
on a large scale a majority of a wealth of as a result

第2节 翻译练习4

1. The machine is intended for grinding the top and

bottom surfaces of tungsten carbide tips.

2. The mechanism has been termed cumulative

feedback inhibition. 第2节 翻译练习5

1. The basic job of the computer is the processing of


2. The main effect is to raise the fundamental slosh

mode frequency.

3. The insides of the meter are vented to the

atmosphere. 第3章总复习题

1. Other factors affect the configuration of the total


2. In normal flight the hatch doors fair into the


3. Energy can neither be created, nor destroyed by

any means known to man.

4. It is customary to refer to design levels as high or

low on component complexity.

5. The main economy of the system stems from the

ability to move cars in a continuous train without uncoupling.

6. He is a stranger to the operation of the electronic


7. A key element in system capacity planning is the

financial cost of performance.

8. The assembler can expand the key words in the

assembly code into their full instruction set. 9. The flame does not touch the flask directly.

10. The study of the strength of solids involves the

study of the defects in the crystalline structure. 11. The problem was solved by the provision of a

compensating jet.

12. The rusting of iron is the slow chemical

combination of the elements iron and oxygen in moist atmosphere.

13. The decay of organic matter is a slow oxidation

by oxygen in the air.


大规模地 大多数的 大量的 结果,因此

1. 该机床是供磨削硬质合金刀片上下表面用的。

2. 这种机制就叫做累加反馈抑制。

1. 计算机的基本任务是处理信息。

2. 主要作用在于提高基本的晃动频率。

3. 使计量器的内部出口通到大气。

14. In order to improve a certain kind of battery,

Edison spent almost ten years and made nearly 50,000 experiments.

1. 另一些因素则将影响整个系统的结构。

2. 飞行正常时,舱门与机身平整贴合。

3. 用人们已知的方法,既不能创造能量也不能消


4. 习惯上根据部件的复杂程度把设计级称为高设


5. 此系统的主要经济之处在于它能移动列车的车


6. 他对电子计算机的操作是陌生的。

7. 系统能力计划中关键因素是性能的金融成本。

8. 这种汇编程序能把汇编码中的关键字扩展成完


9. 火焰没有直接接触烧瓶。

10. 研究固体的强度,就必须研究晶体结构中的缺


11. 通过安装一个补偿喷嘴,解决了这个问题。

12. 铁生锈是铁元素和氧元素在湿空气中缓慢化合


13. 有机物的腐烂是空气中的氧引起的一种缓慢氧


14. 为了改善一种电池的性能,爱迪生花了差不多


第四章 代词的翻译

4.1 代词的一般译法 第1节 翻译练习1

1. In this cell the light incident on the sensitive

1.surface of the cell causes the photo-electric emission of electrons from the surface, and these electrons are attracted to the other electrode.

2. The owl can hear a mouse chewing and fly down

2.on it, even though it is hidden from sight under a pile of leaves.

3. This might be compared with the mumble of

3.wavelengths of sound that go to make up ordinary noise.

第1节 翻译练习2

1. Drawing electrons away from the atom causes it

1.to have a net positive electric charge.

2. Each crystal should have a shape as much like

2.that of the other crystals as possible. 第1节 翻译练习3

1. Every element retains its identity no matter how it

1.is finely divided.

2. Astronomers can estimate the size and brightness

2.of a star by its color. 第1节 翻译练习4

1. Many processes have already been proposed, and

1.one possible future process is a smelting reduction.

2.2. It is possible to work backward from the known

strength and determine what factor of safety was


3.3. Each is a solid sphere with a metallic core

surrounded by silicate shells. 第1节 翻译练习5

1. In this chapter our task is to find out what the air

is made of.

1.2. Today we have a fairly clear idea of what goes on

inside of atom.

2.3. Practically all of the heat energy received by the



发射电子,而这些电子被吸引到另一电极。 即使老鼠躲藏在一堆叶子下看不见的地方,猫



将电子与原子分离会使原子带上纯净正电荷。 每一结晶的形状应与其他结晶的形状尽可能相

似。 每种元素不论分得怎样细小,它仍保持其特征。 天文学家根据恒星的颜色可以估计它的大小和

亮度。 人们已经提出了很多方法,未来可能的选择之



系数。 它们每一颗都是由硅酸盐外壳包围着金属内核


earth comes from the sun.




