

C1 T1 P1 Q1 / C4 T2 P1 Q12


assure [?'???(r)]★

I assure you I'll be there. 我向你保证我一定到那儿去。 ensure [?n'???(r)]★

ensure funding for priority areas确保优先地区的贷款 guarantee [?ɡ?r?n'ti:]★

unity is the guarantee of victory团结是胜利的保证 convince [k?n'v?ns]

It's hopeless trying to convince her.想说服她简直是徒劳。

C4 T2 P1 Q11 判断题

【题目】A large number of native speakers fails to guarantee the survival of a language. 使用者的数量也未必确保一门语言的幸存

【原文】Navajo is considered endangered despite having 150,000 speakers.What makes a language endangered is not just the number of speakers,but how old they are. 尽管仍有15万人使用纳瓦霍语,但这种语言还是濒危。使一种语言濒危 标准不单是其使用者人数,而是使用者年龄 【答案】YES


C4 T4 P3 Q35 / C6 T1 P1 Q19 边界

frontier ['fr?nt??; fr?n't??]★

frontier technology 前沿科技 frontier education 边疆教育 boundary ['ba?nd(?)r?]★

boundary blend边界混合 boundary layer边界层 border ['b?:d?(r)]★

border dispute边境争端 border the Mediterranean与地中海接壤

C7 T3 P3 Q32 判断题

【题目】Forest policy should be limited by national boundaries. 森林政策应该被国家界限限制

【原文】This means that a forest policy is vital,that it must transcend national frontiers. 森林政策至关重要,它必须超越国家的界限 【答案】FALSE

C9 T4 P4 Q39 判断题

【题目】The boundaries of Leyden have changed little since the seventeenth century. 自17世纪以来,莱顿城的面积几乎没有改变

【原文】In a town like Leyden in Holland,which in the seventeenth century was occupied by approximately the same number of inhabitants as today,people lived within the walled town,an area more than five times smaller than modern Leyden.

像荷兰的莱顿这样的小镇,17世纪的居民数量和现在大致相同。人们居住在城墙 内,该区域的面积比现在的莱顿小5倍 【答案】FALSE


harmful [?hɑ:mf?l]★

harmful radiation有害辐射 harmful chemicals有害化学品 detrimental [?detr??mentl]★

detrimental corrosion 有害的腐蚀 detrimental mutation 有害突变 negative ['neg?t?v]★

negative effect 负面影响 negative factor 消极因素 bad [b?d]

bad debt坏账 bad apple坏蛋

C3 T1 P2 Q22 配对题 【题目】Passive smoking 被动吸烟

【答案】E is more harmful to non-smokers than to smokers. 对非吸烟者伤害比吸烟者更大

【原文】The effects of passive smoking are far greater on non-smokers than on smokers. 被动吸烟对烟民产生的影响远远大于对烟民的影响

机经真题magnetic therapy 配对题

【题目】According to the WHO,under the physician?s instruction,a small amount of magnetic energy

根据WHO,在医生指导下,少量的磁疗 【答案】A has no negative side effect 没有消极影响

【原文】The World Health Organization says low level of magnetic energy is not harmful. 世界卫生组织说低水平的磁疗没有害处 消除

eliminate [?'l?m?ne?t]★

eliminate illiteracy扫除文盲 eliminate political opponent清除政治对手 eradicate [?'r?d?ke?t]★

eradicate crimes消除犯罪 eradicate corruption消除腐败 stripped [st'r?pt]

strip of 剥夺 stripped security 剥离证券 smooth away [smu:e ??wei]

smooth away difficulty排除困难 smooth away these folds消除这些折痕

clear [kl??]

clear up 清理 clear the tunnel清扫隧道 get rid of

Get rid of the distractions around you. 除去周围分散你注意力的事物。

C1 T1 P3 Q37 配对题

【题目】Buildings become simple and functional 建筑变得简单和功能性 【答案】F All decoration is removed 所有装饰被移除

【原文】These were stripped of unnecessary decoration that would detract from their primary purpose—to be used or lived in.


C3 T2 P3 Q35 判断题

【题目】Job descriptions eliminate role ambiguity for managers. 职务说明对经理来说消除了角色的模糊性

【原文】The virtue of job description is that they lessen this role ambiguity.Unfortunately,job description are seldom complete role definitions,except at the lower end of the scale.

