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70. The author lists the examples of Van Gogh, Matisse and Hemingway to illustrate ___________________.

A. the effect of the celebrities B. the value of innovation C. the reaction of the media

D. the importance of unique style

71. Which of the following explains the author’s opinion?

A. An artist needs the most expensive set of paints to produce a masterpiece. B. J.K. Rowling wrote her first book of Harry Potter on bits of tissue.

C. A terrible photographer needs an expensive SLR camera to take a photo. D. A writer needs expensive fountain pen and smooth paper for a bestseller.

72. What does the story of the tortoise and the hare indicate? A. It indicates that unique style is a motivation of success. B. It indicates that dream is a motivation of success. C. It indicates that passion is a motivation of success. D. It indicates that inspiration is a motivation of success.

73. Why does the author suggest that you take a pen and paper at all times? A. Because you can force inspiration to appear.

B. Because inspiration hits when you most expect it to. C. Because you worry about inspiration.

D. Because inspiration may occur anytime, anywhere.

74. What’s the aim of the author to write this article?

A. The author hopes this article can help people find ways to innovate more during daily life.

B. The author hopes this article can make people understand that everyone has potential.

C. The author hopes this article can give people inspiration for innovation. D. The author hopes this article can tell people the importance of innovation.

75. What’s the textual type of this article? A. Narration.

B. Argumentation. C. Exposition. D. Description.

Section B: Reading in Depth(每小题2分,共20分)

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

Questions 76 to 80 are based on the following passage.

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A friend once invited me to spend a cold winter’s day picking up trash in a park. I immediately told her I was not interested.

I argued that if the goal was neighborhood beautification, then I would rather donate three hours’ worth of my labor income. The organization could then hire several people in need of a job. The trash gets picked up, we provide jobs, and I do not have to spend three hours in the cold. “Where can I make a donation?”

My friend sighed, mumbled something about it seeming like a good way to meet men, and then walked off to ask someone else.

When we feel inspired to do good, many of us choose to give time instead of money. Given how precious our time is — filled with work, family, and friends — using even a little to clean parks or deliver meals seems like a huge donation. But is this the most efficient way to give?

The economist in me is inclined to say no. As I explained to my friend, what my time is worth may be far more valuable to most charities than my actual labor. The money could go towards hiring people with limited employment opportunities, or covering more immediate needs, such as rent or staff salaries. My hours of labor, on the other hand, serve the charity in only one way, and can only be provided by me.

Volunteer labor becomes more valuable if it involves a special skill. Unfortunately, I can think of few local charities that would benefit from the unique skills of an economist.

I recently explained this to a professional who regularly donates his time to a local soup kitchen. But he argued that “just throwing money at a cause” is potentially irresponsible and allows people to forget about the problem. Donating time may be a greater personal sacrifice, but it also gives him a stronger connection with the cause.

Of course charities benefit from both kinds of donations. They need some people to just hand over cash, but they also thrive by being an important part of the community. If the objective is simply to provide food for the hungry or to clean a park, then money is more valuable. However, if you hope to also engage with your community — not only with your peers, but also with less fortunate people whom you might not otherwise encounter — no amount of money can compensate for your time spent. To sum up, whether it is better to give money or time depends on your goals as a donor.


76. How did the author respond to his friend’s invitation to pick up rubbish in a park on a cold winter’s day? A. He accepted happily. B. He accepted unwillingly.

C. He didn’t know how to refuse.

D. He immediately said he was not interested.

77. Which of the following is NOT the author’s opinion?

A. It made no sense for him to spend three hours picking up trash.

B. He would rather donate three hours’ worth of his labor income for neighbor- hood beautification.

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C. He would like to spend three hours in the cold to pick up trash.

D. He suggested hiring several people in need of job to get trash picked up.

78. What’s his friend’s reaction to the author’s attitude? A. She couldn’t agree with the author more. B. She couldn’t disagree with the author more. C. She partly agreed with the author. D. She was persuaded by the author.

79. According to paragraph 4, which of the following is TRUE? A. The most efficient way to do good is not to give time.

B. When inspired to do good, many of us choose to give money instead of time. C. Most of us don’t realize how precious our time is. D. Only money seems like a donation, but time does not.

80. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Whether it is better to give money or time is decided by others’ choices. B. The professional regularly volunteering at the soup kitchen supported the author’s opinion.

C. According to the author, when volunteer work requires professional skills, time and labor would be more important than money.

D. The author doesn’t recognize value in the social interaction volunteering provides.

Passage Two

Questions 81 to 85 are based on the following passage.

When we talk about Americans barely into adulthood who are saddled with(承担)debilitating(拖累人的)levels of debt, the conversation is almost always about student loan debt. But there’s a growing body of evidence suggesting that today’s young adults are also drowning in credit-card debt — and that many of them will take this debt to their graves.

More than 20% overspent their income by more than $100. That’s every single month. And since they haven’t built up their credit histories yet, it’s a safe bet that these young adults are paying relatively high interest rates on the resulting credit card debt.

Although more young people than older adults blame “socializing” as a barrier to saving money, most young people aren’t knocking back $20 drinks in trendy(时尚的)lounges. They’re struggling with much more daily financial demands.

To a disturbingly large extent, the young and the broke are relying on credit cards to make it until their next payday. This obviously isn’t sustainable in the long run, and it’s going to put a huge drag on their spending power even after they reach their peak earning years, because they’ll still be paying interest on that carton of orange juice or box of spaghetti(意式面条)they bought a decade earlier.

A new study out of Ohio State University found that young adults are racking up credit card debt at a more rapid rate than other age groups, and that they’re slower at

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paying it off. “If what we found continues to hold true, we may have more elderly people with substantial financial problems in the future,” warns Lucia Dunn, co-author and professor of economics at Ohio State University. “If our findings persist, we may be faced with a financial crisis among elderly people who can’t pay off their credit cards.”

Dunn says a lot of these young people are never going to get out from under their credit card debt. “Many people are borrowing on credit cards so heavily that payoff rates at these levels are not sufficient to recover their credit card debt by the end of their life, which could have loss implications for the credit card issuing banks.”


81. What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Many young Americans will never be able to pay off their debts. B. Credit cards play an increasingly important role in college life. C. Credit cards do more harm than student loans.

D. The American credit card system is under criticism.

82. Why did young people have to pay a higher interest on their credit card debt? A. They tend to forget the deadlines.

B. They haven’t developed a credit history. C. They are often unable to pay back in time. D. They are inexperienced in managing money.

83. What is said to be the consequence of the young adults relying on credit cards to make ends meet?

A. It will place an unnecessary burden on society. B. It will give them no motivation to work hard. C. It will exert psychological pressure on them. D. It will affect their future spending power.

84. What will happen to young adults if their credit card debt keeps accumulating according to Lucia Dunn?

A. They will have to pay an increasingly higher interest rate. B. They may experience a financial crisis in their old age. C. Their quality of life will be affected. D. Their credit cards may be cancelled.

85. What does Lucia Dunn think might be a risk for credit card issuing banks? A. They go bankrupt as a result of over-lending. B. They lose large numbers of their regular clients. C. Their clients leave their debts unpaid upon death. D. Their interest rates have to be reduced now and then. 得 分 Part IV Translation(每小题2分,共10分)

Directions: Translate the following Chinese in the brackets into English.

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86. But you know fully well that our product is of superior quality. Other products (无法与之相比).

87. It is suggested that the air conditioner ___________________________________ (安在窗户旁).

88. (己所不欲),don’t do to others. 89. (如果我们要按时到达小镇),we would have to drive the whole night. 90. (他许多年前说过的话)is still true today in this information age. 得 分 Part V Writing(10分)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a 4-paragraph composition on the topic: The Harm of Drunk Driving. The following structure is for your reference. You should write at least 120 words. Topic The Harm of Drunk Driving Paragraph 1 A Brief Description of Drunk Driving Phenomenon(现象) Paragraph 2 2-3 Harmful Effects That Drunk Driving Has on Drinkers Paragraph 3 2-3 Harmful Effects That Drunk Driving Has on the Society Paragraph 4 Suggested Measures for Eliminating(杜绝)Drunk Driving 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡上作答。

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