

1. Laughter is the sun____ drives winter from the human face.

2. You may find____ astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk.

3. The acting is____ convincing____ it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he ever tasted. 本单元重点语法:


1. The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he ever tasted. (表语)

2. He grew more and more popular as his charming character, the little tramp, became known throughout the world. (定语)

3. No one was ever bored watching him---his subtle acting made everything entertaining. (宾语补足语) 实战演练 一: 单项填空

1. I heard someone____ in the kitchen at night, so I went to have a look. A. sang B. to sing C. having sung D. singing 2. —I saw your wife____ out this morning.

—She went to the laundry to have my fur coat____. A go; cleaned B going; cleaning C go; clean D going; to clean

3. If you watch long enough, you can see many problems____ by this means.

A .settled B. to settle C. to be settled D. being settled 4. I have nothing____ to do this evening. A in every particular B for particular C at particular D in particular

5. The traffic was____ because of heavy rain.

A .cut down B. cut off C. cut out D. cut in 6. We ____ to hear that their football team had won the champion. A. were astonishing B. was astonishing

C. were astonished D. was astonished

7. The news was____, and there was a____ look on her face. A. shocking; frightening B. shocked; frightened

C. shocking; frightened D. shocked; frightening

8. — Why did you go back to the shop? —I left my friend____ there.

A. waiting B. to wait C. to waiting D .wait 9. Did you smell something____?

A. burnt B. to burn C. to be burning D. burning

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10. There was a terrible noise____ the sudden burst of light.

A. followed B. following C. to be followed D. being follow 二 完形填空

Charlie Chaplin was born in London_1_ April 16, 1889. His parents _2_ music hall performers, and he first_3_ on the stage in a dance act at the_4_ of eight. While_5_ his short films, Chaplin put together the character of the_6_. He developed this foolish, mischievous(顽皮的, 淘气的), yet_7_ little man through successive(接连的; 相继的) films, _8_ a character that audiences_9_ at yet sympathized (同情的) with at_10_ same time. Chaplin‘s tramp appeared in such classic_11_ as The Kid (1921) and The Gold Rush (1925). In Modern Times (1936), he_12_ comedy with social_13_ and fine technical craftsmanship(技能). _14_ World WarⅡ began, Chaplin_15_ The Great Dictator (1940), _16_ was intended to ridicule(讥笑, 嘲弄, 奚落) the German_17_ Adolf Hitler. In 1972 he_18_ the United States to_19_ a special film award, and in 1975 he was knighted(授以爵位) by the queen of England. He_20_ in Switzerland on December 25, 1977.

1. A. at B. in C. on D. by 2. A. was B. were C. is D. are 3. A. cheer B. appeared C. sang D. dance 4. A. age B. year C. ages D. times 5. A. enjoying B. listening C. talking D. making 6. A. farmer B. poor C. beggar D. tramp 7. A. lovable B. disappointed C. sad D. bored 8. A. create B. creating C. own D. getting 9. A. laugh B. laughed C. hear D. heard 10. A. a B. an C. the D. /

11. A. films B. film C. movie D. TV play

12. A. made B. combined C. put D. treat 13. A. contents B. problem C. commentary D. word 14. A. But B. And C. However D. When 15. A. made B. wrote C. gave D. knew 16. A. that B. who C. why D. which

17. A. player B. president C. dictator D. soldier 18. A. came B. visited C. went D. invited 19. A. accept B. receive C. have D. ask

20. A. dead B. died C. dying D. was died 三: 阅读理解

Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean)

The first episode of the original Mr. Bean series starring Rowan Atkinson was first broadcast on January 1st, 1990. Since then Mr. Bean has become known all over the world. Mr. Bean has a unique (独特的) way of approaching everyday problems in a rather roundabout (委婉的) way, which has made him a family favorite. He is a lovable character who everyone would like to help out of his sticky situations. Edward Lear

The English humorist Edward Lear made famous the limerick (五行打油诗) form of verse

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