
What voluntary work could you do? I could start a Chinese History Club.

What voluntary work could Tom do? He could coach a soccer team for kids. [96]

萨莉想成为一名专业歌手,她现在作为一名志愿者在当地一家医院唱歌。What does Sally want to be?

She wants to be a professional singer.

What does she do now?

She sings as a volunteer at a local hospital. [97]

电拖鞋是1885年发明的,它们能使人在黑暗中看得清楚。 When were electric slippers invented? They were invented in 1885.

What were they used for?

They were used for seeing in the dark. [98]

你认为最有帮助的发明是电灯泡,它给人们更多的时间来工作和玩耍。 What do you think is the most helpful invention? I think the most helpful invention is the light bulb.


Why do you think so?

It gives people more time to work and play. [99]

篮球是加拿大一名医生发明的,1936年篮球成为奥运项目。 Who was basketball invented by? It was invented by a Canadian doctor.

When did basketball become an Olympic event? In 1936. [100]

你起床时,你哥哥已经在淋浴了;到学校时,你意识到自己把书包落在家了。What had happened by the time you got up? My brother had already been in the shower.

What happened when you got to school? I realized I had left my schoolbag at home. [101]

你迟到了,是因为公共汽车出故障了;你的老师问了你原因后原谅了你。 Why were you late? The bus broke down.

What did your teacher do?

The teacher asked the reason and forgave me.



愚人节那天,一个朋友邀请戴夫出席化装舞会;到那以后,他发现自己是唯一穿着化妆服的人。 What happened to Dave on April Fool's Day? A friend invited him to a costume party.

What did he find when he got there? He was the only person wearing a costume. [103]

沿河路上有一家书店,中央街上有一家邮局。 Do you know where I can buy some books? Yes. There's a bookstore on River Road.

And where can I buy some stamps? There's a post office on Center Street. [104]

你和朋友们通常去商场闲逛,那里总是会有趣事发生。 Where do you usually hang out with your friends? We usually go to the mall.

Why do you go there?

There's always something interesting happening. [105]

在水城,孩子们可以玩世界最大的滑水梯,家长们可以在沙滩上上舞蹈课。What can kids do in Watertown?


They can visit the world's largest water slides.

What can parents do?

They can take dance lessons on the beach. [106]


What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? They are supposed to bow.

What are people in America supposed to do? They are supposed to shake hands. [107]

你应该七点赶到保罗的聚会,但你是八点到的。 When were you supposed to arrive at Paul's party? I was supposed to arrive at seven o'clock.

When did you arrive? I arrived at eight. [108]

在瑞士,守时很重要,如果你迟到,朋友会生气。 What's important in Switzerland? To be on time.

How will your friend feel if you are late for an appointment?


My friend will get angry. [109]

墙上的那些画让你感到悲伤,嘈杂的音乐让你紧张。 How do you feel about the pictures on the walls? They make me feel sad.

What about the loud music? The loud music makes me tense. [110]

如果你最好的朋友送你一本书,你会感到高兴;如果收到钱会让你感到不安。How would you feel if your best friend gave you a book? I would feel happy.

How would you feel if you received money? I would feel uncomfortable.

