
3. His other hobbies include playing mah-jong, swimming and reading. 4. Wishing for things, however, costs nothing. 了解动名词做____的用法 了解动名词作____的用法 实战演练

一. 动名词做主语的用法

动名词做主语往往表示___、__的动作, 在口语中也可以表示具体的动作。

如:Seeing is believing. Helping her is my duty.

Talking mends no holes. 空谈无济于事。

Working with you is a pleasure. 和你一起工作是一种乐趣。 动名词做主语和不定式做主语一样,也可以用__作形式主语。 如:It's no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。

It's rather tiring walking around in a city.

【练习1】-He realized that to go on like this was wrong.

— What do you think made Mary so upset? — _________ her new bicycle.

A. As she lost B. Lost C. Losing D. Because of losing

二. 动名词作宾语的用法

1.有些动词或短语动词后常用动名词作宾语。如admit, appreciate, avoid,can't stand, consider,delay, devote … to, dislike enjoy,escape, excuse, feel like, finish, forgive, get down to, give up, imagine, insist on, keep (on), look forward to, mention, mind, miss, pay attention to, practice, put off, stick to, suggest等等。 如:Her shoes wants mending. 她的鞋该修理了。

I have finished writing this book. 我已经写完这本书了。 注意: 当 need, want, require, worth后面接doing也可以表示被动。 【练习2】填空

Your hair wants ___(cut). 你的头发该理了。 The floor requires ___(wash). 地板需要冲洗。 【练习3】 I can't imagine ___ _______ that with them.

A. do B. to do C. being done D. doing

【练习4】She looks forward every spring to______ the flower-lined garden.

A. visit B. paying a visit C. walk in D. walking in

2. 在allow, advise, forbid, permit后直接跟动名词作宾语,如果有名词或代词作宾语,则构成―allow/advise/forbid/permit +名词/代词+不定式(宾语补足语)‖之形式。 如: We don't allow smoking here.

We don't allow anybody to smoke here.

3. 动词need, require, want意为―需要‖时,后跟动名词的主动式或不定式的被动式作宾语,意义没有区别。如:The window needs/requires/wants cleaning/to be cleaned. 4. 在begin, continue, love, like, hate, prefer, intend, start后用动名词和 用不定式作宾语均可,意义没有多大区别。

5. 动词forget, go on, mean, regret, remember, stop, try, be used to, can't help后跟动名词和跟不定式区别较大,须注意。

forget, regret, remember后跟动名词,动名词表示已经发生的动作;后跟不定式表示将要

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go on doing 继续做原来做的事 go on to do 接着做另一件事 mean doing 意味着要做某事 mean to do 想要做某事 stop doing 停止做某事

stop to do 停下来(别的事)开始做某事 try doing 试着做某事 try to do 努力做某事

be used to doing 习惯于做某事 be used to do 被用来做某事 can't help doing 禁不住做某事 can't help to do 不能帮助做某事 Let's have a rest.

【练习5】 — Not now.I don't want to stop __________ yet.

A. study B. to study C. for studying D. studying

【练习6】----Let me tell you something about the journalists.

— Don't you remember ________ me the story yesterday? A. told B. telling C. to tell D. to have told 反馈检测


1. It took the workmen only two hours to finish _______ my car. A. repairing B. repair C. to repair D. repaired

2. Have you forgotten ___$1000 from me last month? Will you please remember ____ it tomorrow?

A. borrowing; to bring B. to borrow; bring C. borrowed; bringing D. borrowing; bringing 3. The classroom wants _____.

A. clean B. cleaned C. to clean D. cleaning

4. Jack said that he wouldn't mind __ for us. A. to wait B. wait C. waiting D. waited

5. My brother keeps ___ me with my work. A. to help B. help C. helping D. helped 6. We should often practise ___ English with each other.

A. to speak B. spoke C. speak D. speaking 7. Keep on ____ and you will succeed.

A. a try B. try C. to try D. trying 8. His parents insist on ___ to college.

A. he should go B. he go C. his going D. him to go 9. The story was so funny that we ______.

A. couldn‘t help laugh B. can‘t but laugh C. couldn‘t help laughing D. couldn‘t help but to laugh

10. Though it sounds a bit too dear (昂贵), it is worth ______.

A. being bought B. buying C. to buy D. buying it

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11. He devoted his life to _____ the atomic theory.

A. study B. be studied C. studying D. have studied

12. We are both looking forward to __ next week.

A. going on vocation(休假) B. go on vocation C. be going on vocation D. have gone on vocation

13. You must pay attention to ___ the works of Lu Xun.

A. read B. reading C. reader D. be read

14. You should work tonight instead of _____ TV.

A. to watch B. you watching C. you watch D. watching

15. The microscope is used for __ minute (微小的) objects.

A. examining B. being examined C. examined D. examine

16. Mike has got used ___ up late at night.

A. to sit B. X C. to sitting D. sitting

17. Once the heart stops _____, death follows at once. A. beating B. to beat C. being beaten D. to be beating

18. We are now busy _____ for the examination. A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. being prepared

19. I remembered ____ this person somewhere before. A. seeing B. having been seen C. seen D. to see 20. I regret ____ that to her.

A. having said B. to have said C. to say D. X

21. The patient must be separated to avoid (避免) ____ others. A. being infected(感染) B. infecting C. to infect D. infected 22.Your clothes need ______.

A. washed B. to be washed C. to wash D. being washed

23. _____ provides us with essential nutrients (营养), while ______provides us with oxygen. A. To eat; breathing B. Eating; to breathe C. Eating; breathing D. Eaten; breathed 24. He attended the party without___.

A. invited B. inviting C. having invited D. being invited 25. By ____, water can be changed into gas.

A. heating B. being heated C. having heated D. heated

26. On land many objects prevent sound _____ very far.

A. to travel B. travel C. from traveling D. to traveling 27. She returned home only to find the door open and something ___ .

A. missed B. to be missing C. missing D. to be missed

28. Remember ____ the newspaper when you have finished it. A. putting back B. put back C. to put back D. be put back

29. Writing stories and articles____ I enjoy most. A. is B. are C. was D. were 30. He was afraid ___for being late.

A. of seeing B. of being seen C. to be seen D. to have seen

第四课时Using Language

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1. Which kind of farming makes green food? Chemical or Organic Farming?

2. Read the passage quickly first to find out the main idea of each paragraph. Para 1: Para 2:. Para 3:

3. Read the text again and answer the questions:

1). What is the disadvantage of using chemical fertilizers?

Chemical fertilizers kill both and bacteria and pests in the land, so they __ __ the land. Leaving __ _for a long time is not good for crops and animals and humans. These chemicals in the food supply is dangerous to people‘s health by __ __ in their bodies and __ __ cancer or other illnesses。

Fruit, vegetables and other food grown with chemical fertilizers grow so fast that it is not full of ___such as vitamins and , etc. 2). What is organic farming?

Organic farming means growing crops without ____ ____. 4. 从课文中找出下列各句并译成汉语

1) Crops such as peas or soybeans put important minerals back into the soil, making it ready for crops such as wheat or corn that need rich and fertile soil.

2) With these discoveries, some farmers and many customers are beginning to turn to organic farming.

3)They focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease.

4)This also keeps the air , soil, water and crops free from chemicals.

二、当我们想用英语劝服别人做事我们可以用下列句型(查找出填上): This is good value because… What is the advantage of…? It‘s a great pity that… 实战演练

一、用下列单词或短语的适当形式填空(有多余选项) satisfy, supply, lead, would rather, struggle, whatever, confuse, work, rid, sunburn, prefer to, certain

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