
高分子专业英语选讲课文翻译资料 A 高分子化学和高分子物理 UNIT 1 What are Polymer? 第一单元 什么是高聚物?

What are polymers? For one thing, they are complex and giant molecules and are different from low molecular weight compounds like, say, common salt. To contrast the difference, the molecular weight of common salt is only 58.5, while that of a polymer can be as high as several hundred thousand, even more than thousand thousands. These big molecules or ‘macro-molecules’ are made up of much smaller molecules, can be of one or more chemical compounds. To illustrate, imagine that a set of rings has the same size and is made of the same material. When these things are interlinked, the chain formed can be considered as representing a polymer from molecules of the same compound. Alternatively, individual rings could be of different sizes and materials, and interlinked to represent a polymer from molecules of different compounds.


This interlinking of many units has given the polymer its name, poly meaning ‘many’ and mer meaning ‘part’ (in Greek). As an example, a gaseous compound called butadiene, with a molecular



weight of 54, combines nearly 4000 times and gives a polymer known as polybutadiene (a synthetic rubber) with about 200 000molecular weight. The low molecular weight compounds from which the polymers form are known as monomers. The picture is simply as follows:


butadiene + butadiene + ??? + butadiene--→polybutadiene

(4 000 time)

丁二烯 +丁二烯+…+丁二烯——→聚丁二烯


One can thus see how a substance (monomer) with as small a molecule weight as 54 grow to become a giant molecule (polymer) of (54×4 000≈)200 000 molecular weight. It is essentially the ‘giantness’ of the size of the polymer molecule that makes its behavior different from that of a commonly known chemical compound such as benzene. Solid benzene, for instance, melts to become liquid benzene at 5.5℃ and , on further heating, boils into gaseous benzene. As against this well-defined behavior of a simple chemical compound, a polymer like polyethylene does not melt sharply at one particular temperature into clean liquid. Instead, it becomes increasingly softer and,



ultimately, turns into a very viscous, tacky molten mass. Further heating of this hot, viscous, molten polymer does convert it into various gases but it is no longer polyethylene. (Fig. 1.1) .


固态苯——→液态苯——→气态苯 加热,5.5℃ 加热,80℃


加热 加热

图1.1 低分子量化合物(苯)和聚合物(聚乙烯)受热后的不同行为

Another striking difference with respect to the behavior of a polymer and that of a low molecular weight compound concerns the dissolution process. Let us take, for example, sodium chloride and add it slowly to s fixed quantity of water. The salt, which represents a low molecular weight compound, dissolves in water up to s point (called saturation point) but, thereafter, any further quantity added does not go into solution but settles at the bottom and just remains there as solid. The viscosity of the saturated salt solution is not very much different from that of water. But if we take a polymer instead,



say, polyvinyl alcohol, and add it to a fixed quantity of water, the polymer does not go into solution immediately. The globules of polyvinyl alcohol first absorb water, swell and get distorted in shape and after a long time go into solution. Also, we can add a very large quantity of the polymer to the same quantity of water without the saturation point ever being reached. As more and more quantity of polymer is added to water, the time taken for the dissolution of the polymer obviously increases and the mix ultimately assumes a soft, dough-like consistency. Another peculiarity is that, in water, polyvinyl alcohol never retains its original powdery nature as the excess sodium chloride does in a saturated salt solution. In conclusion, we can say that (1) the long time taken by polyvinyl alcohol for dissolution, (2) the absence of a saturation point, and (3) the increase in the viscosity are all characteristics of a typical polymer being dissolved in a solvent and these characteristics are attributed mainly to the large molecular size of the polymer. The behavior of a low molecular weight compound and that of a polymer on dissolution are illustrated in Fig.1.2.


