the air is ideal gas mixture and the composition of volume are:?(O2)=21%; ?(N2)=79% 答案:V=4.121×10-5m3; y(O2)=0.344; y(N2)=0.656 2. 80℃时纯苯的饱和蒸气压是100kPa,纯甲苯的蒸气压为38.7kPa,两液体可形成理想液态混合物.若有苯-甲苯的气-液平衡混合物,80℃气相中苯的摩尔分数为0.300,求液相的组成和气相总压. At 80℃,the saturated vapor pressure of C6H6 and C7H8 is 100kPa and 38.7kPa respectively. C6H6 and C7H8 can form mixture of ideal liquid, If vapor composition is y(C6H6)=0.300 when the system reached in gas-liquid equilibrium.
Calculate the liquid composition and the total pressure. 答案:x(苯)=0.142;p=47.40kPa 3.At 100℃,the vapor pressure of CCl4 and SnCl4 is respectively 1.933×105Pa and 0.666×105Pa. CCl4 and SnCl4 can form mixture of ideal liquid, when external pressure p=1.013×105Pa,this mixture of ideal liquid is heated to boiling, please calculate: (1) Composition of this mixture of ideal liquid;
(2) Composition of the first air bubble while the mixture of ideal liquid is boiling. 答案:xA=0.274, yA=0.523 4.At 20℃, solve HCl into C6H6 reached in equilibrium. When the partial pressure of HCl was 101.325kPa, the mole fraction of HCl in the solution was 0.0425. It is known that saturated vapor pressure of C6H6 is 10.0kPa. If the total vapor pressure of HCl and C6H6 is 101.325kPa at 20℃, please calculate how much HCl can be soluted in 100g C6H6. 答案:mHCl=1.87g
5.10g C6H12O6 can be solved in 400g alcohol, the boiling point elevation of the solution is 0.1428℃. while there is 2g organic matter solved in 100g alcohol which the boiling point elevation of the solution is 0.1250℃. Please calculate the relative molecular mass of the organic matter. 答案:165
6. Blood can be regarded as aqueous solution, solidified at -0.56℃ and 101.325kPa. It is known that the freezing point lowering coefficients of water Kf=1.86K?mol-1?kg. Please find
(1) the osmotic pressure of blood at 37℃;
(2) at the same temperature, how much C12H22O11 is needed to put into 1dm3 aqueous solution then the osmotic presure be the same as blood. 答案: 776kPa,103g
7. 0.5455g some solute was solved into 25g CCl4. The equilibrium vapor partial pressure of CCl4 was 11.19kPa. While at the same temperature, the saturated vapor pressure of pure CCl4 is 11.4kPa. Please find:
(1) the relative molecular mass of the solute;
(2) according to the result of element analysis, the solute is composed of C 94.34% and H 5.66%, determine the molecular formula of the solute. 答案:MB=177,C14H10
8.By putting 13.7g C6H5C6H5 into C6H6, the boiling point of the solution was 82.4℃.Given that the boiling point of pure C6H6 is 80.1℃. Please calculate: (1)The boiling point elevation coefficients of C6H6. (2) Molar vaporation enthalpy of C6H6.
P(I2,g)/kPa x(I2) 1.638 0.03 16.72 0.5 求x(I2)=0.5时溶液中碘的活度及活度系数.
At certain temperature , iodine was solved in CCl4. When the mole fraction of iodine x(I2) was between 0.01~0.04, the solution obeys dilute solution regular. Now in equilibrium, two groups of data have been tested as below: P(I2,g)/kPa x(I2) 1.638 0.03 16.72 0.5 Please calculate the activity and activity factor of iodine when x(I2)=0.5. 答案: a(I2)=0.306, γ(I2)=0.612
第五章 化学平衡
1. PCl5的分解反应PCl5(g) == PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) 在473 K达到平衡时PCl5(g) 有48.5%分解,在573 K 达到平衡时,有97 %分解,则此反应是( ) (A)吸热反应;(B)放热反应;(C)反应的标准摩尔焓变为零的反应;(D)在这两个温度下标准平衡常数相等的反应。
2.设有理想气体反应A(g)+B(g)==C(g),在温度T,体积V的容器中,三个组分的分压分别为pA、pB、pC时达到平衡,如果在T、V恒定时,注入物质的量为nD的惰性组分,则平衡将( )。
(A)向右移动 (B)向左移动 ( C )不移动 (D)不能确定
3. 设反应 aA(g ) == yY(g) + zZ(g), 在101.325 kPa、300 K下,A的转化率是600 K的2倍,而且在300 K下系统压力为101 325 Pa的转化率是2×101 325 Pa的2 倍,故可推断该反应 ( )
(A)标准平衡常数与温度,压力成反比; (B)是一个体积增加的吸热反应 (C)是一个体积增加的放热反应; (D)标准平衡常数与温度成正比,与压力成反比。 4.将20克CaCO3(s)和60克的CaCO3(s)分别放入抽真空、同容积的A容器和B容器中,且与同一定温热源相接触,达到化学平衡时CaCO3(s)部分分解为CaO(s)和CO2 (g),若忽略固体体积,则两容器中CaCO3(s)的分解量为( )
(A)A容器中的多 (B)B容器中的多 (C)一样多 (D)不确定5.
