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外国语学院 英语教育

目 录

中文摘要 关键词 .......................................i 英文摘要 关键词 ......................................ii 一、 绪论···············································1 二、 作家及作品介绍······································1

(一)作家简介···················································2 (二)作品概述···················································3

三、 《德伯家的苔丝》造成苔丝悲剧的原因·····················4

(一)客观社会的原因········································4 1.社会环境因素····················································5 2.传统道德因素····················································5 3.虚伪的宗教······················································6 4.家庭原因························································8 (二)性格原因·········································9 1.亚雷和安吉尔的性格···············································9 2.苔丝的性格·················································10

四、 结论 ················································11 参考文献


张梦盈 外国语学院 英语 教育 河南 新乡 453600

摘 要: 托马斯.哈代的小说《德伯家的苔丝》是一部英国上同时也是世界上经典的小说。该小说主要讲述了一个美丽纯真的少女失身后悲惨的命运。文章通过对小说中社会环境的描写,再从人物性格和当时的宗教原因着手,由此揭露出苔丝悲惨的命运是那个社会所造成的,是一个时代思想,传统,秩序的局限所造成的结果。除此之外,这与她自身性格的弱点也是分不开的,因为她对命运有着反抗的一面也有妥协的一面。这篇论文讲的就是造成苔丝悲剧的原因。



Causes of tragedy of Tess in Tess the D’Urbervilles

Zhang mengying English Education Faculty of Foreign Languages Xinxiang Henan


Abstract: Thomas Hardy’s novel, Tess of the D’ Urbervilles is a great classic work in England as well as in the world. This novel describes a tragic life about one beautiful and pure girl after disgrace. The article describes the society environment, then begins to analysis of characters’ personality and religion factors open out at that time. Tess’s tragic life is caused by that society and it’s the result of that time. Tess’s tragic life is caused by that society environment and it’s the result of that time. Except this, it can’t be separated from her own weakness in character, because she obviously has the dual nature of the society character---resistance and compromise.

Key words : tragedy; Social environment causes; Character; Moral.

