
A.which I think it is C.which I think it A.every now and then C.little by little A.Would A.What; because

B.Should B.That; because

B.I think which is D.which I think is B.every here and there D.every minute and hour C.Must C.That; what

D.Might D.What; that

30.I go out _____ with a friend or two and come back home by ten.

31. _____ you fall in trouble when in Tokyo, you are welcome to call Sandra who may help you.

32._____ makes the school famous is _____ more than 80% of the students have been admitted to universities. 33.—Can I smoke here?

—No, at no time _____ in the library. A.does smoking permit

C.smoking is permitted

34.—How do you find the lecture by Mr. Lee?

— _____. I doubt if I will come for his lecture next time.

A.With the help of Mrs. Lee C.In the conference hall

B.By bicycle D.Very boring B.is smoking permitted D.smoking permits

35. _____ from the top, the 2008 Olympic Stadium looks like a bird?s nest made of tree branches.

A.See B.Seeing C.Seen D.To see 21. A sweep遍及,横扫;strike打,打动;apply应用;experience经历

22. A set foot 进入,踏进;set out出发,动身;set forth 起程,出发;set in(指雨,坏天气等)开始并可


23. B 根据句意此处用it作形式主语,that she will turn up on time 是真正的主语,you think 是插入语。其

句型结构为:It is no doubt that…。

24. A 第一空不用冠词,in history是固定用法。第二空用不定冠词表示“一项奥林匹克的比赛项目”。 25. C regardless of 不顾,不理会某人/某事;because of因为;in search of 搜寻;for fear of担心。

26. C in return 作为回报/报答;in turn依次,逐个地;in store 就要到来,必将发生;in surprise惊奇地 27. B put forward 提出;take down 写下,记下;take off脱下(衣服等);make up编造,组成。 28. D rely on依靠,依赖;take on雇用;look on旁观;throw light on使某事显得非常清楚。 29. D which 引导定语从句修饰先行词discovery,并作从句中的主语;I think 是插入语。

30. A every now and then 时不时地,时而。little by little逐渐地,渐渐地;B D两项没有这种搭配。 31. B should 用于条件句,表示可能性,可译作“万一”。在正式场合,可将should置于句首而省略if。 32. D第一空是what引导的主语从句作主语,第二空是that引导表语从句作表语。 33. B at no time表否定意义的词位于句首,句子用倒装。

34. D How do you find…? 意为:你认为??怎么样?用来征求对方意见。因为这里指的是lecture令人失


35. C分词作状语时,主句的主语就是分词的逻辑主语,句中的主语2008 Olympic Stadium与分词有逻辑上的被动关系,所以此处用过去分词作状语。



21.In the past couple of months, the world?s press _____ by the achievements that Liu Xiang


A.has surprised


C.is being surprised D.has been surprised

22.Sales of CDs have greatly increased since the early 1990s, _____ people began to enjoy the advantage of this






23.—Is he content to accept our price?

—Yes. He cares more about the quality. Money is _____ to him.

A.everything A.abolished

B.none B.destroyed

C.nothing C.hurt

D.something D.wiped D.came to life D.rejuvenate D.When; how

24.Do you know which president of the USA _____ slavery?

25.When I mentioned our plans for a trip abroad, the kids _____ at once.

A.came to herself B.came to nothing C.came to light A.showcase



26.We all hope the exhibition will _____ our country?s breathtaking economic progress. 27._____ I know how to do it, ______ to find the instruments still remained a big problem.

A.Although; how B.Although; where C.When; where —_____.

A.Yes, I think not C.No, I believe not A.When introducing C.To be introduced

B.Yes, I don?t believe so D.Yes, I don?t guess so B.To introduce

D.When being introduced

28.— Will he be persuaded to help us tomorrow?

29. ____ to somebody, a British often shakes hands with the stranger.

30.—Do you like _____ here?

—Oh, yes. The air, the weather, the way of life. Everything is so nice.

A.this A.a; 不填

B.these B.不填; the

C.that C.a; the


D.不填; 不填

31.If you are looking for _____ good clothes shop, I think you can go to _____ Harrison?s. 32.— Has anything new been discussed in the old temple so far?

— _____, and more will follow, I think.





33.—Can you tell me how to learn English well?

—Do more speaking, I think, _____ you?ll be good at spoken English.

A.or A.might fall

B.unless B.would fall



34.I supported him in time, otherwise he _____ off the bike.

C.would have fallen D.should have fallen

35.There is nothing to do, so I _____ as well go to bed.

A.must B.may C.should D.will 21. D根据时间状语in the past couple of months,此处应用现在完成时。 22. B 此处是when引导非限制性定语从句修饰先行词1990s。 23. C根据句意“钱对他来说没什么”。此处nothing才是最合适的。 24. A abolish废除;destroy 毁坏;hurt受伤;wipe消灭。

25. D came to herself苏醒;came to nothing毫无结果;came to light 显露,为人所知;came to life 恢复生


26. A showcase展示,使显出优点;announce宣布,宣告;achieve取得成绩;rejuvenate 使年轻;使复原;


27. B 第一空是although引导的让步状语从句,根据句意第二空应选择连接词where, where to find the


28. C 考查交际用语。其意义为:说服他明天来帮我们吗?没有,我认为说服不了。

29. D此处是分词作状语,在强调分词的动作与主句的动作同时进行时,可在其前加上适当的连词。

30. D it可用于某些动词后(如like, appreciate, hate)构成习惯用法,like it here意为:喜欢这里的一切。 31. A第一空泛指“一家好服装店”,用不定冠词。第二空是用某人的姓氏来表示店名,不用加冠词。 32. B根据后面的回答可知用much,意为“讨论了许多新东西,并且还有更多的要讨论”。 33. C此处是“祈使句+and +分句(表示将来意义)”结构。I think是插入语。

34. C由otherwise可知此处是与过去事实相反的含蓄条件句,主句谓语用would +have +过去分词。 35. B may / might as well do sth (as do sth else)意思是“还是做某事好”;“不如做某事”。

15 :语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

21.Her songs make the girl _____from the numerous newcomers in the music world.

