


(1) Thermoplastic materials. In a thermoplastic material the long chain-like molecules are held together by relatively weak Van der Waals forces. A useful image of the structure is a mass of randomly distributed long strands of sticky wool. When the material is heated the intermolecular forces are weakened so that is becomes soft and flexible and eventually, at high temperatures, it is a viscous melt. When the material is allowed to cool it solidifies again. This cycle of softening by heat and solidifying when cooled can be repeated more or less indefinitely and is a definite advantage in that it is the basis of most processing methods for these materials. It does have its drawbacks, however, because it means that the properties of thermoplastics are heat sensitive. A useful analogy which is often used to describe these materials is that like candle wax they can be repeatedly softened by heat and will solidify when cooled.

(1) 热塑性材料。在热塑性材料中象长链一样的分子间力是相对较弱的范德华力。对于结构一个有效的比喻是一大团自由分布的粘性纤维长线。当材料被加热时,内部的分子作用力变弱,以致变得柔软和柔韧,最终在高温下,成为粘性熔融体。当材料被冷却时再次固化。加热软化、冷却固化大体上能反复多次地循环,对于材料这是一个明显的优点,也是许多加工方法的基础。然而,热塑性材料的确有其缺点,因为这意味着热塑性塑料的特性是热敏的。常常用于描述这些材料的有效比拟是象烛蜡加热能够反复软化而当冷却时又将固化。

Examples of thermoplastics are polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, nylon, cellulose acetate, acetal, polycarbonate, polymethyl methacrylate and polypropylene.





(2) Thermosetting materials. A thermosetting material is produced by a chemical reaction which has two stages. The first stage results in the formation of long chain-like molecules similar to those present in thermoplastics, but still capable of further reaction. The second stage of the reaction takes place during moulding, usually under the application of heat and pressure. The resultant moulding will be rigid when cooled but a close network structure has been set up within the material. During the second stage the long molecular chains have been interlinked by strong bonds so that the material cannot be softened again by the application of heat. If excess heat is applied to these materials they will char and degrade. This type of behaviour is analogous to boiling an egg. Once the egg has cooled and is hard, it cannot be softened again by the application of heat.

(2) 热固性材料。热固性材料是通过两步化学反应生产而来的。第一步形成类似于存在于热塑性塑料中象长链一样的分子形式,但还能够进一步反应。第二步反应在模塑时发生,通常在加热加压条件下进行。当冷却时最终的模塑将是刚硬的,但在材料中建立了封闭的网状结构。在第二步反应中长分子链通过强键相互连接,所以材料加热不再软化。如果将这些材料超高温加热将炭化并分解。这种行为类似于煮熟的鸡蛋。一旦鸡蛋冷却则变硬,加热不能再次软化。

Since the cross-linking of the molecules is by strong chemical bonds thermosetting materials are characteristically quite rigid materials and their mechanical properties are not heat sensitive. Examples of thermosets are phenol formaldehyed, melamine formaldehyde, urea formaldehyde, epoxies and some polyesters.





