
a) The ways to transmit distress alerts. b) The procedures for emergency responding.

c) The patterns of search and the ways to implement a SAR mission.

The distress alerts can be transmitted by VHF, DSC, 2182, RADIO,GMDSS equipments, EPIRB, NBDP, and so on.

Distress alerting is the rapid and successful reporting of a distress incident to a unit which can provide assistance. This world be another ship in the vicinity or a rescue c0-ordination centre(RCC). When an alert is received by an RCC, normally via a coast station, the RCC will relay the alert to SAR units and to ships in the vicinity of the distress incident. A distress alert should indicate the identification and position of the distress and, where practicable, its nature and other information which could be used for rescue operation.

To implement a SAR mission, the ways have :Single turn, double turn , Williamson turn, Scharnow turn, the patterns of search have :expanding square search, sector search, parallel search, ship/aircraft coordinated search.. 2. Describe the responses when a person falls overboard. a) The responses of the officer on watch.

b) The ship manoeuvres available to man overboard responding. c) Attention to be paid in such operation.

When a person falls overboard, the officer on watch should sound alarm signals of man overboard. He also reports it to captain at once. If it possible, he should drop a lifebuoy to the overboard man, turn on the search light to the man.

At the same time, the officer on watch should stop the engine, and operate a hard


rudder to the side which man overboard. During the ship turning, the officer on watch and the watch man should keep sharp lookout to search the overboard man. They should report the conditions to captain in time.

In emergency of man overboard operation, the officer on watch should avoid the man is injured by the propeller. So he should stop the engine at once. In any case, if it is possible, the watch men should keep the overboard in sight. 3. Describe briefly the GMDSS. a) Main objectives of GMDSS. b) The components of GMDSS. c) Main functions of GMDSS.

The GMDSS means “Global Maritime Distress and Safety System”. The basic concept of the system is that search and rescue authorities ashore, as well as shipping in the immediate vicinity of the ship in distress, will be rapidly alerted to a distress incident so they can assist in a coordinated search and rescue operation with the minimum delay.

The GMDSS is composed by satellites, shore-station, ship-station. Usually the shore-station is the RCC. The equipments of the GMDSS is includes as follows: VHF, DSC, 2182, EPIRB, NBDP and so on.

The main functions of GMDSS are as follows:(1) alerting; (2)coordinating communications;(3) on- scene communications;(4) dissemination of maritime safety information; (5) general communications. 4. Describe briefly the DSC distress alert. a) The function of DSC.


b) The format of a distress alert. c) summary.

The term of DSC means ―digital selective calling‖. It can to see or to activate a distress call.

When you use DSC to sent a distress alert, you are advised to select group calling. The format of a distress alert as follows : MAYDYA, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, This is M.V. ABCD, I am on fire. My position is at ?? , I need fire fighting assistance , over.

When using DSC, you should select type of call, notice the priority and proper to use it.

1. What does “initial course” mean in search and rescue operation? The first course.

2. What does “jettison of cargo”mean? To drop cargo overboard.

3. What is the difference between “heel ” and “list”?

The hell is cause by inherent force , and the list is caused by out force. 4. What does “EPIRB” stand for ?

It is stand for emergency position indicating radio beacons 5. What does SAR stand for? It is stand for search and rescue. 6. What is INMARSAT short for ?

It is short for international maritime satellite organization. 7. What does UTC stand for?


Coordinated universal time. 8. What does RCC stand for?

It is stand for rescue coordination center. 9. What is SART?

It is stand for search and rescue transponder. 10. Can you list three or more search patterns?

Yes, there are expanding square search, sector search, parallel search, ship/aircraft coordinated search..

11. What does a “hampered vessel” mean ?

It is mean vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre. 12. What does MMSI stand for?

It is stand for maritime mobile service identities. 13. What is “muster list”?

It is a plan for emergency conditions. 14. What does OSC stand for?

Offences of ship-crew(船员不法行为)。On scene commander(现场指挥人员)

15. What does VHF stand for? Very high frequency.

16. What is the result of search? Founding nothing. 17. Will you abandon vessel? No, we will stay on the vessel.