职务说明的好处是可以减少角色模糊性,可惜的是,职务说明极少能成为完整的角 色定义,除了最低级别的以外 【答案】NO


remove [r??mu:v]★

remove parameters移除参数 remove wrong perception 消除错误概念 extract ['ekstr?kt]★

extract a tooth拔牙 extract from 从…提取

C1 T2 P2 Q18 图表题

【题目】Centrifugal force extracts the honey from the 18. 离心力从蜂巢中抽取蜂蜜

【原文】centrifugal force throws the honey out of the combs. 离心力的作用把蜜蜂甩出蜂巢 【答案】combs

C7 T2 P2 Q14 段落信息包含题

【题目】a cost involved in purifying domestic water 一个涉及净化国内用水的花费 【原文】£23m for the removal of the bug cryptosporidium from drinking water by water companies.

两千三百万英镑用于自来水公司清除饮用水中所含的隐孢子虫病菌 【答案】E段

C8 T3 P1 Q7 填空题

【题目】A laser is used to create a line of ionization by removing electrons from 7. 在该方法中,激光被用来创造在线的电离去从电荷中移除原子 【原文】The idea began some 20 years ago, when high-powered lasers were revealing their ability to extract electrons out of atoms and create ions.

激光器显示了从原子中提取电荷并生成离子的能力 【答案】B. atoms


contribute to [k?n'tr?bjut]★

Various factors contributed to his downfall. 多种因素的作用导致了他的倒台。 trigger ['tr?g?]★

trigger a large-scale consumption campaign 引发一场大规模消费高潮。 result in [ri?z?lt in]★

The flood resulted in a considerable reduction in production. 这次水灾导致了相当大的减产。 lead to [li:d tu:]★

The suppression of tribal and religious identity can lead to violence 对部族和宗教认同的镇压可能导致暴力 bring about [bri? ??baut]

To that extent they helped bring about their own destruction. 他们正是如此推波助澜,导致了自己的毁灭。 cause [k??z]

Accidents are still the number one cause of premature death for Americans. 交通事故仍然是造成美国人过早死亡的头号因素。 induce [?n'dju?s]

illness induced by overwork 工作过度引起的疾病

generate ['d?en?re?t]

His kind smile soon generated friendliness. 他友善的微笑很快造成了友好的气氛 incur [?n'k??] incur somebody's displeasure 引起某人的不快

C3 T1 P2 Q18 判断题

【题目】Thirty per cent of deaths in the United States are caused by smoking-related diseases. 在美国30%的死亡是由吸烟相关的疾病所造成

【原文】Smoking,it is believed,is responsible for 30 per cent of all deaths from cancer. 据析,吸烟应对癌症死亡总数的30%负责 【答案】NO

C5 T4 P1 Q7 判断题

【题目】The spread of tourism in certain hill-regions has resulted in a fall in the amount of food produced locally.


【原文】In some hill-regions,this has led to a serious decline in farm output and a change in the local diet.

在一些丘陵地区,这种变化导致了粮食产量的严重下降和当地饮食的改变 【答案】YES

C8 T4 P2 Q14 单选题

【题目】The use of pesticides has contributed to 杀虫剂的使用导致了

【答案】B an imbalance in many ecologies around the world. 世界上许多地方的生态失衡 【原文】 pesticides have contributed to the emergence of a new breed of chemical-resistant,highly lethal superbugs.


技巧点拨:contribute to在雅思阅读中翻译成导致即可,不带有任何感情色彩,否则可能 会选带有积极意义的选项

机经真题Silent Earthquake 填空题 【题目】it might bring about 11. 它可能带来巨大的海啸 【原文】triggered immense tsunamis. 导致巨大海啸 【答案】immense tsunamis.

考点再现C2 T1 P3 Q40 / C8 T2 P2 Q24 / C8 T1 P2 Q20


instrumental [??nstru?mentl]★

He was instrumental in catching the criminal. 在捉拿那个罪犯的过程中,他起了作用. useful [?ju:sfl]

Someone came out with a most useful suggestion. 有人提出了一个非常有益的建议。