?理想气体反应N2O5(g)== N2O4(g)+1/2O2(g)的?rHm为41.84kJ×mol-1。要增加
N2O4(g)的产率可以( )
(A)降低温度 (B)提高温度 (C)提高压力 (D)定温定容加入惰性气体 6.影响任意一个化学反应的标准平衡常数值的因素为:( )
(A) 催化剂 (B) 温度 (C) 压力 (D) 惰性组分
?7.有二个反应: SO2(g)+(1/2)O2(g)===SO3(g) , K1
??? 2SO2(g)+O2(g)===2SO3(g) , K2 ,则K1与K2的关系是: ( )
??(A) K1?K2 (B) K1???2??????K2 (C) ?K2??K1 (D) 2K2?K1
同一条件下反应(1/2)N2+(3/2)H2 ====NH3的标准平衡常数为( )。
(A) 4 (B)0.5 ( C)2 (D) 1
9.对于化学反应K?与T的关系中,正确的是( )
??(A) 若?rHm>0,T增加, K?增加; (B) 若?rHm<0,T增加, K?增加
??(C) ?rHm<0或?rHm>0 ,T变而K不变 ; (D) 以上答案均不正确
?10.温度升高时,固体氧化物的分解压力(分解反应是吸热反应):( )(A)降低;(B)增大;(C)恒定;(D)无法确定。11.反应 2NO(g) + O2(g) == 2NO2(g) 是放热的, 当反应在某温度、压力下达平衡时,若使平衡向右移动。则应采取的措施是:( )(A)降低温度和减小压力;(B)降低温度和增大压力;(C)升高温度和减小压力;(D)升高温度和增大压力。
12.已知纯理想气体反应: aA + bB == yY + zZ
??BB( )。 ?0,,则对于该反应,等温等压下添加惰性组分,平衡将:
(A)向左移动;(B)不移动;(C)向右移动; (D) 以上答案均不正确
13.下列措施中肯定使理想气体反应的标准平衡常数改变的是( )
(A)增加某种产物的浓度 (B)加入惰性气体 (C)改变反应温度 (D)增加系统的压力 14.在刚性密闭容器中,理想气体反应A(g)+B(g)===Y(g)达平衡,若在定温下加入一定量的惰性气体,平衡( )
(A)向右移动 (B)向左移动 ( C)不移动 (D)不能确定 15.在T=600K的温度下,理想气体反应:
?(1) A(g) + B(g) = D(g), K1?0.25; ?(2) D(g) = A(g) + B(g), K2?( )
(A)0.25 (B)0.0625 ( C)4.0 (D)0.50 16. 在T=380K,总压p=2.00kPa下,反应 C6H5C2H5(g) = C6H5C2H3(g) + H2(g) 的平衡系统中,加入一定量的惰性组分H2O(g),则反应的标准平衡常数K?( ),C6H5C2H5(g)的平衡转化率α( )。
(A)变大 (B)变小 ( C)不变 (D)条件不全无法确定
17.在T=300K,反应:A(g) + 2B(g) = D(g)的K??1。在一抽成真空的容器中,通入A,B及D三种理想气体,在300K时pA?pB?pD?100kPa,在此条件下,反应( )。(A)向左移动 (B)向右移动 ( C)反应处于平衡状态 (D)无法确定 18.已知反应 2A(g) + D(g) = C(g)的标准平衡常数与温度的关系为: lgK?149?6T/?K?/?11.45,
?rH????m??k?1,?J???m?r?11(A)-12.45, -95.20?o?lS (B)1.50, JmK-11.45 ( C)-28.64, -219.2 (D)28.64, 219.2
已知反应 2A(g) + D(g) = B(g)的标准平衡常数与温度的关系为: lnK?3444.T/K/?7???,D(g)的平衡转化率??26.6(5 )K?3?? (A)
变大 (B)变小 ( C)不变 (D)条件不全无法确定 20. 在T,p及组成恒定,且不作非体积功的任一化学反应。 (1)当反应能自动进行时,此反应的化学亲和势A??;?rGm??;Jp/K???;