

I. Answer the following questions.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How would you define international trade?

What are the reasons for international trade? Can you list some of them? What is economies of scale? Why does it influence international trade? How do countries benefit from the international trade?

What are the differences between visible trade and invisible trade? Give a few examples of invisible trade.

6. What do you think of the trade of balance?

7. What do trade barriers mean? List some example of trade barriers in international


8. How is international trade regulated now?

9. What do trade forms refer to? List some examples of trade forms.

10. What can agents be divided into according to the scope of their rights? 11. What are the differences between agency and distribution?

12. What is the basic characteristic of countertrade? What are the common reasons

for countertrade?

13. Explain compensation trade.

14. What are the differences between compensation trade and counterpurchase? 15. What are the differences between exportation and consignment? 16. How is the price decided in bidding?

17. How can you define trade terms? What are the functions of trade terms? 18. What are the trade terms under Incoterms 2000?

19. What are the main differences between CFR and CIF? 20. Why are “C”-terms different from all other terms?

21. What are the characteristics of “D”-terms under Incoterms2000?

22. Which trade terms under Incoterms 2000 can be applied to water transport? 23. Try to compare the differences between FOB, CFR, CIF and FCA, CPT, CIP. 24. How can we choose a proper trade term?

25. Why shall we stipulate the name of commodity in a contract clearly? 26. What are the ways of showing quality of commodity in a contract? 27. How can we stipulate “sale by sample” in a contract? 28. What are FAQ and GMQ?

29. What are the ways of measurement for goods in international trade?

30. Why shall we include a “more or less clause” in a contract? How to stipulate it in

a contract?

31. What are the functions of packing in international trade?

32. How can we decide which type of packing should be used in a business


33. What modes of transport are usually used in international trade? 34. Why is container transport popular in international trade? 35. What is international multimodal transport?

36. How can we stipulate time of shipment in a contract?

37. If different ports of destination are stipulated in a CFR contract, what shall the

seller pay more attention to?

38. What shall be included in a shipping notice?

39. How can we stipulate partial shipment clause for the advantages of the exporter? 40. If there is no direct sail to port of destination, how should we stipulate the

shipping clause?

41. What are the differences of General Average and Particular Average? 42. What is the coverage of marine insurance under CIC? 43. What is All Risks under CIC?

44. How do we take out additional coverage?

45. How do we choose proper insurance coverage?

46. Is the same coverage of ocean marine insurance used for land transport? If not,

what insurance coverage is for land transport?

47. What are the differences between insurance policy and insurance certificate? 48. What are the characteristics of an open policy?

49. What factors shall be taken into consideration when pricing in international trade? 50. What are included in a unit price clause? 51. What are the functions of price terms?

52. What is the relationship between money of account and money of payment? 53. Is hard currency as money of payment more favorable to the exporter? Why? 54. Why does exchange rate influence international trade greatly? 55. What are commission and discount? How can they affect price?

56. Give one example for commission-included price and discount-included price


57. What is the main advantage of L/C? 58. What are the types of L/C?

59. What are the instruments of payment commonly used for international trade? 60. Please describe D/A and D/P.

61. Under what conditions can collection be used in international trade? 62. What is a draft?

63. How can we decide which term of payment we shall use?

64. Arrange the order of terms of payment mentioned in the text as far as the seller’s

benefit is concerned.

65. What are the ways to stipulate the place and time of inspection? 66. How does one decide the place and time of inspection?

67. Why should a penalty clause be included in a contract sometimes? 68. How can one settle the claims?

69. What is force majeure? And how does it influence the international trade? 70. What is arbitration? And what will be included in an arbitration clause? 71. What is the force of an arbitration award? 72. Who will bear the arbitration fee?

73. Why is it necessary to examine L/C and make amendment to L/C? 74. What are the parties involved in an L/C?

75. What is the relationship of opening bank and advising bank?

76. Why shall the seller notify the buyer to apply for the opening of L/C sometimes? 77. How can the buyer apply for the opening of L/C?

78. What are the emphasis of examination of L/C for both the banks and the trade


79. What is the process of amendment to L/C? 80. Who will bear the fee of amendment to L/C?

81. Why is inspection of commodity necessary in international trade? 82. What are the three standards for commodity inspection? 83. Explain the mechanics of inspection in China briefly.

84. What aspects does inspection on import and export commodities cover? 85. How shall the exported commodity be inspected? 86. How shall the imported commodity be inspected?

87. How to inspect a complete set of equipment in large size when importing them? 88. What can inspection certificates be used for? 89. What is the role of forwarding agents?

90. What are the procedures of arranging shipment? 91. What factors will influence freight rate?

92. How can the freight rates for liners be marked with? 93. What does open rate mean?

94. What are the different transport documents for different modes of transport? 95. What is a “Clean on board, to order, blank endorsed B/L”? 96. What shall be considered when arranging shipment? 97. What factors will influence the insurance coverage?

98. What shall the buyer note if the seller takes out insurance under CIF and CIP? 99. How to fix the insured amount?

100.What factors will influence the premium rate?

101.What are the advantages of using an open policy for importers? 102.What should the insured pay attention to when apply for insurance? 103.Why is sea protest needed when filing a claim? 104.How to protect the interests of insurer?

105.How does the China Customs examine the goods entering and leaving China? 106.What is over-landed cargo? How to deal with such cargoes? 107.What is over- carried cargo? How to deal with such cargoes? 108.What is the function of a shipping order and a Bill of Lading? 109.Why is damaged cargo a matter of interest to the customs? 110.Explain general rates and preferential rates. 111.How does the customs make customs valuation?

112.How does the customs deal with it in the case that the duties are short-levied or


113.Why is documentation important in international trade?

114.What are the four major types of documents classified by ICC? 115.What are the requirements for exporting documents? 116.What are the procedures for payment under L/C?

117.Why is documentation especially important under L/C payment? 118.What documents may be needed for payment under L/C?

119.What discrepancies should be avoided about draft for payment? 120.What are the points to check the bill of lading?

121.What may the disputes be about in international trade? 122.What are the ways of settling disputes?

123.What shall be noted when settling disputes through a third party?

124.Why is arbitration commonly used in settlement of international trade disputes? 125.What are the procedures for arbitration? 126.How to execute the arbitral award? 127.What does market claim mean?

128.What shall be noted when handling the disputes in international trade?

II. True or false questions.

1. International trade is only the exchange of goods between nations.

2. Countries trade with each other partly because there is a cost advantage.

3. Trade means countries can provide a wider variety of products for their consumers.

4. International trade can greatly expend the market, which enables the suppliers to take advantage of economies of scale.

5. Exchange rate fluctuations may create many problems for international trade.

6. Still in some cases, political reasons can outweigh economic considerations between countries.

7. When we provide shipping insurance service for foreigners, it can be seen as an example of invisible trade.

8. Trade surplus means that a country’s imports exceed its exports. 9. Tariff and quotas are the examples of trade barriers.

10. Countries can do business freely without regulations in international trade.

11. Trade forms include both direct ones like exportation and importation and indirect ones like agency and distribution.

12. An agent needs to carry stock as a distributor does.

13. Under the trade form of agency, the principal sets the retail price, retains title and controls the goods.

14. There is no contractual relationship between the principal and the customers under trade form of agent.

15. The distributor gains profits from the price difference at which he buys and resells the goods.

16. Countertrade means the exchange of goods for goods.

17. Under partial compensation, the export is paid both by goods and by cash.

18. In counterpurchase, the value of countertrade goods has to equal that of the export.

19. The goods exported on the consignment remain the title to the exporter.

20. The clearing units are available for the purchase of goods from both the creditor
