

假如你有一百万美元,你会把它捐给慈善事业,彼得会把钱存进银行。 What would you do if you had a million dollars? I would give it to charity.

What would Peter do if he had a million dollars? He'd put it in the bank. [83]

外向的人喜欢交新朋友,有创造力的人喜欢艺术和音乐。 What do outgoing people like to do? Outgoing people like to make new friends.

What kind of people like art and music? Creative people like art and music. [84]

如果有人请你参演电影,你会同意。如果你想和新同学交朋友,你会作自我介绍。What would you do if you were asked to be in a movie? I'd say \

What would you do if you wanted to be friends with a new classmate? I'd introduce myself. [85]



Whose volleyball is this? It's Carla's.

Who does that book belong to? It belongs to Mary. [86]

这个足球可能是约翰的,因为他踢足球。 Whose is this soccer ball? It might be John's.

Why do you think so? Because he plays soccer. [87]

琳达很着急,因为她的双肩包不见了;双肩包可能在交响乐大厅里。Why is Linda anxious? Her backpack is missing.

Where's it?

It might be in the symphony hall. [88]

你喜爱歌词写得好的音乐,而托尼喜欢可以跟着一起唱的音乐。 What kind of music do you love? I love music that has great lyrics.


What kind of music does Tony like?

He likes music that he can sing along with. [89]

你喜欢自己写歌词的音乐家,偏爱演奏轻音乐的乐队组合。 What kind of musicians do you like?

I like musicians who write their own lyrics.

What kind of groups do you prefer? I prefer groups that play soft music. [90]

劳拉主要吃蔬菜和水果,因为她想保持健康。 What does Laura mainly eat?

She mainly eats vegetables and fruits.

What's the reason?

Because she wants to stay healthy. [91]

你想徒步穿越热带丛林,因为你喜欢刺激的假期。 Where would you like to go on vacation? I'd like to trek through the jungle. Why?

I like exciting vacations.



你们不想去夏威夷和墨西哥,因为夏威夷游人太多,而墨西哥的语言你们不懂。 Why don't you want to go to Hawaii? Because Hawaii is too touristy.

Why don't you want to go to Mexico? Because we don't know the language there. [93]

你们家想去中国东部旅游,你们想外出三个星期。 Where do your family want to take a trip? We want to take a trip in eastern China.

How long would you like to be away? We'd like to be away for three weeks. [94]


What could you do to help homeless people? I could give out food at the food bank.

What could you do to cheer up sick kids? I could visit them in the hospital. [95]