3. 地球所得到的热能几乎都来自于太阳。 4.6 it及其句型的译法 第6节 翻译练习1

1. It moves or rotates by a fixed amount each time

3. an electrical pulse is applied to it. 4.

1. 对它每加一个电脉冲,它就移动或旋转一个固

2. 定的量。

3. 2. To help avoid information overload, it (virtual

4. convergence) will do this intelligently. 第6节 翻译练习2

1. It is a $12-billion industry whose factories,

1. numbering in the hundreds, are found all over the world.

2. It is twenty meters in height. 2. 第6节 翻译练习3

1. It is very far to the airport. 1. 2. It is raining hard. 2. 第6节 翻译练习4

1. It is recommended that the screw be used to

1. increase accuracy of measurement.

2. By using a laser, it is possible to throw very large

2. and very clear television pictures on to a screen. 3. It was pointed out that while the lead obtained

3. from the disintegration of radium possessed all the characteristics of ordinary lead, it differed from it in atomic weight. 第6节 翻译练习5

1. It necessitates careful design of the apparatus to

1. get rid of the heat.

2. It is unknown when to begin to make

2. transportable transformers.

3. It is interesting to compare the energy needed to

3. place a satellite in orbit with the energy that would be required to cause it to escape. 第6节 翻译练习6

1. It used to be thought that when you see a word

and speak it, several stages of processing are 1. involved.

2. It must be remembered that the condition may be

2. silent until haematemesis, melaena or perforation occurs.

3. It is known that electronic computers play an



The earth rotates as it travels through space.

As current flows through a conductor, it sets up a

magnetic field.



地球在空间运行时,它还要自转。 电流通过导体,便产生磁场。


遍布世界各地。 高度为20米。 到机场很远。 雨下得很大。

建议使用螺杆调节,以提高测量的精确度。 使用激光器,可以将很大很清晰的电视图像投



铅的一切特性,但其原子量与普通铅不同。 除热需要对设备进行仔细设计。 什么时候开始制造移动式变压器还不知道。



important part in science and technology.






重要作用。 第6节 翻译练习7

1. It follows that any form of preheat adds to the

2. welder’s difficulties and causes discomfort, particularly when welding at high preheat temperature levels inside vessels. 3.

1. 由此可见,任何形式的预热都会增加焊工的困

2. 难,使他们身感不适,在容器内高温预热下施焊时尤其如此。


第6节 翻译练习8

1. It makes no difference when inducing an e.m.f.,

1. which moves, the coil or the magnet.

2. It is essential that the body of the machine is

2. effectively earthed. 第6节 翻译练习9

1. The heating effect makes it possible to produce

1. the light.

2. We find it possible to transform a.c. into d.c. by

2. using a rectifier.

3. We think it true that the human body is also a

3. good conductor. 第6节 翻译练习10

1. It is the voltmeter which we use to measure the

1. voltage.

2. It is through this interface that the substation

2. operator must control and monitor the entire substation.

3. It was not until I came in that he began to repair

3. the old generator.

4. It was not until the 19th century that heat was

4. considered as a form of energy. 第4章总复习题

1. The rise in temperature could not have happened

of itself.

2. Be the shape of a body complicated, it is possible

6. to find out its volume.

3. The more energy we desire to send, the higher we

7. make the voltage.

4. The most typical humanlike characteristic of a

robot is its arm.

1. 5. In our studies of the implications for the First Law,


It can be concluded that temperatures on the

surface of Venus is too hot for life as known on earth.

It had been calculated that actual error probability

for the value was of the order of 0.5 percent.


物是不能适应的。 据计算,这个数值的实际误差概率约为0.5%。




热效应使产生光成为可能。 我们发现能用整流器将交流电变成直流电。


确的。 我们用来测量电压的就是伏特计。 变电站运行人员正是通过这个界面控制和监视

整个变电站的。 直到我进来,他才开始修理那台老式发电机。


we were able to see the importance of the distinction between state and path functions.

The first job of an electron tube is to get the

electrons apart from their nuclei.

That type of turbine usually rotates at a very low