A.stand out A.weighs; in A.account for A.come about

B.stand up B.measures; of B.take on B.come out

C.stand for C.measures; or C.make up

D.stand by D.weighs; with D.turn out

22.A locust _____ two grams but can eat its own weight _____ food every day. 23.We must _____ every penny we spend during a business trip.

24.Facing the emergence, we were at a loss and none of us could ______ a solution to the problem.

C.come up against D. come up with

25.—Is this course rather difficult?

—Yes. That?s why I ____ it. A.left

B. missed

C. abandoned

D. fell

26._____, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.

A.However the story is amusing

C. However amusing the story is A.at A.vary the on-line-goers.

A.informed; latest B.to know; later A. does does does B.does did do A.operated

D. requested environment. A.attendance A.In addition to

B.escape B.Besides

C.absence C.Despite

D.appearance D.Though

33.______ the fact that he gained a great many achievements, he remained modest. 34.The Chinese nation has ______ many national heroes and revolutionary leaders.

C.learning; latter D. to think; latest C.does does do B. referred

D. did do does


30. In my opinion, all Mr. White _____ good to his students in his class at present. He is very strict in their study. 31.The listening text is _____ to show your ability at listening for specific information.

B.in B.differ

B. No matter amusing the story is D. No matter how the story is amusing C.as C.change

D.for D.tell

27.He was late for work many a time last week and _____ a consequence, he was fired by his boss. 28.The two books have almost nothing in common, they ____ greatly from each other.

29.Internet has lots of advantages. It keeps us _____ about the _____ news and also provides entertainment for

32. The environmentalists said wild goats? _____ on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better

A.given birth to B.sung praise for C.given a reward to D.keep records of 35. There is a new problem _____ the popularity of private cars that road conditions need _____.

A.involved in; to be improved

B.involving in; to be improved

C.involving in; improving D.involved in; improved 21.A stand out from sB.“突出;脱颖而出”。

22.A 第一空是谓语动词,第二空表示“在??方面”之意,全句意议为“一只蝗虫两克重但每天能吃自


23.A account for sth意为“(对自己所掌管的钱等)作令人满意的交代”。 24.D come up with表示“找到或提出(答案、办法等)”。

25.C left遗忘,留下;missed未得到,遗漏;abandoned放弃,遗弃;fell击倒,砍倒。 26.D no matter意为“不管;无论”,常与how,when,where,what,who,which等词连用。引导让步

状语从句时,从句用陈述语序。注意no matter how后边通常紧跟形容词或副词。 27.C as a consequence表示“结果”,固定搭配。 28. B vary与 change表示“变化、改变”;differ from表示“与??不同”;tell from表示“把??与??


29.A 根据句意:因特网有很多优点,它不仅可以让我们了解最新新闻,而且可以为上网者提供娱乐场所。

keep sB. informed使人了解,the latest news最新消息。

30.C all后面的定语从句缺少谓语动词do,这是第一个do,主语是Mr. White,应用does或did。短语do

good to sB.中的do是第三个do。第二个do则是强调句式的助动词,其主语是all,代替事物,所以要用单数does。

31.C sB. intend sth. to do意为“打算让??起某种作用”。句意为:这个听力测试就是要检验你听细节


32.D 考查名词辨析。意为:野山羊的出现,说明环境更好。 33.C despite 意为“尽管,虽然”,是介词。though意为“尽管,虽然”是连词。in addition to;besides


34.A give birth to 孕育;sing praise for 赞扬;give a reward to给??报酬;keep records of记录,记载。 35.A involved in是过去分词短语作定语,意为“包含,牵涉”;need之后接动名词的主动式或动词不定式的被动式。

16 21.They affected him not only as a man of _____ but as a politician.

A.awareness A.as follows A.made up A.in time of

B.consciousness C.conscience B.as follow B.made for


22.The winners are _____; in third place, Mandy Johnson; in second place….

C.like follows D.as following C.made out

D.made off D.in possession of

23.When he realized the police had seen him, the man _____ the exit as quickly as possible. 24.The house was built during Ming Dynasty. It is sadly _____ repair.

B.in charge of C.in want of

25.“Premier Wen?s report,” a smile on his face, he continued, “______ to several hot topics, discusses how to

increase peasants? income in a comparative part.” A.referring


C.having referred D.referred

D.fallen off D.won

26.After her time in hospital, Jenney?s parents are afraid she has _____ in her lessons.

A.fallen behind B.fallen down C.fallen back A.earned



27.She has ______ at extraordinary command of the English language.

28.He thinks we shouldn?t go ahead with this plan because of the ______ of failure.
