辽宁科技大学本科生毕业设计 第 I 页
摘 要
在工业不断发展的今天,人们更加追求自动化的同时可编程序控制器映入了我们的眼帘,可编程序控制器在各行各业的应用不断增加,让我们看到他的应用之广泛,此次设计是在游泳池水处理自动控制方面的一个具体体现,正文介绍了可编程序控制器(PLC)、西门子S7-300 CPU313及温度传感器在游泳池水处理系统中的应用及PID调节。本设计在详细了解了S7-300 PLC的结构、用法,以及游泳池水处理系统的工艺流程的前提下,运用PLC对水处理各环节进行精确的控制。引入PLC后,比传统的游泳池更加安全、可靠,更加节省人力资源,操作简单,节省硬件等诸多优点,随着市场的开放与不断扩大许多国外的品牌不断涌入我国,我们可以选用更适合要求的产品。选用合适的PLC有利于系统的完美发挥,无论是从抗干扰能力或是其他方面PLC控制的系统都是当前最具实力的产品。
辽宁科技大学本科生毕业设计 第 II 页
PLC designing of natatorium water processing system
With the development and advancement of industry, the Programmable Logic Controller that has been widely applied in a lot fields has become focus nowadays. This designing is a material and concrete exhibition in the aspect of natatorium water processing system. This article mainly illustrates PID regulation and the application of Programmable Logic Controller---PLC, Siemens S7-300 CPU313 and temperature sensor in the natatorium water processing system. The article has detailed introduced the S7-300 PLC structure and usage. Furthermore, it has completely complained the process of circulation water processing system and temperature regulation, as well as the concrete operation process. Comparing to the traditional one, the PLC controlling system has made the natatorium more safe and credible. Moreover, it not only can be operated easily, but also can save a lot of human resource and hardware for us too. As people have known, Programmable Logic Controller has become the developing trend of industrial automation. Due to the open and distensible market, a lot of foreign products of PLC that provide more choices for us have entered. As people have known, a good choice of P