. 杰克欠戴维一美元, 于是向乔借了一美元去还戴维, 他这是借东家还西家 Trying to study a lesson for one class during another class is like robbing Peter to pay Paul 要在这节课里学习那节课的内容是挖东强补西墙

7. 翻译段落练习:

永州之野产异蛇,黑质而白章,触草木,尽死,以啮人,无御之者。然得而腊之以为饵,可以已大风、挛 、瘘、疠,去死肌,杀三虫。其始,太医以王命聚之,岁赋其二。募有能捕之者,当其租入。永之人争奔走焉。

有蒋氏者,专其利三世矣。问之,则曰:―吾祖死于是,吾父死于是,今吾嗣为之十二年,几死者数矣。‖言之,貌若甚戚者。 余悲之,且曰:―若毒之乎?余将告于莅事者,更若役,复若赋,则何如?‖

In the wilderness on the outskirts of Yong Zhou there exists a kind of snake with

black skin marked with white stripes. Any plant dies upon its touch and anyone bitten by it is doomed to die. But once it is caught and dehydrated, it can serve as an

ingredient of a traditional medicine for the cure of leprosy, arthritis, swollen necks, malignant tumors, the removal of decayed flesh, and the elimination of three kinds of worms that cause illness. Since early times the court physician has ordered the people in the name of the emperor to hand in snakes twice a year. Whoever does so is exempted from taxation. People are vying with one another to catch snakes.

There is a man whose surname is Jiang. His family has been enjoying this privilege for three generations. When asked, he told me with deep grief, \killed by a snake, and so was my father. I myself have been engaged as a snake

catcher for twelve years and might have been killed many a time.\him, saying, \to transfer you to your former work and renew the taxation on you. How would you like that?\

第十四讲 无生命主语句的翻译

一、教学目的:了解和掌握无生命主语句在翻译中的应用。 二、教学过程:

无生命主语句(Non-life subject sentences): 类型:

The past decade saw much great progress in our society. 我国社会在过去10年里取得了很大的进步

That night sleep eluded him那天夜里他没有睡好。

Rome witnessed many great historic events.罗马城发生过许多重大的历史性事件。

Her illness prevented her from attending the conference on linguistics. 她因病没有参加语言学术会议。

Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh.这位曾使全世界发出笑声的人自己却饱尝辛酸。 译法:


The word ―expect‖ always crept into Dad‘s stories.爸爸讲故事时,总要不经意地说出“期望”这个词。

Absence and distance make the overseas Chinese heart increasingly fond of the Peking regime. 华侨背井离乡,远居国外,因此他们在感情上越来越向往北京政权。

My total ignorance of the connection must plead my apology.恕我孤陋寡闻,对此关系一无所知。

2. 把无生命主语转换成具体事物的主语,或是保留原主语,并同时改变与之搭配的谓语动词,必要时须切分句子,将主语分译成分句或者单句或是调整整个句子的语序。 My arms and legs go to sleep我的手脚不管用了。The door refuses to close.门关不上 The thought of returning to his native land never deserted (抛弃)him amid(在-之中) his tribulation(苦难,磨难)在苦难中重返故园的念头始终在他心头萦绕。 3.把无生命主语转换成汉语的状语。

Investigation led us to the foregoing (前面的)conclusion.经过调查,我们得出了上述结论。 March was to take Elizabeth to Hunsford. 三月,伊丽莎白将前往汉斯福德。

The evening of November 3 saw the IWW(industrial workers of the world )tactics bearing fruit. 11月3日晚,世界产业工人协会的战术生效了。

Dawn met him well along the way. It was a pleasant uneventful ride.东方欲晓的时侯,他已走了一大段路了,这次骑马旅行很愉快,没有碰到意外事件。 4. 把无生命主语转换成汉语复句。

Losing his fortune drove him mad. 他由于失去自己的财产而发疯。
